08-14-45 Special
Mr. Gillespie said it would cost in the neighbor-
hood of 1f30,OOO. for ground storage and areator. Alsoe,
that the State Board of Health would require a chlorinator
which would cos t between $2,500. and $3,000. Pip es alid
valves would run around Ifl,500. He said we must have
elevated storage tanks to control the pumping of water.
Mr. Gillespie recamnended the Oity work with a,
geological survey from darald Parker, n.s; Geological
Surveyor, Miami; Florida, which will be of great value
to the city in the future. He also stated that inasmuch
as the work now contemplated would not cost what was
first anticipated, the engineering fee would be increased.
It was regularly moved, seconded and carried that the
Mayor and Attorney correct the percentage fee due Smith
& Gillespie, in the contracts, also that the Clerk draft
a letter to Smith & Gillespie, authorizing them to go
ahead with work as o utI in,e d ,in l,tter, attaChing same to
contract. The Mayor and Clerk to sign letter.
o.m)..~i~ .W~~doPted by motionll'l'll.u.a~' LI
There bloing no further business to come before
the Oouncil, Oouncil adjourned.
August 14, 1945
The Oounc~~ ~et dn Special Session at 11 o'clock
A.M. on call of the Mayor, for the purpose of confering
with Mr. Gillespie of the Engineering firm, Smith &
Gillespie, also for any other matters of business which
might need the action of the Council at this time. The
following members were present: Mr. DeWitt, Mr. Thayer,
and Mr. Waters. Attorney Nowlin, Mr. d8cobs and Mr.
White were absent.
Mr. DeWitt explained to Mr. Gillespie that the
Oouncil had decided to forego the water softening angle
of the water plant at this t 1me. He said the Oouncil
would like to .increase the pumping facilities from 1500
\ gallon~ to 2000 gallons per minute. They would like to
~ put in 'a ground storage tank, with partition in middle,
land areator on both sides, also make extensions to the
'distribution system.
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