04-12-45 Special COUNCn. CHAMBER' April 12th,1945 ,. The Council met in Special Session on call of the Mayor at 6:45 P.M. for the' purpose of passing an emergency ordinance ordering the closing of bars and package stores for the balance of this day, April 12, 1945, due to the death ot the Prefjident of the United states, and requesting that. all bars and package stores closedurlng the hours of the funeral services for the President. All members of the City Council and the City Attorney were present. By motion regularly made, seconded and unan.,. lmously carried the following ordinance was adopted on its first and final reading':.. QRDINANCE' II 529 AN :EMERGENCY ORDINANCE OF, THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, ORDERING THE CLOSING OF ALL ESTABLISHMENTS SELLING LIQ,UOR OR OTHER BEV". ,E~4Gl!lSCQNTkltNntG MORE THAN 14% ALCOHOL BY ' ' '.'1~Jr~"\~Qsm~ SAID ESTABL,' ISHME,NT8 . , DrtW'l:'1fEBALANO! OF TEE DAY OF APRII.c 12, l~4I,AND gEQ,UES'1'~l) SUCHjESTAB;r.ISHMENTS ,TO CLOSE DUR;rNG THE. HOURS OF THE FUNERAL SERVICES OF TEE PRESIDENT OF TEE, UNITED STATES. There being no further business to come be tore the Council, Council adjourned. , Attest: ~,.:."~~,,,,\- . ity Clerk. ' , ,'Z-132 ,<~