11-03-45 Adjourned -~, rN"2/t ,..v~ ':I: COUNCIL CHAMBER November 3rd, 1945 /" The Council met in adjourned session at 10 A.M. All members of the Council, T!1'e City Attorney, ;/r. icowlin, Mr. Smith and Mr. Gillespie, 'Nere present. ",~,. The Attorney advised that the State Law provides that the Council adopt tw" resolutions before authoriz- ing work to be done, if certificates are issued. The second resolution ca'1,not be passed until forty days after passage of the first one. Then comes a validation pro- ceeding in the court to get purchasers. Members discussed the possibility of awarding division #2 contract for which money enough is on hand, and w3iting to fin.l out if money could be borrowed from the bank to pa y for d iv ision #1. Councilman 'da tel'S instructed the Clerk to have the Auditor compile a financial statement for year end ing Sept. 30th, 1945 and send two copies of Sime tocether with copy of city charter to Mr.H,A. Hubbard. The Clerk W'JS instructed to write Mr. Blank i3nd" ask him to submit his qualifications to the Oity, stating what type equipinent he has to do the work, advising him .the city is prepared to award the contract for division #2 t6 him after viewing the Qualifications. ,. \'. r She was also instructed to write Nu-ifay Plumbing Co. advising them they were low bidder on Division #l,snd that it is the city's intention to award them the con- .tract for this work as soon as certain legal matters are comple.ted. There being no further business to come be fol'IO , . the Council, Council adjourned. ,r . .. ~Oo(o.o llM:' ~. ~h~ City Clerk. . , Attest: ( '\.:-.. w 'A