06-11-45 Special 2.153 OOUNCn. CHAJrBER ;rune 11th, 1945 The Council met in regular session at e P.M. with the fol16wingCity Councilmen and City Attorney present: Councilman DeWitt, Jacobs, Thayer, Waters and White. j i i t i I I I I , , , Mayor Thayer asked if anyone wished the minvtes of the last regular meeting read. Councilman White pointed out a correction to be made in minutes relative to his recommen- dations made on rebuilding S.W. 4th St., stating that cost of work is to be assessed against adjoining property. Correction having been made, minutes stood approved. A letter was read from)bo. C. Y. Byrd regarding trans- ferring of liquor license from present oWRerMr. Peter Floros to Mr. Sickinger. The Clerk was instructed to aroswer the letter advising that license can be transferred provided applicant meets with requirements of City. A letter was read from Smith and Gillespie regarding the appropriation IU:t setting up 01'1 ,50e ,000. for the George- Doughton reconversion funds to be extended to cities tor the advance planning of post-war projects. The letter was ordered filed. A letter was read trom Rev. Lee D. Rustin, Minister ot the Methodist Church, regarding licensing at more bars' in Delray Beach IlDd oriered filed. A letter was read from the Reconstruction ~inanee Oorporation asking the City to furnish them with information on a former City Employee, Mr. Harry C. Blank, with special reference to character and ability. The Clerk was in- structed to answer letter, stating that said employee's work was satisfactory.. . A petition was presented from colored property owners requesting the paving of N.W. 5th AveRue, paved from N.W. 2nd Street, running North to N.W. 3rd Street. The petition was reterred to tax office for necessary information needed before action can be taken. ( / ., The Clerk reported that the Delray Beach Planning Board had returned petition on zoning Hofman Village as class "An residential zone and stated that Board appr oved placing Hofman Village entirely in zone "An residence. , . i ~~}l54 ;rune 11th, 1945 Councilman Jacobs moved that the City Attorney be instructed to draft an Ordinance plaCing HotDllUl Villa ge entirely in zone "A". Councilman DeWitt seconded the motion which carried unanimously on roll call. It was pointed ou t by Councilman White that the City Attorney should be instruoted to see about obtaining right-o~-way deed on the dead-end street in Hofman Village, in event new street should ever be built there. A letter was read from Mr. C. W. Garner, Chairman of the Zoning Commistion, regarding the re-~on1ng ot property in neighborhood of South Federal between first and second streets. It was pointed out that the Comncil would have to declare this matter an emergency if they wished action before the next regular meeting of zoning commission, which will be held in the Fall. Councilman White moved that this re-zoning matter be declared an emergency and petition be referred back to the Zoning Board for consideration and recommendation back to the Counoil. Councilman DeWitt seoonded the mot ion and On roll oall ~he vote was as follows:. Councilman DeWitt yes, Councilman <Tac:~bs yes, Counoilman Thayer yes, Counoilman Waters yes, C01lmcilman White yes. The motion carried. ( / A letter was presented trom E. B. Niohols requesting that his Used Car license be changed to 102 South 'Federal Highway, also asking for a permit to build a proposed building on lot. The letter was tabled until Zoning aoard aots on petition on South Federal highway. An applioation from Wesley Clements far oocupational license to operate a laundry and dry Cleaning establishment in the Post Office building and to be known as the Delray m:t'U:ndry and Cleaning service, Was presented. Councilman White moved that. the license be granted provided it is in keeping with like licenses of City. Councilman Waters seoonded the motion whioh oarried unanimously on roll call. An application from William. H. lUrk for occupational license to operate electrio re~g~J!aill*i.)and repair service (domestic and commercial) was presented to the Council. Councilman Waters moved that license be granted provided it is in keeping with like licenses ot city. Motion was seconded by Councilman DeWitt and on roll oall motien oarried unanimeusly. A letter was read trom Rr. <T. .Malton Smedley, ',I' ,";'", ni55 t~...l.L June 11th, 1945 I representative of the Frank B. Dolph Co. of Fort Lauderdale, wi th referenoe to the (;i ty purchas ing maps from them. The ma~ter was tabled untif the Speoial meeting on Friday. Mr. R. C. Lawson appeared before the Counoil and presented his plat on South Swinton to be approved by the Council. City Attorney NoWlin stated that before the Counoil approves Mr. Lawson's plat, he would like for them to consider a right-of-way deed from Mrs. Paulding to the City. Dtorney Nowlin stated that there is a olause in the deed which reads that Mrs. Paulding is not to be assessed for any improvements on street. Mr. Nowlin telt the City should ask for a correction in deed before Mr. Lawson's plat is approved. The City Attorney was instructed to contact Mrs. Pauld ing and see if she w Ul not corre ct deed. It was moved by Counoilman Waters that the Lawson plat be approved by the Council, subject to correction in right-ot-way deed between Mrs. Paulding and the City. Counoilman DeWitt seoonded the motion which carried unanimously on roll oall. Mr. Nowlin stated at this time, that in the Ordinanee on street requirements the City muld have to deSignate an acting oity engineer. Mr. aoward Cromer appeared before the Council and stated he understood the City is thinking of building streets and would like to be considered as engineer for same. A letter was read from Mr. George W. Carr stating that he is familiar ~th contemplated street paving and other construotion program and that they. would furnish engineering services on the peroentage basis. It was reoommended by Cpuncilman Thayer that the Council hold a Speoial meeting Frdday morning, ~un. 15th, for the purpose of disoussing street matters and other matter.s that may need the Council's attention. This reoommendation met the approval of the Council. Counoilman DeWitt reported that during the monthc.of April a total consumption ot 34,668,000 gallons of water had been pumped, and during the month of may a total consumption of 32,481,000 gallong of water had been pumped. Mayor Thayer reported on the operation of golf course stating that it is running OD a small basis and should make expenses. i " Mayor Thayer presented to the Co~il a oheck tor ~. .,.. ;':( , one hundred dollars from J(rs~A.G. P~~er.. Mayor Thayer said Mrs. pruyser gave the donation to be used 0:11 the I ~lt56 ;rune 11th, 1945 royal palm trees on Atlantic Avenue. A motion was made by Counoilman White to write and thank Mrs. Bruyser for the check. Councilman Waters seconded the motion which carried unanimously. Counoilman ;raoobs brought up the matter of purohasing a two way radio for police cars. Re stated that radio equipment in cars are being used a great deal in similar localities and have proved successful. Councilman Waters stated that it the Oity contemplated buying such equipment, it would have to be tinanced on the new budget set up October 1st, 1945. After much discUssion, it was regular~y moved, seoonded and on roll call unanimously carried to instruct the City Clerk to advertise for bids on police radio equipment oonsisting of station transmitter and equipment for three cars. (Equipment,if purchased, to be finanoed through October lst, 1945 budget) Petitions from oolored property owners requesting the paving of S.W. 2nd Street, beginning at S.W. 5th Avenue and running West to S. W. 7th Avenue; also 6th Avenue from S. W. aid Street to S.W. 3rd Street, whioh had been rete:r:retto tax office for necessary information, was presented to Council aga in. Councilman White moved that when the oontract is let tor paving 3rd Street from Swinton Avenue to 5th Avenue, that the Contract be made to inolude 2nd Street from 5th Avenue to 7th Avenue, and S. W. 6th Avenue from 2nd Street to 3rdStreet. Councilman DeWitt seoonded the motion which carried unanimously on roll call. A plat known as Carver Memorial Park was submitted from Mr. 1. B. Evans to be. approved by the eouncll. Councilman Waters moved that the City approve the plat. Councilman White seconded the motion which carried unanimously on roll call. Fire Chiet Croft appeQred before the Counoil stating that he had been having quite a bit of trouble with the meter in the Dodge fire truck and that quite a lot ot expense had been inourred to maintain said meter. Chief Croft stated he had located a new meter for truok and could purohase same for about f225.The Counoil were of the opinion that Chief Croft should get bids from various dealers. Therefore, he was instruoted to get bids from dealers and bring them before the Council. Attorney Nowlin advised the Counoil that he had started his work on revising the aity Ordinances. - ," ... i [ .' - 2,J 57 ;rune 11th, 1945 A motion was made by Counoilman White that bills #2395-2446 totaling $3.544.38 be approved and ordered paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Waters and on roll oall the motion carried unanimously. There being no further business to come before the Counoil, Council adjourned. Attest: ci4, .