07-23-45 Regular 'i 2177 COUNCIL CHAMBER July 23, 1945 '..-1:- The Council met in regular session at e ~.M. with the City Attorney, and the following members present: DeWitt, Jacobs, Thayer and Waters. Mr. White was absent. The Mayor asked if anyone in the audience wished the minutes of preceeding meetings read. No one did, but Councilman Jacobs stated correction should be made to minutes of July 9th relatdve to barnacles onl!fe line poles. Correction was made, and minutes of meetings of July 9th, 10th, and 16th were approved as corrected. At this time, a Mr. Conrad from Fort Lauderdale submitted a proposition to the Coun~il relative to beach equipment servdce. A discussion ensued after which the City Attorney agreed to check into the aspects of the matter, and the Council advised Mr. Conrad they would contact him as soon as they decide just what is best for the City. ! Dr. Jacobs reported he had several complaints about livestock running loose, damaging property. He recommended that the City Attorney draft an ordinance providing for fine, etc. and that the city impound any animals picked up, at the Rodeo Field. . Attorney Nowlin agreed to draft such an ordinance. Mr. Jacobs also reported that the mosquitoes which have invaded the city are of the fresh water variety and suggested that the . City request the County to do something about mosquito control in fresh water districts. The Mayor advised the parks will be cleaned up ( soon; also that he had received a protest about giving the 'Reid Developers' any special consideration. He reported fire hydrants are blHng flushed throught the town. , .. :f A communication from National Housing Agency advising they will give immediate consideration to the housing shortage in Delray Beach was read. The Counclli instruoted the Clerk to wire Senators Andrews, Pepper, and Representative Rogers aSking their support to our . request for our quota of N.H.A. houses. A request fran U.S.C. for street light near oolored U.S.O. Building was read. The Counoil instruoted the Clerk to advise the U.S.C. that inasmuch as. there '\; ,. .. "J~~ . JiUy 23, 1945 1 , is at present a street light near tThds vicinity, they advise the U.S.O. install a flood light on their building. The letters from the F. E. c. Railway Co~pany were read in whi~h they advised they will as soon as practioable, repair the driveway along the West commmdity track, also that the other work they agreed to do will be started as soon as possible. The letters were ordered tiled. r 1he Mayor advised he had received a long oommunication advising that work on Inland Waterway would n&t be undertaken until the government had the cooperation of the City. 10. Letter from Delooean Company requesting change in zoning of their property was read, and ordered turned over to the Zoning Commission, requesting that body study same and report baok to the COunoil their advise just as soon as possible; inasmuoh as the Council has declared this case an emergency, by motion regularly made, seoonded and unanimously carried. Next, a letter from Mr. Jo~ A. Talbot, Jr. regarding 'Airpark' was read and ordered filed, as was letter from Spenoer H. Logan pertaining to outside the city water consumers. Upon Fire Chief Croft's recommendation, Riohie P. Knapp was appointed as fireman by motion regularly made, seconded and unanimoasly carried. The request of Dr. Nieder for reduction of his 1942 taxes was read, and after discussing same, the Council instructed the Clerk ~o adtise Dr. Nieder that legally they ca~mot make any adjustment on said taxes. Bills #2519 - 2549 amounting to $4,540.48 were by motion regularly made, seconded and carried ordered paid, after the third member of the Binanoe Committee has approved them. . .~~ ~yor '. . ... ~~.~~~-~ City Clerk 2478 ~ . "<,.