12-20-45 Special 0'.1';1"':2 i- ~ :'lL;;-t,~ '. ~OUNCIL CHArSER December 20, 1945 The Council met in Special ucssion at 10 A.~. for the purpose of completing the papers on the paving contract, and for any other bus iness which may cmu, before the Council. All meEwers of the City Council and the City Attorney were present. The Kayar turned the meeting over to ,1'. .ihite 'oiha advised that the contractor, Grover Baker had re~uested that he be allowed to perform the work without furnishing a bond. Inasmuch as the city is not putting up any cash on the work Mr. Baker did not think it necessary to furnish bend. After c iscussing th;.s, Attorney Nowlin stated M deemed it advisable for the contractor to furnish bond. , I I 1 i i I l I The following. Resolution was by motion regularly moved, se cohded and unanimouslv' carrie d, ordered adopted. . . R"SO~~Qfllffjfi9 ..6.. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY Ci\UNCIL DF ~tm CITY OF DELl1AY 'EACH, FLORIDA, AU'fRORIZ- ING THE ACC-~TANCE OF A .CONTRACTOR'S BOlm FOR 25"PER CENT OF THE CONTRAST PRICE IN- STEAD OF 50 PER CENT, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR 1I1ID CITY CLEBK TO EXECUTE CONTRACT '!'I'ITlr;.GROVER C. BAKER, DOING BUSnrrSS AS GULF STREAM ENGINEERS, UPON SUCHPEPFOR- MANCE BOl,m BEING FURNISHED. Councilman .-raccbs'movea:that ~,t.heaGtiDncOft'\;he !jIaYQ,i! in purchas.itlg a new l~ ton dodge truck, c.osting $1,723';62 from Dependable Motors, Inc.., be approved. The motion was seconded by Mr.,1aters and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr~ De.litt yes, Mr. Thayer yes, Mr. JaCOBS yes, r;;r. Haters yes, and kr. Ahite yes. Councilman White brought up the matter of the removal of beach shelters owned by private individuals, on the one mile of public beach. He said he thought the time had come either to have them removed or else grant permission to OthE!:r persons wanting tt er€ct shelters to do so. He recom- mended the city build public shelt\;,'s along the beach for the use of the general public. The Clerk by motion regu- larly moved, seconded and, unanimously carr ied was ordered to write. letters to all persons ovming shelters, asking them to have same removed from thE beach by the 15th of JanU- ary. The police Dept. to deliver said letters. Also an ad be runlri the Local Newspaper. 0'~r,3 t ~,:1>L,.JIl-... December 20, 1945 Councilman <laters advised he had H;ad", arranCemEnts for a side delivEry rake to be brDught to the city, to tryout on the beach as a method of clearing up sea-weed. If it proves satisfactory he said it costs about ~200 or a' lit- tle over, and the city might want to purcha:oe one. The city is not obligated now'except to pay transportation charges to Delray Beach from Belle Glade and back, on the ~quipment. Other members approved this action. The Clerk was instructed to send check To Irving Trust Company to meet Interc?t pacrment on Delray Bonds which will fall due on danuary 1, 1946. Supt. Harvel was given permission, by motion regu- larly made, seconded, and unamimouslY0carried, to run water line to Dora Voigts home in Southridge, billing her cost of labor and material, and setting the meter inside the .city 1 imi ts, to furnish 1\'rs. Voigh with surplus water. . Mayor Thayer advised he had given Fire Chief Croft permission to tak~ two men and the small truck outside the city to fight a fire vlhich occured late in the night. , I 1 A There being no further business to come before the Council, Council adjourned. ,. .. , -tflS4ft~'~ ~. ~e<I~ City Clerk ApIlroved: ~- - " i..