01-06-44 Adjourned
January 6, 1944.
The Council met in adjourned session at 7:30 P. M. for the
purpose of appointing City employees. The follOilring lIIIlmbers were present:
Mr. Jacobs, Mr. McFee, Mr. Thayer, Mr. Waters, Mr. Wodischek, and the
City Attorney.
Mayor Thayer inst~ucted the Deputy Clerk to read the following
RellOlution to the Council:- .
, .
It was moved by Mr.. Jacobs that the above Resolution be adopted. Mr.
Waters seconded the motion mich carried unanimOUSlY on roll call.
The LlAyor informed the Council that Mr. Garner who is a member
of the 'Zoning Committee' had "xpressed the desire that the Coonc11
re-appoint all members of said Oolllllittee, inasmuch as they were working
on a matter beneficial to the City, .and he thought it best to complete
th,1s matter with his present Colllllitte. as a whole.
Councilman Jacobs ex;plained to the lIIIlmers that the 'Citizen's
"~sory Conrnittee I came into blting as a hold-over fran the oU Bond
. , tt.e. Th"re bd,ng a vacancy on the Committee at this time, Mr.
suggested it might be advisable to contact other members of the
.ttee requesting them to suggest SOlDilone :eo fill the vacancy.
Upon recommendation of the Mayor, Councilinan Waters moved
t1tat the Golf Colllllittee be re-appointed. The motion was duly ssconded
arl!l caJ!!'ied.
The following Oomnittse members were reconunelllied for the
year 1944 by thsMayor:-
W. Y. Wa tel's
W.. A. Jacobs
Jno. A. Thayer
G. W.Garner, Chairman
L. J. Nichols
Matt Gracey
L. C. Hand
R. E. Turpin
Council Chamb"r
Jan. 6, 1944 Page # 2
F. W. Wodischek
W. A. Jacobs
J. R. McFee
W. A.Jacobs
Paul Rehr
J. C. Keen
M. lL. DeWitt
B. F. Sundy
J. B. Smith
John A. Thayer
W. M. Waters
F. W. Wodischek
J. R. Mcfee
F .W. Wodischsk
John A. Thayer
W. O. Jelks, Chairman
E. M. Wilson
H. A. Hubbard
Paul Rehr
W. A. Jacobs
J. R. McFee
W. M. Waters
Upon motion made by Mr. Waters, seconded by Mr. Wodischek,
and unanimously carried, the Committees were appointed according to the
Mayor's recommendation.. . It was decided to appoint the members of the
rest of the Conmittees at, next regular meeting night.
The following comminitiation from Mr. E. C. Barksr was read:-
Delray Beach, Florida
Dscember 31, 1943.
Delray Beach, Florida
Please take immediate action and :Ie t me know at
once, your decision aa to the following:
To date I have not received any check for my annual
vacation of 2 weekl1 tor 1943, nor have I takl!ln any such
vacation. Therefore would appreciate your sending me check
for same. This is for 1943,- not the new year.
As you know, I havt been employed as City Lite-guard
for nearly 4 years now, anQ have had no raise in salary since
1941. Other Ci't3 employees havs received increases, but none
Council Chamber
Jan. 6, 1944 page # 3
have been given me. Due to the rising cost of living anQ
high local rents, it is necessary for me to ask for $25.00
more per month. . My present salary is $100, and I have to be
there 7 days a week. Never have 8 clay off for my wUe and
myself to attend to any personal business in other,towns.
I am willing to co-operate with you to the fullest
extent but' as you are aware, other jobs are very plentiful
and men to fill them are not, and some offers are being made
more and more enticing.
Awaiting your reply, I am
Very truly yours,
E. C. Barker
E. C. "CAP" Barker.
Mayor Thayer suggested the letter be tabled until next
regular Council Meeting.
During the discussion which folloWllld, Mr. Jacobs stated Mr.
Barker's salary to start with was $60 per month, and later he was raised
to $100 per month, which was quite an increase. Mr. Jacobs expresnd
himself as not being in favoz: of raising Mr. Barker's salary to $125.
per month.
Ileuncilman Jacobs moved that Mr. Barker be given check for
two-Wlllek vacation for 1943. Mr. Waters seconded the motion and on roll
call the vote was as fc;>l1ows: Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. McFee no, Mr. Thayer
yes, Mr. Waters yes, Mr, Wodischek no~
At this point, the Mayor stated the next order of business
to. be the appointment 'of various City employees; first of which wou14
be the appointment of City CleIk, Treasurer, amI- 'l:ax Collector. He
said the City had recently lost a very valued employee due to resig-
nation because of poor health, who had served the CiV for a long
period and with great distinction; and he. felt it was a great loss to
the City. Mayor Thayer upressed himself as being of the opinion that
in any large organization, the' persons working therein shoulli, if
capable, be given advancement mere possible. He then inquired if there
WlIre any applications. foz- this position. The Deputy Clerk presented
her application 1.o1'thll'lLayoM't/!lonread same. Councilman Wodischek moved
that Mrs. Catherine E. Strong be appointed City Olerk, Treasurer,. and
Tax Oollector. The motion was seconded by Mr. Waters an4 on roll call
carried unanimously. ,
The Mayor then addressed the Council in behalf of other City
employees, stating, he personally felt Ilhat he would like to see all
Council Chamber
Jan. 6, 19~ Page # 4
prllsent City employees re-appointed for the ~ar, at their present
salaries, inasmuch as he thought the work was being carried on competently
by said employees. Upon motion made by Yr. Wodischek, seoonde.by Mr.
McFee and unanimously carried, the following appointments were macle:-
W. O. Winn
Adams & Nowlin
Geo. Pinckney
R. C. Croft
Jas. Grantham
Elmer Delise
Jack Jurney
Thos. G. Eyman
Richie P. Knapp
C. C. Turner
W. V. Croft
E. C. Barker
Samuel Ogren
Betty Ball
Frank Hollis
Dan Meadows
A. G. Ranson
Audiilo r
Plumbing Inspector
Police Chief
Ass't. Police Ohief
Supt. Public Works
Fire Chief
Life Guard
Tax Assessor
Pool Mgr.
Engineer Dept.
Ass I t. Fb-e Chi.e f
Plant Foreman.
Upon reO<lllTllllendation of the' Oity Clerk, Miss Marjorie Wino,
by motion regularly J!Il!de, sllcondlld and unanimoosly carried, was appointe.
Deputy-Clerk in charge of the Water Department and Deputy-Olerk of the
Municipal Court, at a salary of $ll5. per month, and Mrs. Uta Koshinz
was appointed Deputy Clerk in the Tax Office, at a salary o-f $125. per
month. .
Councilman Jacobs stated hll thought the City Au4tor Shoul4l.
receive more salary than lie is getting at the present. By'motion cluly
made, seconded and carried, this matter was tabled until next regular
meeting night.
Councilman Waters aske4l. what the Oity Olerk's salary was to
be, and by motion regularly made, seconded and unanimously carried, it
was decided the Cle rk would recei V8 $200. pe r lJIonth.
Councilman Mcfee stated that inasmuch as the salary question
had come up, he would like to know if Mayorii' Thayer was in favor of the
Councilmen working for a .dollar a year salary as it was his understanding
this was part of Mayor Thayer's platform before election, and he wantea
to know if the Mayor was going to stick to it, and back it up.
Mayor Thayer then read the folloWing excerpt as publiShed in
the Delray Beach News on November 19, 1943:-
"1. Qualifications.;of a Candidate:
Council Chamber
Jan 6, 1943 Page # 5
(a). "He should be a taxpayer and voter, should have
the interests of the community at heart, and
should be willing to be a "dollar a year man II
as a civic duty."
He stated u: it was the pleasure of the Council to work for a dollar a yoar,
he was perfectly willing to stand by it, but h!I did not think that it was
necessary for the Councilmen to serve for a dollar a year in a million dollar
Mr. McFee requested the Mayor to make a motion that the Council-
men work for a collar a year, which the Mayor refused to do.
Councilman McFee thereupon made a motion that Councilmen'receive
a salary of a cbllar per year. Motion was seconced by Yr. Wodischek, .and
. on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Jacobs no, .MIl" McFee yes, Mr.
Thayer no, Mr. Waters no, Yr. Wodischek yes. The motion did not carry.
Councilman Wodischek then brought up the matter or slo\ machines.
He inforJDlilQ the Council he'd.esired to see them taken CJlt of town, llnd
woulGl like to see all gambling devices removed from the City. He stated
the owners or the machines should. be gLven 48 hours notice to remove them,
and. if they dill not, then the Police Chief shoua.d be instructed to piCk
them up and destroy ill machines and gambling devices prohibited by State
Law, regardless of whose place of business they were in.
Mayor Thayer said that la st year' e CCJlncil recognized amusement
machines as being all right and licensed th!m, and that he thought it
would perhaps be in order to make an amendment to the. present ordinance
which allows them in operation under the name of !coin operated amusement'
devices", then refUnd all money the City has received for licenses for
the machines for this year. It was his opinion he stated that the
Ordinance must first be recinded and then money rerUM". City Attorney
Nowlin stated that t~s was substantially correct.
Councilman Wodischek stated many people had asked him to do
something about having the machines removed from the City, and that he
wished to lDf.~e a motion that the City Attorney draw. up an amendment to
the O~inance to prohibit the machines in town, and after this is done,
that. the City return aU money received from owners or the machines.
Yr. McFee said h!I felt the same way about the machines and
inasmuch .as hI!l 'had heard many small children were playing them, thOUJght
they ought to be removed from the Ci.ty.
. Mr. Wodischek moved that City Attorney Nowlin prepare an
. .
Ordinance reclIlding the licensing of coin operated amusement devices and
~~ .
Council Chamber
Jan. 6, 1943 Page # 6
present it for consideration at next regular meeting. Mr. McFee eeconc1.d
the motion which carried unanimously.
It was regularly moved, seconded and carried that Council
City Clerk:
9. ~n--t