10-09-45 Special
ClT:, 0
. October 9, 1945
The Council met in Special Session at 7:30 P.I,!.
for the purpose of confering with Fr. John Talbqt re-
~arding Airpark, and for any other matters of business
which might need the action of the Council at this time.
All menwers of the Gity Council were present, also the
City Attorney.
Mr. Talbot and his consulting engineer,
Mr. nenry tienion,.Jdiscyssed with the Council the progress
so far made on the proposed Airpark. Mr. Talbot advised,
the County Commissioners had offered to build a temporary
road to the si~e from Barwick Road, but after viewing
the grounds with his engineer, he, ::'1'. Talbot thought
it would be more desirable if the City would build from
Swinton, west on 11th st. to the County Line. :1\11'. Arthur
Sprott who was in the audience entered into the discussim
and inquired whether or not their Airpark could handle
planes large enough to Ship out produce anG flowers.
Mr. Talbot replied the present plans did not provide
for such ships, however, the County had offered to give
them some land just to the north of their site, which
'iJould enable the.m to enlarge their runways to handle
such traffic. Nr. Talbot stated his Dlans should be
completed within thirty days, after which he "iill again
contact the City. He asked for a reassurance from the
city of their cooperation, and also asked that his
Airpark be designated as the "Delray Beach Airpark",
so that so long as this Field supplied the needs of
the community and adjacent property, the City would
lend no assistance to any other group who might wish to
build an Airpark. After a very lengthy discussion,
Mr. ':ihite moved tl:1at, "The proposed project of Airpark
and Personal Aviation.Development Corp., when completed
be known as the Delray Beach Airpark, and tl:1at the City
Council will.not cooperate with or support, anyenter-
prise of a similar nature, unless Airpark & Personal
Aviation Development corp., fails to continue to maintain
an Airpark which fits the requirements of the city and
adjacent territory." lvIr. '.Vaters seconded the motion,
and on roll call the vote was as follows:- Mr. DeNitt
yes, Mr. Jacobs no, Mr. Thayer yes, Mr. Waters yes,
Mr. ';'ihi te yes. Motion carried.
C)Jr: ~:1
October 9, 1945
Next, the !"ayor stated the next matter of
business was selecting a helper for "1'. \l.'arvel. Two
applications had been received, one from'D. L. Cowart,
and one from O'Iard ''{illiamson. A ballot vote .as taken,
the results of which were, four votes for D. L. Cowart,
and one vote for Jilliamson. By motion regularly made,
seconded and unanimously carried, gr. Cowart appointed
as assistant to Er. Harvel at a sslary of $l65.00 per
A discussion ensued relative to the Electrical
Examining ~oard, and by motion regularly made, seconded
and unanimously carried the following. were appointed
on theboard;-
Councilman DeWitt
Counc ilman 'Nhi te
City Electrical Inspector
11 man from Florida Fower & Light Co.,
and an Electrical Contractor, who will be appointed
after he passes the examination. '
The clerk was instructed to notify all licensed Electrical
Contractors that it will be necessary for them to take
an examination sometime during the first week of November.
Exact date will be decided later, and they willJ be advised.
This is necessary due to the fact, that all permits have
! "
At the suggestion of ~,~r.' Waters, the l\!,ayor
agreed to write Mr. Senior of The Florida ~ower & Light
Company to find out if he could recommend a man to
fill the position of Electrical' Inspector.
~. Waters reported he had viewed the City
Park grounds, and in his opinion the best place for
the new shuffleboard courts would be just north of the
Hecreation ~ldg., and that he thought the city should
build four courts. After discussion, it was moved and
seconded that Mr. Jacobs be instructed to secure the
services of C.C. Clawson to build four courts, just
north of the recreation '~uilding, at a cost of $175 per
court. On roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. DeWitt
yes, ~~. Jacobs not voting, Mr. Thayer yes, Mr. Waters
yes, and Mr. White yes. Motion carried.
At the request of Wilson Harvel, ,the colored
truck drivers were, by motion regularly made, seconded
and unanimously carried raised to 75~ per hbur, and
other colored labbr were to be pa id at the rate of 65~
per hour, as ofOot. 6, 1945,'
~r l
! I
/ ,
October 9, 1945
Mr. ':iaters reported C. Hearst had been to see
him regarding putting in a grocery store on N.~. 10th
St. 1fJhich is no"! zo"ned for residences. ile said Mr.
Turner'chad told rtearst it was o.k. to operate a store
there, when tiearst took out his building permit, and
that 1'1'. 'l'urner had inspected the place and saw the
shelves built therein. The members of the Council
decided to contact IVl}:. Turner regarding this matter
before making any decision on same.
By motion regularly made, seconded and unani-
mously carried, the Clerk was instructed to Droceed .
in the usual manner in advertising for liquor licenS'e ~
for the Seacrest.
The Clerk was ordered, by motion made, seconded
and unanimously carried to II1ss1ie occupational' license
for liquor, for Hob's Har and Cafe.
There being no further business to comE
before the vouncil, Council adjourned.
ja(D.Dn~.g ~"""^i
vity Clerk