03-12-45 Regular
)larch 12th, 1945
The 80uncll met in regular session at 8 P.lI. with all
members of the City Councll and the City Attorney present.
)layor Thayer asked if anyone in the audience wished the
minutes of the preceeding meeting read. No one did, so minutes
of regular meeting held February 26th. Were approved as written.
A communication from Mrs. E. C. Hall, Pr!ls. of th!l Gard!ln
Club was n!lxt presented. Th!l Councll discussed the advisabllity
of furnishing a man to maintain planting which is proposed for
the F .E.C. Railroad grounds, and were of the opinion that the
city should not maintain beautifications on any property otJ;rr
than City owned property. The Clerk was instructed to reply that
the City is willing to do as they first agreed to - furnish water
A letter from A. M. Bond advising several improvements to,.
the city was read, and discussed, The Clerk was instructed to
.advise Mr. Bond the Parks COIlllllUtee would meet with the Recreation'
Club to dbcullS one ,of his suggestions. Supt. of Public Works
wll1 check on sludge truck, and the Councll will take into condd"-
erlltion any study his other suggestions.
Resignation of Frank Stanley ail a meooer of the 'Police
Department, effeot1vellarch 15th, 1945 was read, By motion regular-
ly made, seconded and carried, 1Ir. Stanley's resignation was
accepted with regret.
A letter from Wm. B. P!lckham regarding loss of Laundry at
City Dry Cleaners was next read. 1Ir. Peckham advised the Cleaners
abS.la41ely refused to settle his claim with him. The Clerk was
instructed to send copy of Peckham's letter to the City'Cleaners,
and also to a dvise them we have had numerous complaints about their
refusal to settle claims, and these complaints might effect their
being issued an occupational license to operate in the City when
next license period arriv!ls.
Quit Claim deed from O.D. & Th!llma A. Priest for lot "An
Block 2, Belair Heights was examined by the City Attorney and
found to be in order. Said deed to be. sent to the County Gourt-
house ~or recording.
1- ,~
March 12th, 1945
A petition for extension of S.W. 2nd. Street was presented,
and the Clerk was ordered to check the tax status of this property,
turning all information over to the Streets Committee for their study
and recommendation.
City Attorney Nowlin agreed to write a letter to Gulfstream
regarding fire protection for that area.
Attorney C. Y. Byrd brought before the Councll a Plat of
"5eagate" which the County Commiss1one):"s had approved. Mter ex-
amining said Plat, Councillllan Jacobs moved that it be approved.
Councilman DeWitt seconded the motion which carried unanimously
on roll call.
Attorney Byrd requested that the Clerk be instructed to
search through the old minutes to find what sort of agreement was
drafted when C.A.B. Zo,ok turned over bond to the City. Councll
80 instructed the Clerk.
Councilman Jacobs reported Assessor Ogren wll1 draft plans
for cOllllf'ort station sometime after Aprll 1st. He also reported
work has ,not as yet begun on tollet room in garage, but that he
wlll contact plumber regarding same.
The Mayer, ~perted new benches have been placed a;round town,
and work on grandstand has belln done. He also reported $2,850.
h8.d, been collected on coin operated machine licenses.
Councilman Jacobs moved that City Physician K. ll. Davis be
granted his occllpational licens~ free, and if he has paid for this
fiscal year, that reimbursement be made him.
The Clerk was instrllcted to reply 'to bond holders offering
theJDl 90. for City of Delray Beach, refunding bonds.
Reports of Police Dept. and Fire Dept. for month of Feb
were read by the. )layer.
The Clerk was instrllcted to issue occllpationa1 license to
Webb Bros. Realtors.
Attorney Nowlin presented each meooer of: the Councll with
COPT of new pI'oposed charter change s for their study.
The Clerk was instructed to advise Enoch Powell the City
\ {
March 12th, 1945
does not ~.h to grant him rranchise on bus line, but that he
may secure a license to operate a bus. Granting a rranchise
would involve a great deal of expense as it would be necessary
to hold an election to get the publics approval on same.
Fire Chief Croft advised he would have to wait untll 1Ir.
Ogren had time to get data together for changes in buUding
before he could submit figure to Councll. Police Chief Crof.t
stated his work would run between $100. and $150. No action
was taken at this U-.
The Mayor advised he would like to be out of town during
the JJIOnth of May and requested a leave of absence.
Fire Chief Croft was instructed not to take the Fire
Equipment out of town to fires, unless taken to district with
which the City has an agreement to answer calls, or unless fire
would endanger property in the City.
Bills II 2200 thru 2242 amounting to $4,961 34. wore by
motion regularly made, seconded, an:! carried, ordered paid.
At the Mayor'li request meeting of March 26th was post-
poned untll Tuesday evening, March 27th. Official notices to
be sent to the melllbe.'I:",of~e Councll.
There being no further business to c orne before the CouncU,
Council adjourned.
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