06-25-45 Regular 2-164 COUNen. CHAMBER ;rune 25, 1945 '- The eouncilmet in regularseasion at 8 P.M. with City Attorney No~in and the fbllowingmembers present:- Mr. DeWitt, Mr. Jacobs, Mr. '1'1iayer and Mr. Waters. Mr. White was absent. r , Mayor Thayer asked if aDyone wished the minutes of the preceeding meetings read. Minutes of Special meeting held June 22nd, were read by the Clerk, after which minutes of regular meeting June 11th, Special meeting of June 15th and S.pecial meeting of June 22nd were approved by the Council. The Mayor explained the meeting was mainly for the discussion by the public of the proposed water plant im- provements, and turned the' meeting over to Councilman DeWitt, Chairman of the Water Committee. Mr. DeWitt told the audience what action had been taken so far by the Cbtllloil and invited the audience members to ask any quest ion.sthey wished regarding water plant improvements. He in1illOl'luced Mr. Gillespie of the Engineering firm who made the survey. The Clerk advised no written objections had been received in the office rel~tive to the improvements to plant. A lengthy open discussion ensued during which Ohairman D.eWitt brought out it -rodld cost in the neighborhood of $1~3,600.00 to make improvement~ which the Conlncil feels necessary at this time. This would increase the plant output to two and a half million gallons per day. Every- one in the audience who addressed the COuncil favored improvements being made to the water plant, inasmuch as they considered same of vital impllrtance to the community. A five minute recess was declared after which the Mayor called for the opening of bids on police radio equipment. A .bid of $2,393.50 from the Motorolo people (Galvin Mfg. 00.) of Chicago was presented. The Mayor explained the total cost for installation, etc. would run in the neighborhhod of $2,500.00, and that this ~ould be paid for out of next years budget. Oouncilman Waters expressed himself as not being in favor of purchasing this equipment at the present time. Councilman Jacobs moved that the Oity enter into a contract with Galvin Mfg. Co. for the purchase of radio equipment. Same to?e paid for out of next years budget, and the Chief of Pollce to only be allowed to hire one additional outside man for the force. Mr. DeWitt seconded " \ .. i I .1 l j I i t '~ .1 ~ 1 ",1 I !Ji I A , " ~', II ;, i 2-165 dune 25,1945 the motion and on roll call the vote was as follows:- Mr. DeWitt yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Thayer yes, Mr. Waters no. Motion carried. Next, bids for purohase of Dodge fire truck engine were presented as follows: , Vaughn & Wright 105 H~P~ Dodge motor Assy. less electrical parts and manifolds, delivered in . Delray Be sob ii, . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2-55.00 Verbal bid on 95 H.~. 1942 Dodge motor, delivered to Delray Beach . . . . . . . . . . .225.00 Defendable Motors, Inc. 1942 Dodge 95 H.P. motor verbal) not delivered to Delray Beach . . . . 225.00 Oouncilman waters moved that 95 H.P. motor be purchased from Vaughn & Wright. Mr. Jacobs seconded the motion which carried unanimously on roll call. ' A letter from Mrs. Jack Saunders objecting to the keeping of ponies near her residence was read, and turned over to the Chairman of the Sanilary Department for inves- tigation. The Clerm was instructed to advise Mra. Saunders of the action taken. Next, a letter from A. H.. Whedon, Mgr. of the Delray Theatre praising the efficiency of the Police Department was read. The Olerk was instructed to thank Mr. Whedon for same. , A plat of a new Subdivision in Section 17 (A.J.Jo~on S/D.) was presented to the Oouncil. After viewing same, the Council instruoted the Clerk to check right of ways on both sides (East and West) to ascertain that 50' for road has been dedicated. Mr. Walter Roth presented a sketch of building he wished to erect on Lot 24, Block 74 which is in "B" zone, to be used for a paint shop and storage shed. He requested a ~pecial Permit for erection of same. This .was ordered turned over to the Zoning Commission for stUdy and rec- ommendation. , , Councilman waters advised the Oity has over 122,000. with Which to retire bonds, and requested they give thought to this matter between now and next meeting night. . . / .. 'j 'I I t J i .~ ,h . !II I 2-166 June 25, 1945 Bills 12418 and 2447 through 2475 having been app~ved by the Finance Committee, were by motion regularly made, seconded and carried, ordered paid. The'following Ordinanoe was read in full by the Clerk: 9JU(INAlWLi2. 535. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCn. OF THE CITY OF DELRAY"BEAOH';' FLORIDA, "L.EV:U.ING, ESTABLISHING AND IMPOSmG A GRADUATl!:D TAX ON SALES OF ELECTRICITY, BOTTLED GAS AND LOCAL TELEPHONE SERVICE: PROVIDING FOR PENALTIES FOR THE .VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF ORDINANCES INSOFAR AS THE SAME ARE CONFLICTING HEREft'l'H. I I I I , A discussion ensued regarding same, after which, it "was by motioIl regularly made, seconded and unanimously carried, adopte~ on its first reading. Attorney Nowlin informed the Council it was not necessary to take a vote on Ordinances on their first readings. as they are not actually adopted on first readings, only placed on sane. The Mayor asked the members to meet with him MOnday night, July 2nd. at 8 P.M. in Special session to discuss with the City Attorney Ordinances and Resolutions of the City. ,.i There being no further business to come before the Council, Council adjourned. , ]nriL.......;, ~ k~ .~ Ci ty Clerk ;::,;;.,;;.' , . '* I