11-19-45 Adjourned , . 12531 COUNCIL CHAMBER November 19th, 1945 The Council met in ad journed session at 7:30 P.M. with the following members present:- Mr. De'Yitt, Mr. J"acobs, Mr. Thayer, Mr. ,'l"hi te and Attorney Nowlin. MI". ;'laters was ab,,,ent. Letter from Chairman of D.E. Athletic Ass'n Com. was read in which they listed members of the com~itte6, requesting approval of council, as follows:- C. Y. Byrd, R.C. Lawson, Clint r'oore,J"r." ehas.Senior, Harold Turner, King Cone, and P. C. Rickey, Treas. By motion regularly made, seconded and unanimouSly carried the Council approved these membe rs. Mr. King Cone 'advis- ed the Council that the city would not be expected to take care of the upkeep of the property, except to perhaps mow the grass. " Communication from Fla. League of r'unicipali ties, regarding Oonvention was read and ordered filed, 3S was letter from ~[rs. A. B. Clark regarding zoning on beach. Copy'of letter from C. Y. Bryd to Smith ~o Gillespie regarding Gulfstresm being sE~viced with water was read and ordered filed. 'Letter from Jno. B. Reid was re'od. 'l'he Clerk was inStructed to advise Mr. Reid that the Council is work- ing on matter of ~leason ~treet paving ~lso on the zon- ~ ing of Heid's property and as soon as they have complet- ed said work, he will be notified as to their decision. Le t ter from Miss 1!;velyn A. Conover. was re ad and turned over to the building inspe ctor for his study and report. , Application' for build i.ng inspectors positd:OJ;l, by A. D. Bickel 'Nas read and clerk was instructed to advise him that abuilding inspector had been hired by the City. Letter from '1'. B. 'J'hames VliiS read regarding Basin Drive. Shpt. qarvel advised condition had been corrected so letter was ordered filed. f A communication from New Smyna Beach regarding F.E. C. &, A.r::.L. was read. Clerk was instructed to advise them " "1 " .'?t532 Novemb~r 19th, 194~ the Conncil ':.13:~ '~'iving -t,hi~; L~8tter thE lr considEration. Letters from 71ectrical ~cntractoJ~s Afisn. were read. Clerk "1'38 ordered to "end them El copy of our elec- trjc~l ordinance. , Notice fron, 'jar Dept. 'JdvisiuC thst l(.B. Garris had rcguestcd Jermission to build bulkhead and to dredge in the Intracoastal '/aterway.'lp,c; rcsd and ordered filed. . Auditor .linn was advised to ta':e a 5% depreciation on w'3ter plant and sewer for 'he past ye3rs audit. By motion regularly made, seconded ond unanimously carried, the ClErk was authorized to pay the El.ection Board members $8.00 per day. City to furnish no meals. It was regularly moved, seconded, and unanimously carried th"t ''/ilson Harvel's salary be increased to $200. per month, commencing December 1st., 1945. * , The ClErk W3S Asked, to write NiagarEl Spray Co., for written instructions as to the use of D.D.T. U. . It ','/as regularly moved, seconded and unan;tmously carried thst the followine: Resoluti0n bl? f\]hf1'~~ on its first reading:- << RESOLLTTION #.553 A R:':SOLTT1'ION OF 1'HE CITY COUNCIL OF cr'TE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA AUTHORIZING TI,rr CITY CL"RK TO r,mTERTIZE FOR BIDS FOR CERTAIN STREET nJPROVIT3NTYORK. II ... " The Clerk was ordered to phone Mr. Cnrr, request- ing him to b~gin advertizing for bids on the above work. Councilm3n ,I'>:ti te reported a bad condition existed in front of Eon Air Hotel due to improper drainage fac- ilities. Supt. Harvel agreed to rectify this condition. " Mr. '.'Ihite reported another bad condition of very low spot in middle of block sou th of Pos t Office. Members of Street Committee agreed to check this street with Mr. White. Councilman White reported that ~elephone Company . lines in back of Bon Air Hotel Bldg., also in back of build- ing occupied by Jonnie's Market were so low that the larger trucks could not 'clear the wires when trying to make deliver-, ies. The Clerk was ordered to write the Telephone Company c ~ asking them to raise the wires. . 2533 November 19th, 1945 Mr. :fuite recoID~ended the City allow free parking on its lot just west of the Post Office building. All members expressed themselves as favoring this. Councilman DeWitt advised that all the colored men at the golf course had quit except "oe. The rest wanted a raise to 75~ per hour. Supt. Harvel stated he could . ,furnish two good men for the golf course. Council in- structed him to do this. ~' Applicat'ion for beer license, by Mrs. Scotty Irwin, at the golf course was approved and subject to. thll wri ttlln approval of the Golf Committee, by moti04 regularly made, seconded and unanimously carried. It was regularly moved, seconded and unanimous~y carried that beer and wine license be issued to Louis Dallinga for the Waffle Shop, and that occu~ational merchants license be grant,Eld to Wade OBerry. . . , [ Estimate from George Carr of $381.00 to set 2~ 'monuments on one mile of ocean front establishing lin~ was 'read. It was regularly moved, seconded and unanimously carried, *' thl'l't Mr. Carr be authorized to proceed with the work as per his .;Le tter of November 5th. .'.-<-, A ~. ,~ The Clerk was authorized to accept $100. settlement oh'taX€s amounting to $762.65 in Silver Terrace which is outside the City limits now. She was also authorized to accept $75. settlement on taxes amounting to $518.03 in WestEl Be Court, by motion regularly mad'li., seconded and unanimously carried. . , The Clerk was requested to secure letter from City Assessor regarding Seagate ea~t of the boulevard and Pullman Company taxes for 1945: The followL~g ordinance was by motion regularly made, SEconded and unanimously'carried, pJB ced on its first reading;- ORn INANCE if 554 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY councu OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, DESIGNATTIm AU. 'PRO- PERTY IN HOFMAN VULAGE AS BEING IN RESIDENCE A, AS DEFTIJED BY ORDINANCE 216. ~ 'l "c " \ , -t< ,:>.,:..;a ....Ut.)':I: November 19th, 1945 The Clerk was instructed to issue occupati,nal license to May Bousfield for Gift Shop at 64 N. Federal Hig1-J.'N8;,r. There being no further business to come bef'Jl'e the Council, Co'mcil adjourned. ~~ Cl Y Clerk ' t Attest: I Ei .&<~~i )