01-03-44 Adjourned
January 3, 1944
The Council met in adjOlrned session at 7:30 P. M.
Attorney and the following members present: Mr. Jacobs, Mr.
Wodisehek. Mr. Hill' and Mr. Miller were absent.
wi th the City
McFee, Mr.
By motion regularly made, seconded and carried, the ,minutes of
the ,r:egular IlIlJllting of December 27th were appro ved as read.
The Deputy Cii;y Clerk was asked to read ,the minutes of meeting
of January 3rd. Afterminutes were read, they were approved as read. '
There being no business to come before the retiring Council, it
was moved by Mr. Wodischek, seconded by Mr. McFee, and unanimously' carried
that COlnciladjOlrn sine die.
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Deputy City Clerk
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January 3, 1944
The Cii;y CqmciJ, assembled at 7:30 P. M. for annual organization
meeting, as provided by Secti on 12 of the City Charter. The City Attorney,
Councilmen McFee and Wodischek, and Councilmen elect W. A. Jacobs, John A.
Thayer, and W. M. Waters were present.
Tn, Oath of Office was administered to newly elected Councilmen,
Jacobs, Thayer and Waters, by the Deputy City Clerk, after which she
annOlnced the next Ol'der of business to be the selection of a Mayor for
the ensuing year, and declared the meeting open for nominations to this
. office.
Mr. Wodischek moved that Mr. McFee be nominated. Mr. Waters
nominated Mr. Thayer. Mr. Jacobs seconded Mr. Thayer's nomination. '!here
being no further nominations, it was moved that nominations be closed and
in the el'ection, the vote was as follows:
For Mr. Thayer:-
Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. McFee no, Mr. Th!\}'er yes, Mr. Waters yes,
Mr. Wodischek no.
For Mr. McFee:-
Mr. Jacobs no, Mr. McFee not voting, Mr. Thayer no, Mr. Waters
no, Mr. Wodischek yes.
Mr. Thayer was declared elected to the office of Jlayor by a
majority llOte of the Council.
Mr. Waters nominated Mr. Jacobs to the office of Vice-Jlayor.
The vote was as follows: Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. McFee no, Mr. Thayer yes,
Mr. Waters yes, Mr. Wodischek no. Mr. Jacobs was declared elected to this
office by the majori ty vote of the Council.
A discussion ensued regarding the appointment of various reads of
departments and committees. The City Attorney adv.l.sed the COlncil that the
City Charter provided tha t the City Judge ahOlld be appointed at the first
meeting of the year and thi s ahOlld be done because under the Charter his
appointment had to be for one year.
January 3, 1944
Mr. Waters nominated Mr. Paul Rehr to the office of City Judge.
Mr. McFee seoonded the nomination.
The Mayor turned the Chair over to Mr. Wodischek in order that
he might nominate Mr. J. M. Cromer to the office of City Judge. Mr.
Wodischek then turned the chair back to the Mayor and secoljded the nomination.
On roll call the vote was as follows:
For Mr. Rehr:-
Mr. Jacobs not voting, Mr. McFee not llOting, Mr. Thayer not
voting, Mr. Waters yes, Mr. Wodischek not voting.
For Mr. Cromer:-
Mr. Jacobs 'not voting, Mr. McFee ;yes, Mr. Thayer yes, Mr. Waters
no, Mr. Wodischek yes. .
Mr. Cromer was declared elected to the office of City Judge by
the ma jori tar vote of th e CounciL
The Mayor ststed that he wou1.d like a little time to familiarize
himse1.f with th e various committees, and City employee department heads
and would like someone to make a motion to adjOlrn until another evening
at which time said appointments could be made. He a1.so stated aU City
emp1.oyees or the past administration be reemployed for the present until
appointments are made at next meeting.
Mr. Waters moved that the Council. adjOlrn to meet in adjourned
session ThurSday, Janllary .6, 1944 at 7:30 P. M. Yr. Jacobs seconded the
motion which carried unanimously on raU ca1.1.
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Depu~ City Clerk