04-23-45 Regular 2.J35 COUKOn. CHAMBER April 23rd, 1945 The Co~cilmet in regular session at a P... with all metnbers of the City Council and the Oi tr Attorney present. The .ayor asked if any~ in the audience wished the minutes of the last regular meeting held April 9th read. Bo one diG. After several corrections in" the minutes were made, the minutes were approved as 'corrected. A communication from ~o~ B. White expressing his appreciation for the favorable ae~lon on his application" for occupational license was 'read and same ordered filed. A letter,". read from]i'. L. Gaddis, Supt. of norih last Coast :aail~t;,.Co. 'IIith reference to trespasse.rs us ing the Railway's priVate driveway on the West IUde of trac". Letter was ordered filed. A letter was read and ordered filed from Wm. H. Peckham regarding c01llll1unications between himself and the City,pry Cleaners and Laundry Co. A letter fromWm. ClancY was read rega,~ing City .Bends, Series "A" ;ruly 1st, 193$ issue, and referred to the Finance Committee. An application for occupational license tor a day nursery was read from )(rs. Herbert C. Link, requesting the City to grant )(rs. )(ercer and she a free license to operate for one year or until such time within a year. Atter discussion, a motion was m~de by Councilman 1acobs, seconded by Councilman White that Mrs. ~&nk and J(rs. Ilercer be granted the priviledge to operate said nursery ~til October 1st. Letters trom the F.E.C. Railway Co. regarding con- ditions around station and the crOSSing protection at Delray Beach, were presented by the .yor and requested the members of the Council to study letters for discussion at a later date. " A communication was read, trom the DelrayBeac,h Recreation Club,regatt4iDg thebuildiDg of: new shuffleboaTd courts. ThiseommunioatiDn was tabled for the present for further stUdy. A letter was read from Ill'. Robert G. Bost~ick w1th <Ii ~ April 23rd, 1945 regard to having City Policy 123'1108 renewed. Folicy covers bOdily injury and personal property damage liability protection of the City's seventeen vehioles.Councilman ~acobs move.d that the renewal of the City polioy be granted to Ilr. Bostwiok's agency. Ilr. White seconded th~ motion which carried unanimously on roll call. The resignation ofllr. E.W. Cooper effective Ilay 1st, 1945 was presented. Coumoilman waters moved that the City acoept the reSignation. CounoilmanWhlte seoonded the motion which carried unanimously on roll call. , Commissioner Byrd came before tlie Council with a petition for a road and second bridge across the canal, also he brought before the Counoil's attention themattel' of the depth at the canal being extended four feet. He l1rged the Conncil to give these matters serious thought. After mUch discussion the" Counoil deoidedto hold a meeting for the purpose of considering petition and. advising the pUblic ot same so that they might express themselves withregal'dtoproposed road and bridge. Councilman ~acobs reported that the garbage dump which Ilr. Ha~el has the contract for, is being dug and will be completed this week. Councilman Jacobs also reported that the sanUary condition at the Firesto.. 4tation aId restaurant had been inspeoted by Ilfr. '1'urnerand Ill'. Pinckney and both men felt that the oondition that exists could be corrected by putting in a ourb and dry well. Mr. J"acoba said he would oontaet the 7irestone station about the condition and see if they will not do something to correct the condition. The lIByor brought the matter of the remodling work to be done on the Fire and Poli ee Chief's offices, before the Council. He re oOlllll.ended that the City employ me n to do the work by the day, inasmuch as the City had advertised in the paper for bids on work and had not received any. 1his recommendation met the approval of the Council. Ilayor Thayer brought before the Council 'a at ten tion the matter of the proposed Beach EqUipment Rental oontract between Mr. George R. Guy and the Oity, as submitted by J(r. Guy April 9th, 1945. The Mayor asked if the members ~re prepared to make a deeision regarding the contrut. It"aa the opinion of the City Atllorney that tne City cannot com:.. merolaUze and giveexcluaive r:lghts to anyone to work beach equipment on the East side of the Boulevard. Counc~n Waters and White reoommended that the oontraot be tabled for / 2.136 , < ;:l.tt~1 April 23rd, 1945 further study. Mr. Guy appeared before the Council and thanked it for its time with regard to the matter and stated that if, when he returns in the Fall, some agreement can be ViOrked out with the City, he will be glad to cooperate, ot~rwise he wo?ld have to operate by license as he had done in previous years. Mayor Thayer recommended that the City Proclamation relative to V.E. Day be revised' to oomply with proolamation as issued by the Governor. This was agreeable to the Counoil. Fire Chief C~oft appeared before the Counoil and , recommended -3hat theCi ty emplOy Vaiden Brittian Blankenship as fireman at base pay of 1165.00 per month, to be trained in the future as maintenance man. Mayor Thayer recommended that the Fire Chief's recommendation be accepted. Councilman Jacobs made a motion that the rire' Chief's recommendation for employing Vaiden Brittian Blankenship as fireman be acoepted. Mr. Waters seconded the motion whioh oarried unanimously on roll call. At this time a bid from Mr. K.L. Sharpe relative to painting water tanks was presented to the Counoil, said bid was referred to the Chairman of Water Committee, for recom- mendation back to the Counoil. .. , A letter from the Delray Civic League regarding several matters in colored town requiring police attention, was read and referred to the Mayor. " Application for a half year liquor lioense from the ~rgaret Ann Stores was referred to the ~ity Attorney for study and recommendation back to the Qounoil. The following charter changes were brought before the Counoil: 1. To set the hours for voting in elections from sunrise to sunset. Upon motion made by Counoilman Waters to set the hours for "fating in elections frOm sunrise to sunset, it was moved, seoonded and on roll call unanimoUSly carried that this pro- posal be adopted. 2. '1'0 ele~t all coumoilmen at large, instead of the present group systea. Upon motion made by CounciDnan DeWitt to elect all Councilmen at large, rather" than the group system, seoo~ed b" (loUnollmaa White, the motion carried that this ohange h., adopted. i/ . ,~.138 jpril 23rd, 1945 , 3. 'to change the term of office of Municipal J"udge from a one year to a two year term. Upon motion made by eouncilman White to accept above charter change, seconded by Counoilman Waters. The roll oall was as follows; )(r. DeWitt yes, Mr. J"acobs no, Mr:o Thayer yes, Mr. Waters yes, Ilr. Whi te yes.' Motion carried. A ~etter from the Town Attorney of Gulfstream was read in whloh it was stated that the Gulfstreamauthorities stated that they were not in a position to pay the annual fee for fire proteotion asked by the Oity Of Delray Beach but would be willing to pay a flat fee of '100~ and allow the charge for the aotual Use of our fire equipment and firemen on a basis similar to that which has been charged in the past. " " Atter discussing the matter, the Qounoil decided that Gulfstream's Offer was unsatisfactory inasmuch as Delray Beaoh did n~t feel justified in furhishing fire proteotion on such a low charge which 4id hot seem to offer a tail' proportion of maintenance, depreciation, and general oVerhead of the City's fire department. " On motion of Councilman Waters, seconded by Gouncilman White, it was unanimously voted to notify the Town of Gultstream and Southeastern Underwriters Association, that fire proteotion for c,ul1'stream would not be furnished in the future unless the original" offer was acoepted. Two petitions were presented for paving streets in colored town, said petitions were referred back to tax office to compile information necessary for future stultr. Bills f231l to 2335 amounting to $3,339.80 were by motion regularly made, seconded and oarried ordered paid. There being no further .Council ad journed. ...., businelfs to ocme before Council, ,., , '1l:rwmJ:: ?~~ ~~ .~~\t.~ . City Clerk At1les t~ dk J1l4~ "",YOI' ". I . " """ :