05-18-45 Special ~ ~~}146 ,OOUNCn. CIW4BER Kay 18th, ~945 The Counoil met in Speoial session on oall of the Vice-Kayo l' at e, P.K. for the purpose of (lisottssing the .ater proposal and for any other matters tm,Il might need the Oouncil's action at t~ time. Counoi~n DeWitt, ;racobs, Waters, White and City Attorney are present.JJr. Gillispie ana Mr. Walters ot Smitll & GUlispie were also present. TheVice-Kayor stated to Mr. GUlispie that the OUy 1fished to get started on, the ~rovemenls to Delray's water system. It was pG$Dte'd out by the CounoU, that the extent of improvements theOity had been considering would run approximately t175tOOO. Atter much discussion the following summarY of additions to water plant was agreed upon as being needed at .. this timu , I I 1. A oomplete treatment plant. 2. Install Ground storage Besel'voir (500,000) 3. Put a top on presat 60,000 gallon tank. 4. Take out bottle neok in main at bridge 5. InStall main South of tewn to beach seot iOn. 6. Installa4equate main to insura tall use of 60,000 gallon tanlf. 7. InStall 6"main--Atlantio Avenue West to 12th, thence North fat 2 blooks thenoe, East to ~o~ect witll two inch line. ' A motion was mad,e by Councll1aan Whi:te tha 11; a summary ot additions to water plant be jurned over to Smith & GUlispie for them to prepare a cost report, motion was aeconded by CounoilmmmWaters. Upon rolloall tbe vote was as follows: Counoilman J'acobs yes, Oouncilman DeWitt yes, Oouncilman Watel's yes, Coune ilman White yes, thi motion oarried unanimously. There being no t\1rther business to oome before the I,,: Council, it was regularly mevaa, seoonded and upon oall carried ~ that Council adjourn. I ""