10-29-45 Special
October 29th, 1945.
The Council met
on call' of the l'tayor,
the officials for the
any other matters of
action of the Council
members were present:
and Attorney Nowlin.
la ter .
in Special session at 11 A.M.
for the purpose of appointing
coming primary election, ane: for
business which might need the
at th is time. The following
Mr. Jacobs, Mr. Thayer, Mr. '.ihi te
Mr. De,Vitt and Mr.,laters arrived
By motion regularly made, seconded and unanimously
carried the following officials were elected:-
Rims on
Car aker
Mr. 7fuite moved 'that the city purchase the 1945
truck whi,ch Mr. Shiver has offered to sell, together'
with e~uipment listed, at a price of $2,300. Providing
the price is not above O.P.A. ceiling price on such a
'truck, and providing change of title is secured before
check is delivered. 'The clerk to check with O.P.A.
office on price. Mr. Jacobs seconded the motion and on
roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Jacobs, yes,
Mr. Thayer, yes, Mr. White, yes. All local dealers
had been given opportunity to bid on truck according to
report of the Mayor.
By motion regularly made, seconded and unanimous-
'ly carried, the Mayor was authorized to proceed with the
painting of the pool locker'rooms and halls according
to written offer of A.F. Baggett, labor and material
not to exceed $401.50
,Councilman Jacobs brought' to the Council's atten.....
tion the need for additional graves at the cemetery and
suggested we open the north end of the new addition. .
Attorney Nowlin stated it would not be long before the
title would be acquired on the colored cemeter;1. ~he,
Clerk was instructed to have Mr. 'Ogren sketch road
Tor new addition, also sketch roadway where, needed',to
open up the new colored cemetery. Said sketches to be
presented to the Council November 12th. for action.
October 29th, 1945.
Applications for position of building C1nd eJec-
trical inspectors were read as follows: L.T.lick, and
R.B. Adams was 8DDointed buil~ing and electrical InsDect-
or at a salary of'$200. per. month, effective Novemb~r
1st, 1945. ThE ClErk was instructed to ask ),':r. Ad:',ms
to com~ in an0 review the code books before the 1st of
November. Also to consult 'Nith '[.V. Cr'oft regarding
his duties. Also to follow the code books to the letter,
and in any case which differs from the code, to bring
such matters before the City Council.
Letter from the colored Civic League was read and
turned over to the Mayor for investigstion snd report.
The City Attorney agreed to check into the right
of wuys on Gleason Street for the Council to determine
whether or not the city now has a 40' right of way. If
so, the clerk is to inform in\luirers that the city
will not need any wider right or way.
Request of Tom Lyman for 30 day le'iVe of absence'
was granted.
By motion regularly made,
ly carried, the City Clerk was
Agent' for the C:Lty.
'The City Attorney stated in his orinion the City
Clerk could issue city tax deeds' to persons ;Nho has
purchased tax certificates. A discussion ensued regard-
ing extending date of accepting settlement figures on
back taxes but the Council decided November 1st., as
advertised would be the last day.
seconded and unanimoLls-
appointed pur chasing
Next a discussion ensued regarding beach zoning.
No action was taken.
Councillj1an DeNitt turned over to the clerk forms
rece ived from Smith & Gillespie which were to be signed
by the Mayor and the Clerk and mailed to the state
Road Dept.
There be ing no further business to come before
the Council, Council adjourned.
City Clerk. . ,