05-21-45 Special
)(ay 21st. 1945
The COUDcil met in Special session on call of the
Vice~Mayor at e P.M. for the purpose or discussina street
matters and 1'01' any other matters a1' pusiness that .igbt
need the Oounoil'saction at that time. Oouncilen DeWitt,
Jaoobs. Waters and White were present. .1'. H11Pbard. 1rfr".
LalfSC'Jl. and Mr. Wilsen were also present representing the
Planning Board.
Mr. HUbbard. representing tbe Planning Board, stated
that the proposed ordiJ1ance regarding tuture street specificat iollS ,
met with the Planning Board's approval a.nd that letter on
same. would be pre sented at the ne~t regul ar Council meeying.
There was a question as to whether or not this proposec1
ordinance would affect streets that had been approved by
UOWlcil but as yet not construoted, as the street Mr. LaWSli'lJlD
plans to build, inasmuoh as it is to be a 20' street. The
Counoil felt that they could not toroe Mr. Lawson to build
the street otber than the way he had verbally agreed. Mr..
Lawsan stated 1;0 the Oouncil that he would put in.a 20' stl'ee.t
with concrete headers it the Oity would 1ix 31'4 ana. 4th StJ,'eetso
After much diseussi(i)D, 8 motion was made by OaUDoUmSl!! Waters
that the matter or 31'd and 4th Streets be turned over totf.le'
Street COIlIlllttee tor stmy and recommendati9J)S to the OOluJfU.
motion aecanded by White, 'lIhe roll call call was as :Collo_;
Counoilmlln DeWitt yes. Oounoilman ;raOObs not veiling, ttounoUman
Waters ye~ Counoilman White yes.
Oounoilman DeWitt stated that Mrs. Burwell B. Smith had
oontaeted him and asked h1m t.., call to the COuncil's attention
the matter at taking care of the parks in Seagate and advise her
what the 01t.y would do in regard to taking eare 01' them. ~.
Clerk was instruoted to nite.llrs. 13mith intorming herllld
the parks in Seagate would get the same oonsideration as other'
parks. in Delr~ Beach are getting.
There being no turther business to oame betore Council,
ClOUDC U ad journed.
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~\c:.t.. Mayor.
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