12-10-45 Regular \ ;~' 0~';!'J5 ;"'.,.5\LJ,-* com,lCIL CHAEBER \ \ \ December 10, 1945 ,. / . The Council met in regular sess ion at 8 r. ;f;. 'Ni th all members of the City Council and the" City Attorney pre- ' sent. ~ Eayor Thayer aslced if anyone wished ninutes of pre- cGE'ding meetings read. l~o one did, so minutes of Nov. 26., 27th., Dec. 31'0. and Dec. 4th. were approved as 'vritten. The hour of 8 o'clock having arrived, the lIayor called for ob5ections to the filling in of Gleason St. There were no objections. n 5. 6. .74 .45 ~ I I I < I i I I I I ~ ~ i K~ ~ t~ ~ :Ii. :'~ Next he askrcd for bUs on received froni Grov~r C. Baker. uni t pr ice pe l' it em as follows: p<!ving work. One bid was ~ngineer Carr read off the Item 1. f! 2. Clearing & grubbing - Per acre Paving, with two oil surface ap- plications, complete, per sq.yd. Grading - per cu. yd. Concreteheader(reinforced. per olin. Ft. Muck removal - per cu. yd. Culvert, 18" terra cotta 45' long. perlin. ft. n 7. Two concrete heaowalls 150.00 Bid was a.ccom';anied by a cashiers check to the amount of $500.00. Total bid, as given by Engineer Carr was $43,816.46. which he said figured :,,5.10 per ft. of property. The biel was 16% higher than the engineers estimate. ;,ll150.00 n 3. 4. 1.45 .73 ff f! 2.25 / .4 ,. By motion regularly ma4e, seconded and unanimously carri~o, Mr. Carr's report was accepted, ano the matter was turned over to tlle 3',reet Committee for further study. The following Resolution was passed on its first read- ing; by motion regularly mad~,neconded and unanimollsly car- .ri~d . RESOLUTION #557_ r l , A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COU1{CIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA REQ,UEST1NG T:HE STATE ROAD DEPARTMENT TO REliIOVE SAND FROM OCEAN BLVD. WHICH HAS D~OSITED BY OCTOBER, 1945 STORM. ;.~" ,.i ~ ,,>!, Y;! ~ ~ i'~: ~i ~ ,~ ~ '*' , '.. ," , /' , , , J i , C'jJ;'!'J 6 rc...Jv":it December 10, 1945 Councilman ')C 'jitt aslwo when the zoning of 'Reid Pro]J6rty' would be done. The 11.ayor a4vised this 'iould bE donE: as soon as th~ land i3 filled. The Mayor agreed to write the State Road Dept. re- gard ing bad condi t ion which exis ts on s ta te road near bus station. . Councilman "hite reported there 'leI'e about 18 or 20 blocks which needed street repairs, and that a bad condi- tion exists on ll.E. 4th Ave. near Elliot's building. He also wished the Clerk to find out Yihy light is not' burning at Fisher Lane. Supt. Harvel stated h~ was unable at the present time to s~cure cold patch material, but as soon as it was available, he would procure some and proceed with street patching. Councilman DeWitt repO'"ted he had received a call Jack Sharpe regarding repairs to small water tank. Sharpe will be in Delray about Mayor June and will tact the Council then. from Mr. con- I Councilman Naters requested all members of' the CO!ln- ail meet with the Finance & Ordinance Committee at a Com~ mittee meeting, Monday night, 7:30 P.M. December 17th. to discuss the b~ach zoni.ng question. He asked the Clerk to invite th~ new members 'of' the Council to attend. Bill f'rom Smith & Gillespie to the amount o~ $596.09 was presented by Mr. ,'laters. Councilman '/fu.ite recommended the Clerk write the engineerS, asking for an itemized state- ment of the City's account with th~, before this bill is paid. .Jhe was also asked to inquire as to what progress they have made on the se'ver .survey. Bill from Jack Sharpe f'or painting 'water taIL~, amc)unt- ing to $690'o'OO?,WBS tabled until the Jater Committee Chairman can ehe ck ,the' work, and make a report to the Council on ,same. lOills #2854 through 2905 amounting to $6,824.17 having been approved by the Finance COIilmittee, ,','ere ordered paid. Letter from Fla. Power & Light advising of Golf Course water pumping power was read, and the Clerk was ordered to so advise the operator of the Golf Course. . ,. .. G),~~I'! I"'} I'-d'L.....i:l:.l. December 10, 1045 > , A communication from Frederic t. Duggan advising that due to high cost of building, it 'would be against his better judgment to cor:Jlllence building a hotel at pre cent time was read by Mr. dellenbrink and turned over to the Council. Clerk was 'to acknowledge receipt of same, and file. , The following persons filed application for Fire Chief's position:- / Richie P. Knapp, member of present force. Thos. G. Lyman, It f! It f! Martin I,;. Barrows, of.iest Palm Beach Chas. Buff of Mi'lmi ( The Mayor reconunended that if at all possible, no action be taken on this by the Present Council, inasmuch as the new Mavor of incoming Council s~?uld make this ap- pointment the first of the year. Afte~ discussing this, Chief'll. V. Croft offl"red to"sEl'l?ve until the first of the year, that is he would answer all calls, an,'would hold the regular drills, but his time during the day was already ar- ranged for his own personal business, and someone woul!l have to act as temporary chief during the !lay. The Mayor stated he would appoint a temporary day time chief at the next regular meet in, and thanked the Chief for his coopera- ~ion.' , , ~ , . , Application from Geo. R. Guy for occupational license in business district was presented, together with his check to the amouht of $1,500. A discussion ensued during which he agreed to take one half of the beach, and the firm opera- ting there now, take the oth~r half. Mr. Guy also assured the Council he would have the same rates he had last seaSon. Councilman Jacobs insisted that the two firms work harmoni- ou~ly, or the licenses ':'iould be revoked and the City would wouldhav~ to handle this mstter themselves. .Mr. Guy also agree~ to allow the city attorney to examine his insurance policy, and also to have the policy so corrected that ,the city would be covered in case of suit. Councilman Waters movlIld that the Chairman of the Parks and Beach Committee, and The Committee investigate the beach set-up and try tOiork out a plan agreeable to both Mr. Mc'llilliams and Mr. Guy, and if such can be done, they noti- fy the Clerk to issue license to Mr. Guy.. Mr. De'Nitt secon- ded the motion which carried unanimously on roll call. ;' The Clerk was instructed to issue occupational license to L. 'II. Cook for sale of electrical appliances and building special ths. Reqq.est for Change in zone of lot oWlled by E. N. And- rews near the S!'~b09rd Station from resident zone to busi- ness zone was orjered turned OVEr to the Zoning Commission fo, their recommendation. 0c'~4"8 hJI;/..J - December 10, l~45 Letter quoting prices on fir.. hydrants from Iowa Valve Co. read and ordered filled. ~ A letter from d. B. CorbJ.ey relative to straw vote on beach zoning was reao and ordered turned over to W. M. ;Yaters for reply. Fire Chief Croft as well as the engineers (Smith & Gillespie) ap':1r6ved of Mr. Cromer using 4i" valve openings on fire hydrants rather than 5" at a saving of $10 "Per hydrant to the City, and by motion regularly m8de, seconded, and unanimously carried, Smith & Gillespie's recommendation was accepted. , / ,', Councilman dacobs expresses himself as highly disa~- proving of the anon,nnous notices which a group of pro- pertv owners had mailed out, on which they had printed, 'Save the Beach:' He informed Mr. das. Monroe who was in, the audience that it was illegal to send papers suc!:\ as those through;themailsunsignelft.Mr. Monroe replied that he was not the person who had sent out the notices. A dis- cussion bet",'iecn the two p,',rties <5nsued. No action was taken. Letter from H. d. Shrling protesting to extending the hours of closing bars to one o'clock was read. Mr. Don Dan- kert ,!,epresenting the Seacrest Hotel; also expressed him. self as unfavorable to the extention of closing hour. After discussing the matter Mr. dacobs said he did not think the people in town T,i'iantec1 it. I I l " /' Mr. placed on <lahrs moved that the following Ordinance its first reading: ORDINANCE #558 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY C:UNCIL OF THE CJ:TY OF DELRAY BEACW;'FLORIDA, REGULA- TING Tflli HOURS AlID DAYS DURING WHICH IN- TOXICA TING LIQ,UORS ,lINES OR BEER MAY BE SOLD TI{ THE CITY OF'DELRAY BEACH,FLORIDA. be Mr. White se cond"d the motion, and on roll call the vote was as follows:~ Mr. DeWitt yes; Mr. dacobs not voting, Mr. Thayer yes, Wr. ',Thite yes, an!l Mr. Waters yes. Motion 6,arried ' J The Mayor advised the Honor Roll Board was badly in need of repair, and the A!lvo StUdios had quoted $250. to do the job. No action was taken. , There being no further business to come before the C9uncil, Council adjourned. ~, I I , , I ! Attod, ~~'YO" (/ , . .~"j....", \i,,~ City Clerk ..