05-07-45 Special ~'I39 OOUNCIL OlW4BER May 7th, 1945 . The CO$8oil met in Special Session on call ot the Mayor at 8 P.M. tor the purpose ot discusslnga road to a proposed new bridge aoroes the 'oanal, and for any other matters of business that might need the aetion of the Oouncil at . this ti1l1e. Counoilman DeWitt, Jacobs, Waters, White and the eit~ 4ttorney were present. Mayor Thayer was absent. After the oall of the meeting w~s read, the Vice- Mayor explained to the audience that the purpose of the meeting was to hear the public's views pro and 001'1 regarding a possible second road across the canal. Commiss ioner Byrd appeared before the eounc11 at this time and reviewed the matter of the proposed road and bridge. Re stated he was very desirous of seeing Delray Beach have another bridge aoross the canal and he thought Delray should work toward suoh a goal. . Several people in the audien~ expressed themaelves regarding the proposed road and bridge. The majority of the people felt that the most desirous location fora road and bridge aoross the. canal would be the N.:l.'tJ\lh' Street site. A oommunioation was read from Mr. N.J. Clarke, in which he stated he wished to go on r&C!ord as being opposed to a bridge, the outlet of which would be between the Gulfstream Golf Course and Polo field. He felt. that if a road was ,to go this far north it should go a half mile further north and come aoross somewhere near Br~y Breezes. He stated that ot the three proposed locations he would favor the one on the northern edge of Delray Beach which would be through the Farrar extension. Oouncilman Waters reported that Mr. Gene sarazen had contacted him and wished to go on record as protesting the meeting of May 7th, inasmuch as the Delray Beach News stated the meeting would be held on May 14th. After much discussion, Councilman Jacobs moved that the QOQI1cil approve the N.l$. 8th street site for the proposed State and Oounty road. This proposed road is to be a con- tinuation ofN.E,. 8th Street from State Road 114 in an Easterly direction across the East Ooast Canal to State Road #140; , I ~ . ,~ .1 " , ,,411' II 2114:0 May 7th, 1945 '" also authorizing the clerk to give a certified copy of the motion to County Commissioner~Byrd. The motion having been made, it was seconded by Councilman Waters. On roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Delritt yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, 'Mr. Waters yes, Mr. White yes. The motion carried. Mr. 'Furner appeared before the OOl1ncil and asked the Council,~spermission to purchase a portable water pump for the City. He stated that he thought on.eoou1d be purchased at a price between $300. aad $400. Upon motion made by , Councilman Jacobs to allow Mr. turner to purchase a po~tab1e water pum~,:1l'or the City at Ii p,rice between 1300. and $400., seconded by Councilman White, the roll call was as follows: Mr. DeWitt yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Waters yes, Mr. waite yes. The motion carried. There being no further business to come before the ,Counoil at this ti1l1e, Council ~djourned. , i l I , I t """ Attest: . 'fff!td< p~ I it! , City Clerk .' , j ~ '\.:," -J \Co\!.- Mayor ..:,. ~' ~.' ,