11-12-45 Regular ~ " ~ , '"' //. ;t ~. COUNC IL CTlil]:BER November 12th, 1945 The Council met in regular session at 8 P.l". with the follo1!iing members present: Mr. lJe.litt, ];:r. Jacobs, Mr. Thayer, lv:r.ilhi te, and Attorney 110':/lin. Mr. ~i[aters arrived later in the evening. The l':ayor akked if anyone j'1 the audience wished minutes of regular meeting uct. 22nd., Special meeting Oct. 29th., Nov. 2nd., and Nov. 3rd, read. No one did so the minutes were approved as 'NI'itten. 'i The hour of 8 o'clock having arrived, the Mayor asked if anyone wished to protest against the paving of streets as advertised in the "News". NewYrlsn '1'. r.:iller . representing Addie Mae Bell a property owner of S.E.4th Street, stated his client wished to protest against the spread of the assessment. She did not object to the amount the City offered to pay for the 25' of land, dla not object to improvement, but did object to the spread of the assessment. Thought she should pay 1/3, abuttin~ property 1/3 and rest of taxpayers pay the . other 1/3. No action was tSlken on this. " lrr. Nowlin read a proposed ordinance for hotel ~ones, after'which the Mayor invited people in the ;~'l;ldience to express their opinions regarding hotels on the ocean front. Many.suggestions were offered, some thouGht the number of hotels on the beach should be restricted. Others thourht it wronr to ch'ffige any property now in res ide nce zone to hote 1 zone. Counc il- man DeWitt advised that 78 business men in town wished to see Mr. Duggan's hotel built on N. Ocean Blvd. After a very lengthy discussion, the Mayor thanked the people f.or their opinions and declared a five minute re cess. A letter from J.L. Helvenston requesting that his applicat ion flor employme nt by the city be withdrawn was read, and the clerk wa3 instructed to advise Mr. Helvenston same '.,vas acce~)ted as per re<;,uest. The fol~owing He solution was nassed on its first r~ading, approving plRns and specifications for paving og Gleason St, by motion regularly made, seconded and unanimously carried.~ 0"ff?:5~ "';~1oL~".......,,1U.- , 2:[i26 November12t!;l 1945 ~UJMTr~J~ .~~_5A(1 A R:SSCLtr~ICN C~i' TIlE I]ITY Ci.;UNCIL OF c;1E~ CI~lY OF DELRAY lEACH, FLC'UDA ACCEP'cING PLANS Al'D ;3PECIFIC~iTIOUS OH 'i.1TE J~lCTING CIT-:t 'SnGIITG?R FO? CERTAIN STREET n''I'ROVI}-i;;T .!C:RK TO IE C01'1- STHUC1'ED 01.: Gl..f~j:JON- STREET, AND ..:"I~SO J:lIL ES~[1IlvLtiTSD,'jOE;,? CF '~~'1~~ PE01)C>SED n,"lPHo\r2:1\(J~lJT. .,' Resolution # 5~9 authorizing the 'york to be done, was also passed on its first reading by motion regular- ly made, seconded and unanimously carried:- " , , HR,qPI.,v:r:,~,l;i,4,,~~2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL 01" "'HE CITY OF DELRi\Y BEACH, FLA., ORDERING THE COm3TRUCTION OF CERTAIN STREET llITROVE1'EUTVORK. Letter from C.Y. Byrd regarding Gleason Street fill was read, and ordered filed. "\ Bid from Ceo. 'ii. Carr amounting to $.381 for setting monm1ents along the one mile of ocean front was sub- mitted, together with bill amounting to ~60 for work done in surveying lot 2, block 1, Ocean Park, (This to be deducted from $381 if city decided to have the mile sur- veyed.) No action was taken on this. Referred to Finance Committee. , A letter from Mrs. C. Y. Byrd requesting change in zoning of Nt block 140 was read. The Clerk was instruct- ed to refer this to the Zoning Commission after she receives the $15. fee from Mrs. Byrd. By motion regular- ly made, seconded and unanimously carried. " By motion regularly made, seconded and unanimous- ly carried it was sgreed to turn over to the Sanford Police, Tom GrifUn a negro prisoner who \Vas '.'ianted in Sanford to answer to an embezzlement charge. Letter from C. M. Ne\wrran pertaining to build- ing requirements was ordered turned over to the build- ing inspector for reply. Letter from Nu-Way Plumbing Co., \Vas read and ordered filed. ';","i<"_""""i;>ir;,",'W!~~"'V.1"'-'f''-' ~ ~,.-4'"'~ ,252'" November 12tp.,1945 Letters from Cloward Cromer and ltike Blank regard- 'ing qualifications to perform City ,iater pipe work were read and ordered turned over to the engineers for study and recommendation. . The fol~owing Resolution was passed on its first reading: by motion regularly made, seconded and unani - mously carried. ",r- RESOLUTION # 550 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY 0~ DELRAY BEACH, FLA. AND THE FLA. EAST COAST . 'lAILVIAY. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ .p~ 1""1< Letter from Smith and Gillespie was read, Mr. Cromer asked the Council to set date of January 1946 for startine: time on his contract, if he is awarded same. By motion regularly made, sec~nded and carried, the Clerk and Hayor were instructed to execute contract between bet\~en the City and Mike Blank, after the en,rineers review letters and Dass on Qualifications of'~lIr. Blank and Mr. Cromer. " - , Councilman De Wi tt reported he ha (I ha(lsn estimate from Smith and Gillespie of $500 to work out plan where- by the City might furnish water to Gulfstream. No action was taken on this. Councilman Jacobs advised that he had purchased 48 Ibs of J.u.T. at a cost of $31.20. Council approved this purchase. Councilman Waters stated he wished to call a m,eeting of the Finance Committee and Council, at which he \~uld like Mr. Winn, to go into the matter of financing the water plant improvement. 'I'he Mayor reported shuffleboard f'ourts will be constructed sometime during December. Also that the interior of locker rooms at Dool and two extra rooms had been painted. He stated the street painting is ", progressing. ','rash collection is being taken care ct", more satisfactorily, and that members of the fire &l'L pOlice departme nt who haii taken examinations to oper- pOlice radio had passed said examinations. -" . I.""" .:'i RESOLUTION No. 550. ...:~ tt<, .- UPON MOTtON DULY IoIADE AND sEQONDED. THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS UNANI- MOUSLY ADOPTED: ( BE IT RESOLVED IIY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DEl..RAY BEACII. A IIU- .ICIPAL CORPORATION t!IF TH!: STATI': OF FLORIDA: I. THAT TH!: CITY OF DEl..RAY BEAOl.FLORIDA, H!:RUY CONSENTS TO AND AC:R!:ES TO ElfTER INTO AN AC:RU"NT WIfH SCOTT M.LOFTIN AND JOHN W.MARTIN, AS TRUSTEES OF THE PROPERTY OF FLoalDA EAST COAST RAILWAY COIIPANY, AND NOT INDIVIDUALLY. WHE:REIN AND WHEREDY SAil CITY OF llEL.RAY BEACH. FLORIDA IS C:IVEN THE RI C:HT AND PRI"ILIEG!: TO INSTALL.. IIAINTAlN 'AU USE A SUIlIRADE 12 INCH, INsID!: IIMlET!:R, CAST IIIOIl WATER PI..IE LIIlE, TO CARIIY A IIAXI_ IIlTERIlAL PRESSURE OF 60 POUNDS PER SQUAIIE INCH, EXTENDIIlC: EASTERLY AIlD WESTERLY ACROSS THE RIGHT OF WAY OF THE FLORIDA EAST COAST RAIL.WAY COIIPANY AIlD UIlDER ITS IIAII WIIACks AT DELRAY BEACH,FLORIDA SAIl WATER PI"': LIIlE IElIlG LOCATED PAllALLIL WIlli ANO 8.8 FEET OlsTAND SOUTHERLY FIIOII THE NOll1llERLY LINE DF SOU1llEAST 7TH. STREET, IF "IljlOUCED AClROSS SAIO II1DHT OF WAY, AND IIlTERSICTIID THE eDlTEII LIIE OF THE RAILWAY COIIPANY's NORTHBOUIlD IIAtN TIIACk AT A POIIIT 3006 FElT IIOIIE all LESS SOUTHWESTEIlLY FROII THE RAILWAY COMPANY'S MILE POST NO. 317 FROII JACK__f1.LE. FI.ORlDA, SAID IIIDHT OF WAY HAVIND A TOTAl. WIITH OF 100.0 FEET AT TNlS LOCATlOIl, IElII. 50.0 FEET IN WlDTII 01 EACH SIIIE OF THE CENTER LIIIE OF SAil NClRTHIqU.. II"'" TllACk. UIIOEII ALL THE TERlIs A'" COIlD ITIONS AS APPEAIl '1 COP'Y OF SA.I M111EEIIElIT Oil FILE WITH THE CITY COUNCIL OF DEl.. RAY BEACH. FL.OIIIU. A. IY .FEREIICI TIER,t:TO IIAN APjlAIlT HEREDF. 2. THAT THE MAyOR. .ITH TKEATTEltATI.. OF TME CITY CLEIK. IE. AIlI TillY HEllEn IAlIll Awe. MlT....tlC. All. 1111111110 TO. lllE_TI SAI. ADllEEUl1lT FOil An 01 IEllAl.IOF THE CITY OF Qa,ltAY BIAGI. ,. ...,fft"'AL,OIIl..lMtilTIOIl OF 1IIE STATE .F FLOR I DAo 3. THAT THIS .SOLUTIO" SIIlLL TAa EFFECT IIIMEDIATELY UPOIl ITS "ASSACE. -------- STATE OF FUR 10 A, COUNTY OF PAl..M BEACH CITY OF DaRAY BEACH. ) ) ) . I. CnyCI,.Ellk OF THE CITY'" Dl\.IIAY BEACII. F1.01lIlA. ""I IIOII.OIID llESOLUT lOll IS A T.UIl AI. COllllnT CO"Y OF O.UIIIIL. '...OL 011" C"., C.UICIL. OF 1II1E CITY .F DELIlAY BU.II, P A51(. AT "A IElIIlLAII ..Ulle ... IA.' CITY C6111l1lL. MELI.. ""I 12TH. lAY OF NOVEIIIEI, A.0..1945. AS 'H~ IAMI A"'EAIlI .1 BOOK . ..UI ~ OF THE .n.... ... IAn CITY OF OIL.AY Bul... FL...I.,.. .. .., OFFIII'L. .U........ ~..~~:.~ C''IV CUll. ~~-t NovemberE::tb,,1945. Mr. Thayer advised lights had been provided at the Seaboard Station and that he was asking for a flashing lirht at the railroad crossing. By motion regularly made, seconded and unanimously carried, Mr. Geo. Pinckney, plumbing inspector was given a salary increase to $125.00 per month as of Nov. 15th. The following candidates having filed to run in the Primary Election, November 4th, 1945 , were found qualified inasmuch as their deeds were properly recorded, and tax status met requirements, by motion regularly made, seconded and unanimously carried. . H. C. Butler C. W. Hill V. A. Jacobs F. B. McNeece E. H. .Scott F. W. 'Nodischek Supt. Harvel submitted estimate for cos~ of making repairs to the colored playgrounds. Said estimate totall- ed $1,343.53. This matter was tabled for further study. By motion regularly made, seconded and unanimously carried, the followiDg bills were ordered paid:- Smith & Gillespie Geo. W. Carr $4,280.00 2,229.94 c Bills # 2768-2772-2774-2780-2783-2832; amounting' to $8,491.67 2343 ordered paid, subject to the approval of the Fina nee Corumi ttee. The Clerk was instructed to issue occupational license to G. D. Hendricks. Two 1945 tax bills were ordered abated by the Council inasmuch as they were incorrectly aSfessed. One for Mrs. Belcher amounting to $7.68 and one for F.E.C. which was doubly assessed through error amounting to $50.88, by motion regularly made, seconded and unanimously carried. Councilman 'Vhite advised that 7 persons took the electrical examination and four passed it. The others would be given the opportunity to take another examination. Attorney Nowlin presented a Resolution re~ardi~g Ath- letic Field and said Hesolution WllsadOp:l!ed on J.ts fust .~ C)r'2~ -. .4V \ November 12th, 1945. . reading by unanimous vote. RESOLUTION # 551 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE,CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA DESIGNATING CERTAIN" PROPERTY AS ,A MEMORIAL ATHLETIC PARK AND PRO- VIDING FOR THE OPERATION THEREOF. Councilman White requested the Attorney to check into the State Law Re? Flying Switches. Letter from C. 'ii.Garner regarding zoning of Beach property for hotels and apartments was read and ordered filed, as, was letter pertaining to Priest perm;t. Upon recommendation of the Building Inspector the Council instructed him to issue building permits to wm. Friedricks and M.A. Fitzgerald. ~~,~ City Clerk ' .. There being ~no further business to comE before the Council, Council adjourned, to meet in adjourned session at 7:30 P.M. Nov.19, 1945; " At te s t; ,