07-16-45 Special 2,[75 COUNCn. CHAMBER ;Tuly 16, 1945 r ~e Council met in Special Session at 8 P.M. on call of the Mayor, for the purpose of discussing zoning of "Redd" development, with Attorney C.Y, Byrd and Mr. Reid's engineer, and for any other matters of business which might need the aotion of the Council at this. time. The following members were present: Attorney Nowlin, Mr. DeWitt, Mr. ;Tacobl!/, Mr. Thayer, Mr. Waters. Mr. White was absent. Sketches showing area to be dredged,and portion to be filled in were viewed by theCounoil. A lengthy discussion ensued during which it was brought out that the area to be filled in is now inresidenoe "B" zone. Attorney Byrd' agreed to oontact Mr. Re id requesting specific zone requirements Mr. Reid would like, and submitting same to the Council fbr their consideration. Members expressed themselves as being willing to cooperate as muoh as possible with Mr. Reid; however, they would not consider abandoning any city street right of ways in this proposed development. Attorney Byrd asked the Council if the north corner of present playground could be used fen- the new Soout Building. No objeotions were made to this request. The Mayor stated several requests for ohanges in zoning of the beach property have been broaght to his attention, and inasmuch as the Council represents only five citizens, he thought the entire citizenship of the City should decide.this question by voting on same during the November eleotion. The other members stated they felt the same way. The Clerk was instructed to issue occupational licenses to Ruby Powell and Florence Monroe, by motion regularly made, seconded and unanimously carried. - j "i Councilman DeWitt repo~ted he had checked with the City Superintendent and found that we had made fourteen new water connections during the past ten days, and there are only six applications waiting for servioe. He stated we have enough meters on hand now to take oare of persons wiShing city water service. Mr. DeWitt also reported he had instructed the Fire Chief to flush all fire hydrants throughout the town to olear out the lines. ., ~. . . I ~ ! ,~ ( I ~ ~ I .I l ~ if ~ ~ ~ ~ I i i ) I " ;.:~ I . 2,176 duly 16, 1945 I Councilman Waters reported he will submit to the Council at next meeting night the amount of funds the City has un hand for use of purohase of city refunding bonds. There being no further business to come before the Counoil, Council adjourned. Approved: . Do ,,1..'1\, ~.~jp .~ City Clerk I j I I I , I . Mayor , f