12-28-45 Adjourned r:H-;')5 1--\;'lL3>'II:--. COUNCIL CHAMBER Deceniller 28, 1945 The Council met in adjourned session at 7:30 P.M. The followIng members vmre present: Mr. J"acobs ,Mr. Thayer, Mr. 'daters, Mr. ;Jhite, and Attorney Nowlin. Mr. DeWitt was ab- sent, The Mayor asked if anyone wished minutes of preceeding meetings read. No one did, so minutes of 'meetings held December 10, 11, 17, 20, and 24th. were approved as written, Grover Baker asked permission for extenSion of time on commllncement of work on streets to J"anuary 15th. ,1946, due to the fact that so many holidays.have occured which took away from number of working days. The following Resolution was by motion regularly made, seconded and unanimously carried adopted on its first read- ing: RESOLUTION # 560 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AN ElITENSION TO GROVER BAKER DOING BUSINESS AS . GULF STREAM ENGINEERS; UNTIL J"ANUARY15,1945 IN \TI1ICH TO C01~~NCE C6~STRUCTION ON STREET NORK. " At this time Hans. F. Wreidt addressed the Council seeking help in removal of water from around his premises on Nassau St. The Council assured Mr. Nreidt they would try to work something out, and councilman vfuite stated he would see what could be done in the morning. A letter from the signers of petition requesting one hour extenSion of time of clOSing of bars, .was presented, in which the signers asked to withdraw said petition. It was regularly moved, seconded and unanmmously carried that Ordinance if 558 be withdrawn from the files. . . .. Communication from Ministerial Association protest- ing tq extention of time of closing hours on bars and ask- ing for stricter enforcement of law regarding minors loter- ing in and around bars was read a'nd ordered filed. Rev. Rdb~nson was present at the meeting and was thanked for the letter, and assured by the Mayor that the requests would be complied ,with. A letter from James Monroe requesting further infor- mation regarding. proposed hotel and apartment house ordinance was read. The Mayor agreed to llnSwer same. , . , LJ r.r. r- r,: c. ~-;;~..JOI!-'\..J -ilk December 28~ 1945 Resignation from D. L. Ml5adows as assistant fire chief was read and table'd for the new Council to consider. Letter from Smith & Gillespie together with copy of letter to 'them from Nu-iiay Plum.bing asking for starting date on water plant work to be Feb. 1st. was read. The engineers recommended Feb. 4th. inasmuch as Feb. 1st feel on a Friday. Clerk was ordered to notify Nu-.iay and Smith &. Gellespie that F€lb. 4th, was satisfactory. Letter from Smith &. Gillespie together with all data they have compiled on proposed sewer project was read, and all papers wen, ordered filed. Communication from Southern Bell stating they have corre cted 'wires in re ar of 'Johnnie's Market' and would in the Dear future lay an underground cable in~ear of Bon Air Hotel to cOrrect these low wires, was read and ordered filed, after being acknowledged. A letter fJ;'om Fla. State Board of Health commending the City in beginning 'nark on proposed sewer improvements was read, ordered acknowledged, and filed, ~~o comm,unications from the Planning Board, one per- taining to building on Federal Highway, and the other pertaining to set-back, were read, and ordered ~abled for the new Council to consider. Next the Clerk advised that the Zoning Commission unanimously voted to deny li'equest of Mrs. C. Y. Byrd .for changing of zone in the N~ of block 140 from residence to apartment house zone. It was regularly moved, seconded and unanimously carried that the recommendation of the Zoning Commission be accepted and aprroved. The ,Clerk then advised that the ~oning Commission racommendllld rec;uest of ,"".N. Andrews for Changing his pi:'operty in 8ec. 17 (part of 11) from residence to general business, be granted. They also recommended the entire protion of (11) Sec. 17 be changed to general business inasmuch as thiS is near the Seaboard Railway and thliiY fell t the15f would be a need for this tY1?e.~property in the future. The Council discussed thi~ thoroughly, after which thll){.instruchd the Building Inspector to grant permit toMr;Andrews for his building, and instructed the City pJ.erk to write the Zo~ing Commission asking them to consider and recommend back to the Council their reaction to the chan~ing of zone to general business a~ follows: :L~ Beginning at sClaboard, come east to the:" east boundarv line of Andrews property, orin the center of a block, beii;Jhgsure to include all of Andrews property. .. ,"-".: -"_.',~"~-'''"' .. .',-.~t .~'''' I i > I / I ..J ''''" II , ,~ i i ;'l 'i'_: !~ ,~'.', ;.,. " 'I' _:> I I ,." , , . 'U,fll" f ' :::. December 28, 1945 South line to be one half block south '01' A tlsntic Avenue, and north line to be one half block north of 2nd. Street. ~) Councilman White repoTted the heavy rains had caused trouble with streets and sewer lines. He stat<1d we have no cold patch to do any patching 'cVork with. The Mavor advised we have not secured a tractor to pull the beach ral<::e. Mr. White stated as soon as Fair- cloth secures one that ':Jill work on the beach, they 'will send it down for us to tryout. ' Attorney Nowlip advised that he would complete fore- closure on delinquent tax properties, getting titles to property, in about four or 'five months. The Mayor stated he was having free parking signs ,made for the two city lots west of the post office and was in hopes this would help the parking situation. The Attorney advised he had finished a.fbreclosure on a half of a lot in Vista Del Mar, also on the property next to Andrews Avenue, for the city. The following Ordinance was by motion regularly made, sec,onded and unanimouiit'ly carried, placed on its fil;'st reading: ORDTNANCE NO~ 561 ~< AN OHDlllANCE OF THE CI'rY COUNCIL OF 'rHE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDl., CREA'l'ING A SPECIAL HOTEL DISTRICT AND REGULARING, CONTROLLING Al\fD GOVERNING THE ERECTION; CONSTRUCTION, SIZE AND USE OF BUILDIDlGS ERECTED THEHEIN. The Attorney advised this should be advertised by caption., Attorney Nowlin brought up matter of proposl.\d zoning for limited business from J"ohn B. Reid. This was tabled for the new Council to consider. By motion regularly moved, seconded, and unamimously carr'ied, the 1tayor's action of hiring rilartin Barrows as fire chief, as of J"anuary 1, 1946; at the same salary Chief Croft had received; ViaS confirmed. This action also had the unofficial approval of the 1946Col,lncil. , . ' It was r€gularly moved, seconded,a*a.uI1animoJ,lsly carried that the Clerk send check for $lO.OO,tgEdward , Spitzer, Chairman of the Bridge Tournament Committee, to help defray expense of Delray Beach euy" ,J r . .. -.~ '1lt;.~8 f'd......~ December 28, 1945 Attorney Nowlin advised that John B. Reid was the owner of the only portion of Gleason St. which the city did not have right of way deed to, and Icr.,Reid had agreed to give deed to this right of v'ay to the city. Mayor Thayer advised he had the honor roll board removed from Atlantic Ave. It is in the city shop, being prepaired, and when completly repaire~, will be placed in the n..w memorial park. Letter from Smith & Gillespie re: their fees re~ garding dater Plant Imp. was read. Inasmuch as no mention was made of the $1,000 which we paid them, this matter was tabled for further consideration. , ; i , 1 , j I I i ! i I " ~ j\ i I i i 'I ,~ " ~ t ~ ,# The Clerk reported having notified all WViners of beach shelter to remove same by January 15th. It was regularly moved, seconded and ~nanimotisly carried that occupational license for building contractor be issued to Howard Gabel ~ Also tha t license be grant- ed Chas. Pierce for Good Shop, and .1. C. Trombley (if he is in business zone) for cabinet maker, .' Inasmuch as Mr. Gabel did not furnish any bU$in.jl$s, , addrts6 ,tmotionc;apoveCg:I:ilw:ting;'h;im, license , was by motion regularly made, seconded and unanimously carried, rescinded. . Councilman White moved, that when Mr. Gable furnishes an address in the business zone, the Clerk issue him license. Mr. daters seconded the motion which carried unanimously on roll call. ' his lot The the Request from John Kesley to place a trailer on in block 72 was read, and tabled for further stude; attorney was asked to draft an ordinance regulating placing of trailers in the c~ty. The Clerk was, ordered to ask the Zoning Commission to recommend as to the Zoning of the E~ of block 116 which is not zoned at the' present, at their earliest convlinienclll. Clerk was instructed to pay Fire Chief Croft his full salary until the new fire chief assumes office. Plat for new cemetery was presented. Councilman ,~ite moved that Mr. Geo. Carr be employid .as acting city enginEEr, on a fEe basis. aaters S6conded the motion which carried unanimously on roll calL, ,; ~! 'Ii. '.'., %! Ji: U , December 28, 1945 Mr. iVhite moved we adopt the plat of new cemetery, subject to the acting city engineer's' approval; leaving a street entrance of similar width on the south edge of the proposed plat. Mr. J"acabs seconded the motion which carried unanimously on roll call. Mr. daters moved that a 'lat be prepared for the colored cemC' tery", sub je ct to the ap.:;Jroval of the acting city engineer, and submitted to the city Council. Mr. J"acobs seconded t,l1e motion which carried unanimously on roll call. . Councilman !fuite recommenaed Mr. Carr draw up streef specifications for both cemeteries. All fuembers agreed on this. Bills # 2906-2940 amounting to $24,946.75 having been approved, by the .J!'inance Committe e were ordered paid. Among these bills was bill for new truck which was ordered :paid by the council at a previous meeting, $1,723.62, and $15,300.92 interest payment to Irving Trust. Letter from GoLf Committee membersl"€signing their post was read, and ordered babled for the new Council to "d ' conSl er., 'l'hll Mayor advised that inCluding tonights meeting the Council had met 62 times during the past year. dames Monroe advised the Council he thought the height of new hotels and apartment houses was too high. Members explained that they had had expert advise before setting the height outlined in the ordinance. Mr. Monroe thanked the Council. There being no further business to come before the 60uncil, Council Adjourned. ~d<~.~~. 'd,~t- City Clerk , -~ , JJ 25fi9