09-10-45 Regular
September 10, 1945
The Council met in regular session at 8 P.M.
with all members of the City Council and the City Attorney
Minutes of regular meeting held August 27th, and
the special meeting held September 4th. were approved by
the Council.
The hour of 8 o'clock having arrived the Mayor
called for bids on the filling in of Gleason St. A bid
of '6,500. for filling to a point 2'5" above the present
average level, from South line of Delray Beach to
Atlantic Avenue, from Delocean Co. was read. The City
Attorney advised it would be necessary to prepare a
resolution authorizing the city engineer to draw up
plans and specifications, etc. before calls for b'id on
this proposed assessment work can be called for. No
action was taken on this matter. Attorney will prepare
necessary papers.
A bid
Next bids for new Sanitary truck were called
from Delray Beach Motors amounting to $4,213.39
~his was referred to the Finance Committee for
and recommendation.
~here were no bids received for the painting of
locker rooms and lockers at Casino Pool Bldg., or the
construction of two new shuffleboard courts.
. At this time Mr. li.. A. Hubbard, Chairman of the
Library Committee gave a report of that BOdy. He stated
, they had about $1,500 in their treasury, and requested
that the City Council set up i125.00 per month in the
1945-46 budget for the Library.
Mr. Matt Gracey advised the Council that a
Mr. Morgan McCormick was the person who was purchasing
the McCabe property. He advised that Mr. Talbot and
Mr. Byrd did not objeot to a hotel being erected on
this property. Mr. Roy Harvel, who was in the audience
advised the Counoil he opposed to a hotel going up on
this lot as it wou;Ld be detrimental to his property
September 10, 1945
which adjoins it. He said he objected to the back of the
hotel facing his property. After oonsiderable disoussion,
the Council assured Mr. Harvel they would not approve any
plans for a building which would be detrimental to his
land. Mr. vVhite moved that Mr. MoCabe, his heirs, or
assigns be granted a special permit to erect a hotel on
the Sl12.5' of the N142.5' of Ooean Beach Lot 12, subjeot
to his plans being approved by the Planning Board, the
Zoning Commission, and City Council. Mr. Waters seconded
the motion, which carried unanimously on roll oall.
Mr. Roy Harvel asked the Counoil to discuss the
l;."'''I\NC.e. of a building permit for McFee's Bakery. He
said he represented the Standard Oil 'Company, and his
company objected to the building not having been set
back 5' from Atlantic Avenue inasmuch as this was not in
compliance with city zo ning ordinance, and it was going
to hurt the business of the Filling Station. After a
lengthy discussion the Council told Wil'. Harvel they were
in adjourned session September 11th at 4 P.M. at which
time they would go into this matter further and advise
him regarding their decision in the matter.
A petition from the Colored Cab Operators
Association was reEid, and disoussed. 'l'he City Attorney
agreed to oheck into the matter and report back to the ,.
Applioations for liquor permits for the following
were next presented:
John Morey - location just east of the "Weir Bldg." Atlantic
Avenue and the Canal.
Jay Shattuck - location So. Ocean Blvd. H6.
By motion regularly made, seconded and unanimously
carried, the Clerk was instructed to proceed with advertising
on these two applications.
A discussion ensued after which the City Attorney
. was instructed to draft necessary papers which would limit
one liquor store to a,block on Atlantic Avenue. (That is,
one store fronting on Atlantic Ave., per block). The
beach to be handled by special permit; or any other place
other than Atlantic Ave., by special permit.
Mr. E. H. Varno, operator of Tic Tok said he
W~hed to see a zoning law passed regulating the locations
of liquor stores, and that he objected to a license being
issued to Mr. Shattuck who is located right next door to
the ~ik Tok. The Mayor advised Mr. Varno that under the
present law, the Council could not refuse Mr. Shattuok a
September 10, 1945
,. letter requesting permit to build a 'l'railor
Park on Addison Clark property, J.E. 5th. Avenue was read,
and oraered turned over to the Zoning Commission for
study and recommendation.
Telegram from C.Y.Byrd agreeing to a hotel being
erected on the MoCabe lot was read and ordered filed.
Letters from Jas. Monroe and the ~roperty Owners
Association objecting to a change in zoning of Ocean front
property at this time were presented and ordered filed.
Next a oommunication from Wm. H. Robbins re
filling in of the west portion of his property was read.
The Clerk was instructed to advise ~~. Robbins that the
city is not filling in the land, but that if he will
contact Mr. Garris, the engineer, who estimated the cost
of the fill, he can advise r.cr. Warnwe about the in-
formation he asked for.
Request for special permit to ereot apartment
house on Ocean Beach Lot #26 together with sketch of
same waS presented to the (;ouncil by Mr.Wm. Krause.
These were referred to the Zoning Committee for study
and advise.
A petition requesting four street lights through
Maggie Rolle SiD. was read, and ordered 1;urned over to
Streets & Lighting Committee for study and reoommendation.
Resignation of J. W. Merritt as Police Desk
Clerk was read. The Council accepted same, with regrets,
as of October 1st, 1945 by motion regularly made,
seconded and unanimously oarried.
Application for his old jOb was made by J. L.
rielvenston. "his matter was held over to be considered
at the Budget meetings.
Bills No. 2633-2675 amounting to i5,848.25
having been approved by the ffinanoe Committee, were. by
motion regularly made, seconded and unanimously oarried,
ordered paid.
'I'he Clerk was instructed to bill ohurches minimum
water bill according to size water meter in use on the
, property. She was also instructed to re-advertise for
purohase of city of Delray Beach Refunding Bonds.
Sept7mber 10, 1945
The hour of ten o'clook having arrived, the
Council commenced work on the 1945-46 budget. It being
late, the Council adjourned to meet in adjourned session
at 4 ~.M. September 11, 1945 to continue work on the
budget, and to attend to any other matters of business
which might need the action of the Council at that time.
U"AA: .<1 ~f'/'ft)
City Clerk ~