03-27-45 Regular ~~t! ?4 . OOUNCIL CHAMBER Maroh 27th, 1945 '!'he QOtlnoU met in regular sessil'n at a PM. with the followitag lIlembers present: Mr. DeWitt, M!,.~ iTaQobs, Mr. Thayer, Mr. Waters and attorney Nowlin. Mr. White arrived later. Min~tes of regular me~ting held Maroh 12th, were read by the (~lerk, correoted, and approved as correctEld.~' Minutes ofSpeoial meeting held Maroh 19th, were rea~~ and approved as read. . lid ,'1i'fooJiJ';,..-, Dr. ~. pavis, Ohairman of the Board of Direotors of the ReQreation Club addressed the Counoil urging them to inolude in the next year's budget enough funds to build four new shuffleboard oourts at the park. He .stated he had a tentative bid of .1.~O. for the work. Other members of the Olub verified the need of addition- al courts. , A,'oommunication from the Golf Committee stating they did not feel this was'a good time to lease the golf course, due to Gulf Stream planning to, open next season as a private clUb, was read. :t'\lalso urged repairs to the bridges at the City Golf Co.wrse. ~he CounoU discussed the bridge work, and Supt. Turner advised he had placed an order with a lumber yard for materials to make the necessary repaira.. Mr. ehas. Se.l;J.~or who was in the audience stated hethollght he could let IlIr. 'J.'urner have some used light poles which would be fine for bracing the bridges. '. , A o9mmunioation from Oha8 Senior, Distriot,llIgr. of Fla. Power and Light Company. was read in whioh he stated they proposed the substitution of rate sohedules on the golt oourse irrigation pumping plant inasmuoh as the oourse has been olosed sino& Aug~st15th, 1942. Th1s 0 hange woul d g1 ve the oi t y a ore d1 t ,~Cj the lIJJIOunt of $335.65. Councilman DeWitt moved that-this credit be aocepted and that the C1.erk write Jb'o S.n~9r.requeat':' ing a oheok to OOTer same. Mr. Water8seoond~dthe motion whieh oarried una~imously on roll call. Oounoilman DeWitt reported he had talked with' , IlIr. G1~lespie of the engineering firm last week, who ~ . .-. . \ j f I I , ! ( I ~ " .~ I I I I l'. . --,-''''',,''' - .,.....,.,'"=~."~~".,-.:'~.~.,,.,~.,....,..,.. 2125 Karoh 27th,1945 ~ advised him the tina~~eport on water p~ant improve~ ment, and sewage survey would be ready in about two weeks. , \ i I I J IlIr. Ohas Senior advised the Counoil that the street light for Fisher Lane would be installed as soon as his ot"fice 're.oel1red the approval of the War Produotion Board. He also stated the engineering firm of Smith & Gi1~espie had asked him if his oompany would object to additional storage spaoe being added to the water storage tank on raUroad avenue, and he assured the Counoil his oompany would have no objeot- ion to this,andhe had thus advised Mr. Gillespie. By motion regular~y.made, seconded and unanimous~ ly oarried, the City Attorney was instruoted to draft a Resolution regardtngth\'; death of Mrs. E. B.FootE!. Counoilman ~aoobs requested that road be Cold patohed where storm sewer was installed near the George property. Oounoilman'White stated his committee had met to review petitioneto. tor paving requested oJiS.W. , 2nd. Street andS,.W.6th Ave. They found the tax s'tatus of this proper3tt in good.order, anli. found that 52i% of property owJiershad signed petition for' the two bl,ook area, and 50% for the one b1.ilrokarea.' Afte'l' d is cuss ingthelllstt'er,'the Clerk was instruotedto oheok intoth:eeost of the last paving job, add 10% to this, at'torneys'tees,eto.,then figure'cost per toot andadvtse'the':tl1t-erestedproperty owners what the approximate oosv''WolIld beta 'them' to have this work donE!. She was also instruoted to write .1'. O.D. Priest to see' 11"he would like to sign the petition, The Mayor' advised lIe ,with ot'her' membe'rs' of 'his eomm1 t te e ,hadmet at the . shuffleboard' courts to discuss with the'Board'of'Pireetors of the Reoreation Club the need for' new eottrts, and . he feltaddi tional oourts were need-ed. Oounoilman White 1Il0ved that.the Clerk advise the Re'oreation Club, that barring ttnfor" seen happenings, additional courts' will be builtin time for next winter season's play. Mr. DeWitt seoond- ed the motionwhioh oarried unanimously on roll call. , ....,.."...,.,'''''-''''''~,,,..,,.,'_.,,'''','<-_.,, ~- , ) , I , I J 2,126 Maroh 27th, 1945 . Mayor Thayer stated he thought he would soon have something to rEjPG'rt regarding a lifeguard for the beaoh as he was'nv<!i;Jl:~ng On this matter through Sooa Raton Field. a:~~-81so advised he had been oon- taoted by the new "Airpark" people who thought the;f would begin their work in the near future, as soon as oertain title olear~ges from the Lake Worth Drain- age Distriot are made. Attorney Nowling advised he is making progress on the foreolosure. Also that by next meeting night he.will have the Charter ohanges ~e,ady on the inoor- poration of the thr€e traots of land into the City. , Bills # 2243 through 2272 amounting to '..341.09 having been approved by the Finanoe Committee, were regularly ordered paid. Counoilman White requested that the Clerk write the F.E.C Railway people asking what steps have been taken regarding repairs to their road on the west side of the tracks ,north. The Mayor advised, the General Supt of the l1ail- road will be in DelrayFriday atternoon about 3:~0 and wishes to meet with members of the Counoil to go . over the matter of railroad gates at the Atlantic Avenue crOSSing. Attorney Nowlin turned over to the Clerk deed frOm Lake Worth Drainage Pistriot for golt course lancl whieh he stated wasdescribed'Gorreotly, and properly exeouted,)and wh}oh he reeo"ended be reoord- ed. By motion regularly made, seconded and oarried the Clerk was instruotedto have deed reoorded. :J [ ~" I Attorney Nowlin stated he oould have the other oharter changes ready by next. meeting night if the Counoilso desired. Counoilman Jaoobs stated he strenuoUsly objeoted to the change about the eleoti~h ot Counoilmen, alSo about. electing a judge for two years. He objeoted as a former judge, and as a member of the Counoil, and stated the present judge did not approve of a two ~ear term. Mr. Jaoobs stated he was not in favor of the llIa~or being at the head of the Fire and Police Department, that he thought employees gave better servioe if they had to answer to the whole ~. 2.127 Maroh 37th, 1945 oouncil ra~her than to one man. The Mayor suggested a Polioe Committee of the Council be appointed for the present time. No action was taken on this. There being no further business to come before the Counoil, Council adjourned. Attest: ~, , " '.- " ~(hll~.~'AA'O ~ ~ city oler. ' I~ i ! ;.: ,\