05-14-45 Regular 244:[ .. COUNCIL CIWmER :May 14th, 1945 \, The Council met in regular session at e P.:M. with the f'ollowing Counoilmen and City Attorney present: :Mr. DeWit,t, :Mr. ;racobs. :Mr. Waters an~ :Mr. White. The n..-:Mayor asked ~ anyone in the Cludience wiSheil the minutes of' the lastreglllar meeting of' April 23rd, and special meeting of' lIay 7th read. After corrections were pl8de in the minutes of' April 23rd, a motipn was made by Oouncilman Waters to approve thelllinutes as c01'1'ecte4. Counoilmu ;raoobs seconded the motion wbicb' carried unanimously on roll oall. '!'he Vioe",Jlayor aSked if there we.,e anyone in the audience Who wished to address the Council. , , I ! ! I i I I I I lIr. ~. B.Bvans appeared betore tbe Counoil at this time regarding a tract of :Land he had purohasell sane time ago anll stating that he feU the City~s settl.ement tigtUJe on baok taXlilS was too high for the property inaslIlucl&" as it needed. a lot of 1IID>rk done on it t6 mUe it readJ' for sale. th.,.etqt.. be o.tt.erea the City. .a settlement fi..gure of .~OO"OO. cou..no~llll.". n ;raoobs mc>.ved that'the C01Ulcil ~e~pt 111". EvaJ18' offer of 1'200.. fll1:r settle'ment figure on taxes. .0Uon was seoonded 1)Y' ...... COl:U1oilll1anWaters but in Usoussing the matter. the motionq,a,s wi1ihd1'8W!l due to tha tao,t that. several melllberS of the COUDfU w~re not prepared to vote and the matter was tablell fortbe preBent. :11;'. Kenneth .0ntgoDe~Y 8pp*,8,ell . before the Cotmoi1 and presented a petition from the pl'opertyowners ot Rotman V1Uage requesting the City to .ne HotlnanVillage as Class ~.~ residentia1. 'Counc1llllan White moved that this petition be referred t~the planning board tor recommendation back to the CouncU. .otton having been made, it was seconded and on roll call unanimously carriet!. A letter was read from L..E. Hagen req~esting the counc11's,1 p.,mission to erect a temporary paint storage and ShOp buUding ~ in the rear of his SIlore on AU.fit1c Avenue. Severa1 of the . Counellmen f'elt that it would raise tbe fire lns1U'anee rates in that vieinity to construct a temporary building there,; therefore aotion was deterred until the matter of insurance ratia are eheckec1. . " ... letter was read' from PhUip W. Foster regarding the ~ possibUity ot preparin~ a plan tor the tuture guidance of . i....,'.. the develoPlllent ot De:Lray. ~e letter was referred to CouncU~ man 'lhayer. . I m I , 2,142 " lIay 14th, 1945 A letter was read from the Lake Worth Drainage D~striot regarding the installation of a control in the E-4 Canal at the Borth end ef Lake ':J:da. Councilman White moved tha t the C1erk be instructec1 to answer the letter stating that t he City was net at present interested in the placing ot a c-.trel in E.4 on a cooperation basis. If', at a later date the City ~ interested, the Clerk will be instruoted to write them. CounCi1man;racobs seconded the motion which oarried unanimous1y on roll 0811. A letter was read from P.C. RiCkey, Secretary at Kiwanis Club, in which he stated tbst the chilaren's tennis court , needed overhauling and stating any help the City CouneU cault furnish in reconditioning the tennis court grounds would be appreciated. C0l:U1c1l1l1an Wh""h moved that the letter bere1'811'od to the Pa~ks Oommittee for study and recomaendation back to the CUy Oouncil. Motion was seconhd by Councilman Waters whioh carried ~nimous1y on ro11 oall. . , i j . \ A1etter was read and ordered tiled from Mr. 1m. a. Pec~am stating that he had fin, aUf r, eceived a check fl1lr.m, ,the city Dry Cleaners and La~ry ,tor 110. and thankin, the City tor its coopera~on in the matter.' , A letter was read trom the Bob,me~Beblhart & CO. aSkbg the City ,the best prioe that they oould pay tor $4,000. DelJray BeSChj n,a. 2..~BetuDdiDgBQDds of 1958, Se)"!es "A"', ~e ;rllly~, 19&8, Callable. 'the Clark was instruoted to anSwer .he letter ottering' them 90 and stating the otf'er is good untU ;rune 15th, 1945. Qollnc$1D1an Waters presented a letter to the CouncU tor Coanci1's approval addressed to'lIr..' Clsncy regarding DelrllY Beach Bonds. Said letter was in reply to JIr. ClaJilOY's asking what the City would otter on bonds. The letter was approved and ordered mailEd. CO\U1cUman Waters a1so stated that at tel" a stlldyot the I present system now being used in hantllillg of plU'chases, beth ' by invoices and cash vouchers, he wanted to recommend tla't the CounoU pass a reSOlution setting tlp,a simple system that shoUld' eliminate any possibi1ity ot dUPlicatiop ot invoices or puvchases and at the same time enable the tinanoe cOllllll1ttee to tully understand the p1D'oh811es they are asked t,o approve. ,He reoommended that the reS011'ltioD be dran~,to ~Ody the tol1owing points of' Pl'OOe~ure: (t~Jtshal.l be require" that each person or department head al1~~():r~zed'!t purOhase material or supplies 01 any ki!ldt ", exp1a~}l1.~'qiti~. ()n the taoe or )ac~ 01 e,aoli, ,invoioe or oa~h vOllehe~,}m!hat thepl1rohase is to be used tOl'~l'"on, as the '" ca.e~t)))e;and fln'therstate if al1 theJD8"tt~lal is ;requ1red" onthelipeolt:tol'epab' Un the Al'&Se Of'l;-, paiiig a:n4 equipment ~ I ,f 2.143 Ifay 14th, 1945 repairs) and further show by whom the material or supplies are used, applied or consumed; and f'urther state to What department of the Oity's present operating system tbe said purchase is to be usedlin or charged to. Oouncilman White moved that the Counoil instruettbe Ii City Attorney to draft-...:..i,,*lL ",'embodying tbe recOlllll1endat ionS, ot tbe Finance COJllIIli ttee. Counoi1m8D Waters seconded the motion I Whioh carried unanimously on roll ca11. j i I I ! I Councilman ~acobs requested that Co~cilmaa DeWitt act ss a member of the tinance committee f'or this meeting. '!his reqqes'li met wUh the approva1 at the COlmcil. ' COuno11man ira;eobs reported that the garbage 4\U1lp which :Mr. :Harvel had theeoni$i'aet for had been completed and was al1 in order. ( , Coune1lman Wh1te reported that the Street CommUtee wolt1.d li18 to refer the Ifatt Graoey plat ot the A1'IISby place back to the planning board ailong with the Street C~ Uee '. reoommenht iOJ1 tor ru:tther study ana recommendat ion back to the Conac!!. ~e Street Collllllittee's recommendation to the planning bcardoli the Gracey plat ..e as tolloW/3: That IU'. J(att Gracey be notified that the ,Council wUl accept a street dedicating a right-or-way 40' wide with a pavement 24' wide, tinishell with rdntoJrced oonc:tete" header or curb on esch side in its entiretyt sdd street right-ot- way on this plat to extend in a straIght 1ine full width to West boundary of his property line where said street intersects with a nortll and south street~' ;J Councilman Waters moved that the Gracey plat ot the A:&!:al8by pl ace be retwrlled to t be planning board wi ththe re cOlllmendat ions ot Street COmmittee for consideration and reoommendation back to the Counoil. COl:U1cilman ;ra~t.lS secon4ed the motion which carried unanimously on roll calLi. The Street Committee presented tor the co~ideratlon of the CounCil, a proposal to have an ordinance drawn up and, adopted, establishing minimum widths tor all s1i:ree1'i'~gltt>i-of- ways and 'pavements hereatter acoepted by the Council .i'his proposed ordinanoe to read: , Tha'li hereaf'ter the minimum requirement for all street right,..of'-ways and pavements thereon to be not 1ess than, (A) all sections or areas zoned as Jresl4entia.l, the st~ee"right. of-ways shall be not less than 40' in width and pavemen~ I thereon not lass than 24' in width and said pnements to"be finished on edges With re-lntoroed C9norete headers or ourbs. (B) Ul seotions mnlild as buiness,aeotiOJ18i 8J'a~lilas, the 'street i'igbt..ot,.wqsshall be not leslil tball.~,O! wide aDd paved tor the entirewld1ih. (e) AU pavements hlir;'a.tter accepted, on . ' ' , , , "" . -" ~", 2.144 Jlay 14 th, 1945 r1ght-of-WIl7S which are a part of: the City's street system, bout that are not 40' wide, in residential zones, s8lllte shall be required to be paved 24' if righ'li-of'",way is 24' C1r wider and i1' less than paved the f'tt11 width of existing right,.ot-way and sections zoned as business sections, it right-ot-way is less than 50', wide, the pavement shall be She fu1l width of said right of way. It is also proposed that the preset street, material and constructionspeoitication be amended to require all pavemenu hereatter to be finishea with re-intoroed conorete headers or curbs. It isturther proposed that this proposed Ordinance be referred to the Planning Boatd tor their study and recommendations before tinal adoption. It was 'deci5ed to turn the recommendations ot Street Collllllittee over to the P1anning Board' tar study and recommendatcion back to the Council. ' , A letter was read from Police Chief Crof't stating that he had investigated the matter that the Delray Ci,ic Le'gIle had oompUirted 01'. Re stated that h,e had found no slot machines in Delray Ilea\lh, and that with the help otJlr. C.C. ~rDer and bis meD, had attempted to lessen the hazara ani cODgestioJll at Atlantic AV81llle and W. 5th AveJlEl8. 'fheletter was ordered tiled and a copy of the letter ordered sent to the Delray Civic >>eague. Fire Chief, Croft appeared before the QouncU llJIld asked it' p,op1e living ou'lU.ie of'the City limits should be notified to the ef'f'ect that the City cannot answer salls outside the City limits. Attorney Nowlin was asked to check f'urther into the matter. The 'C:lIlrk was asked to post a notice on the bulletin board regarding same. A resolution of the City CouncU of the City ot Delray Beach concerning the dea'th of' :Mrs. E. B. Foote was read. Counoi1- m&D ;raoobs mooted that the Resolution be adopted and a oopy o:t same be ,sent to )11'. Foote. Councilman Waters seconded the motion and on roll call the motion carried unanimously. \ , _~O~tUT!O~ 530 A USGLUTION OF 'l'HE ORY COUNCIL OJ' nm CITY OJ' BEtRAY BEAeH, nORmA, CONCERNING THE DEATH OJ' JIBS . E. B. J'OOTE. .. i!!.' Nj Ii 2.145 May 14th, 1945 Bills 12314 tbru 1123SfJ amounting to ta,059.69, having )eeD approve4)y the f'inance 'oommittee, were bymotiQn regularly lII8de, seconded and an roll oall unanimously carried, !)rdered 'paid. There being no turtber business to come bero~ the Oouncil, COUncil ad3aurned. dA .. j , J I i l . ! I , j 1 , .11 I I ~ I I I ~ @, ~ ~ I ~ i,i ~ ~ i ,); ~ OI! t,: I:i I ~, ~ ~ '~,. .*P/ P'f~;;~~) ~;,,(S Q. " ' -.' - . .. 4T'm'1'; 'I,e.e ~ " , ~., /<,~ fII!