12-17-45 Special COUBCIL OHAMBER December 17, 1945 The Council met in Special Session at 7:30 P.M. on call of the r,:ayor, for the purpose of considering the An- nual Audit 'report, and for any other matters of business whj,ch might need the action .of the COl).ncil at this time. All members of the Oouncil and the Oity Attorney ",re pre- ~ent. Auilitor "inn presented his audit report, discussing various accounts with the Council, after which it lIlaS regu- larly moved, seconded and unanimously carried that the Ooun- cil accept the aud it report for 1945, also that they accept the Auditor's recommendation to transfer balance in General Fund Account at the. end of fiscal year to the Water Im- provement Fund Account. Engineer Gillespie addressed the OouncillUtlin:tJ/!;g work donE on ])l'opos",d sewer project, rind recommendingtnatt>i' thE preliminary steps be ta~(en to secure Government loan, on".' this work.. He pointed out this would not obligate the city at all, but would clear the way of minor details 'Nhen th~t city decides to go ahead on the work. It ,vas regularly,*~'<> moved, seconded and unanimoUSly carried 'that the Oi ty Clerk',.;,. be instructed to fill necessary application blanks for government loan and that her name te placed on application for corresponcence purposes. liayar Thayer introduced Martin Barro'Ns, applicant' for Fire chief's jOb. He outlined his expllriences briefly for the Counc'il members. . , Councilman DeWitt reported water tank work done by !.Cr. Sharpe has been completed satisfactorily and recom- mended that Shanpe 's bill amounting to $650. be paid. It was regularly Doved, seconded and unanimously carried that bill be paid. .~ ' The Clerk was instructed to notify VI'. Jharpe that the Council is still considering the repairing of top of, small water tank. CouncIlman 1hi te recommended that contract for street improvement work be awarded. By motion regularly made, se- conded and unanimOUSly carrhd Grover Baker was awarded the"", contract, according to plans and specifications of Acting City Engineer Oarr. '.~~\f{ r.;. .' '~i:~%,\~;1'~1,t; ~,~;,i':; ;,.;_t~:~ "/:.,;~;:~ t": December 17, 1945 A ttorney Nowlin re commended thB t the City advertise spa in for b i~s on the f'll ing in of Gleason St. Mr. De\,/'itt moveo that the Olerk Advertise for bids on this work, and that the Attorney be authorized to start condemnatJon pro- ceO infs, if ne cE',sary, on the right-of- way. Lr. '.'/hi te seconded the motion which carried unanimously on roll call. " ThEre being no further business to come before the Oouncil, Council adjourned. jrJ~.~D .10. City Clerk ~ Attest: , ^,