10-19-45 Special }'\ 2515 ;, < COUNC II. CHAMB:SR . October 18, 1945 The Council met in S~ecial ~ession at 10 A.M. for the purpose of considering the refunding of Uity of Delray Beach bonds, on call of the Mayor. All members of the uity Council and the City Attorney were present. , A discussion ensued with Mr. Durance, after which the Mayor advised him that at the present time the Council was not ready to take any action on re- funding of city bonds, but that they would discuss it further and advise him when they reach some plan suit- able for the ui ty. There being no further business to come before. the uouncil, Council adjourned. . ~~,~~~Sn:(f ity Clerk: Attest:- , t, ',:"