01-10-44 Regular ) \ 2234 eoonCIL alAJ.IBER January lOth, 1944 The Council met in regular ....ion at 7:35P. M. with the following m.mbera preunt: )dr. Jaeo@a, .Mr. McF.e, Mr. Thayer, Mr. Watera, Mr. Wodiach.k anti City Attorney Nowlin. By moMon r.gularly ma.e and a.cond.. the minut.. of the laat meeting of January 6th war. approve. aa correct... Councilman Wo.iachek report.. there were 1105 water m.ters in urvin during the month of December. He then infonne. the Counllil that both water tank.a ne.... apot painting badly, an. that he ha. contacted various looal painters 1'8 questing bi.a for the. worl<, also had contact.. out of town firms, and to date had bMn unable to aecure ..timat.. . Councilman Waters volunte.red to try to obtain bili. on thia work, and to r.port to the Council his r...ult.. A communication from Mrs. Eleanor Richman, R.n. visitor was read an. or..red file.. The following cooununication from the Motor Vehicle Commissioner was read:- Tallahassee, Florida January 4, 1944 City of Delray Beach, Delray Beach, Florida Gentlemen: Dp to a. tftmporary break-down of the machinery at the Tag Plant at Raiford, this office will be unable to issue your exempt tags at this instant. However, we expect the matter to be cleared up by the 15th of the month, at which tiJm we will take steps to forward your plates to you. Yours very truly, Henry J. Driggers MOIDR VEHICLE CCJ.!MISS IONER The Clllrk was instructed to file same. The matter of Capt. Barker's salary was brought up for discussion, 2235 ll'anuary 10th, 1944 after which it was decided to refer it to the Finance Committee, and table it until next meeting._ Mr. Waters made a motion to this effect which was seconded by Mr. McFee and carried unanimously on roll call. TIle following Ordinance was introduced. ORDINANCE NO. JI'l17 -A . AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY <F DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, REPEALING OODINANCE NO. 259, BOOK NO. 5,ENTITLED - "AN EMERGmlCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF' DEIRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, PROVIDING FOR LICENSE FOR CERTAIN MACHINES OR DEVICES BY COIN at OTHERWJSE, AMWNT OF SUCH LICENSE AND PROVIDING FOO A PENALTY Fat TIE POSSESSION, USE CR OPERATION OF SUCH MACHINE OR DEVICE WITHOUT SUCH LICENSE BEING OBTAINED". After discussing same, Mr. Wodischek moved tffit it be passed on its first reading. Mr. McFee seconded the motion, am on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Jacobs no, Mr. McFee yes, Mr. Thayer no, Mr. Waters not voting, Mr., Wodischek yes. The motion was lost for lack of majority '\tote of the Council. During t\'e lengthy discussion which followed regarding coin operated amusement devices, it was the general consensus of the members that 'coin operated amusement devices' were objectionable where children were allowed to operate them. Members expressed t\'emselves as feeling children were too young to operate the amusement devices even at the age of eighteen. I The Mayor stated that since the License Ordinance has been effective since'1939, he did not believe the ctty could have been operating illegally during this entire period without attention to that fact being called by the State authorities, and he didn't want to be in a position to repudiate what the other administrations have done. The Mayor recom- mended that a trial be given the amusement devices. He stated the Police Departlll3nt should be instructed to at any tine a minor is a~rehended playing the devices, remove said device from place it is stationed in, and destroy same. The Mayor said he thought the owners of the establishments wherein are found the machines would be willing to cooperate in every respect with the City officials 'in regulating operation of the machines. He also said he thought the pdblic wanted the machines, and thought they Should be given a fair trial before removing them from t\'e City, inasmuch as the City has allowed them in operation in previous years and has obtained considerable revenue from licenses on the machines. Councilmen McFee and Wodischek stated they wanted to go on record as being opposed to having the machines in operation in the City. The Mayor sta ted he would call upon all licensees in the City 2236 January 10th, 1944 wherein amusement devices are, and tell them the pleasure of the Council regarding operation of the machines, and that he would rejXlrt back to the Council IltClle'xt"reg~al1';ineetdJlg'reg.rdihg'r~actiol1~' "He said he would also instruct the Police DepartlOOnt to observe whether or not the merchants were cooperating. It was moved, seconded and narried that RESOLUTION NO. 498 be ado piled , authorizing the signatures of John A. Thayer, Mayor, W. A. Jacobs, Vice-Mayor, and Catherine E. Strong, City Treasurer, to all City checks issued on the City's two depositories, viz. The Florida State Bank and the West Palm Beach Atlantic National Bank. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Clerk was author- ized to secure bonds for the following: $5,000. Bond- $l,ooO Bond- $l,ooO Bond- City Clerk Deputy Clerk Deputy Clerk Catherine E. Strong Marjorie Winn Alta Koshinz The matter of an increas in W. O. flinn, City Auq:~torl s salary was brought up, and by motion of Mr. McFee; which wAs second(1d by Mr; Wodischek, and unanimously carried, it was referred to the Finance Committee, with the request they report back at rext meeting night. Councilman, McF.,e brought up the matter of unpaid real estate taxes on improved properties with delinquent taxes of two years or more outstanding. He said some partial payments have been made on the colored properties, but that there were still quite a mlJl'ber of unpaid accounts in the white section of town. Arter discussing the matter, the Clerk was instructed to prepare lists, showing properties on which partial payments are being made, also showing unpaid accounts, for each member of the Council. . . , Quite a discussion arose regarding new water rate for additional consumers which became effective too 1st of January. Members stated they had heard quite a few objections from the citizens regarding the extra charge, and after a lengthy discussion, the Clerk was instructed to cease accepting the yearly charge, credit customers on future bills who have already paid the charge, am advise the people the Council would try to work out II plan whereby the public would be satisfied. The matter was referred to the Water COJllllittee for report back to Council at next meeting. The following cOlllnunication was read by the City Attorney:- Delray Beam, Florida December 27, 1943 . Mr. J. W. Nowlin, Atty. City Dear llr. Nowlin: Enclosed find something that should maybe have " 2237 January 10th, 1944 your imnediate attention. You will remenber SOIOO time ago we made a settlelOOnt of SOIOO Rutledge notes (I believe you were Atty for the City at the time) and this has sOllllthing to do with that. I've looked all over and can find no papers or information in regard to this, and thought if the re were any, or if t\'ere was anything tffit the City might get out of this you would know about it. 7 Is! Yours truly, Mae W. Cramp CITY CIERK *****.~.;(-** Washington, D. C. October 27, 1943 City of Del ray Beach, Delray Beach, Florida Gentlemen: In reI Claim No. 7725, City of - Delray Beach Fourth (final) Dividend, $1,S93.49 Attention ofMallJ W. Clramp, City Clerk t Reference is made to your letter of September 14th, in which you acknowledge receipt or a noti'ce relative to the fourth (final) dividend on the claim of the City of Delray Beach. You advise that you have been unable to locate the Receiver's Certificate; and you request inforlll!ltion relative to the accol.l'lt for which the claim was proved. The receivership records show that among the claims proved was one in the amount of $10,011.41, belonging to the estate of Clayton E. Rutledge, deceased. It appears that the estate was insolvent and that a compromise agt.I'lement was entered into by and between Clarissa B. Johnson, Administratrix of the estate of Clay tonE. Rutledge, deceased, and certain creditors of Jlhe estate. Under date of Augus't 12, 1936, Clarissa B. Johnson, as administratrix of the estate of Clayton E. Rutledge, deceased, assigned 65.9% of the claim to t\'e City of Delray Beach as one of the creditors of the estate, pursuant to the final decree issusd in the matter of the estate by the Circ\lit Court of the Elvventh Judicial Circuit in and for Dade County, Florida, under date of July l5, 1936. Receiver's Certificate No. 7725 was issued to the City of Delray Beach for its share of the claim. The name of Yiller and Harris, Biscayne Building, appears on my records as representing 2238 January loth, 1944 the City of Delr!lY Beach. " I trust the information furnished will enable you to locate Receiver's Certificate of Proof of Claim No. 7725, 1Ihich was issued in the amount of $6,597.52. The Receiver's Certificate should be forwarded to me with the receipt now in your possession, which soould be signed by the City Manager of the City of Delray Beach. In the event the Receiver's Certificate cannot be located, it will be necessary for the Ci ty Mana~r of the City of Delray Beach to furnish an affidavit relative to its loss, and a bend in the BlIbunt of ,$2300. A form for a combimtion at'fidavit and bond is enclosed. '!he bond soould be executed by the City Manager as principal am his act in this respect approved by an appropriate resolution of the governing board of the City of Delray Beach. '!he bond soould be underwritten by a reliable sUl'ety company. Very truly yours, R. C. Parsons RECEIVER Mr. Nowlin stated he had contacted Lawyer C. Y. Byrd who was City Attorney at the time this matter came up, and read the following conmunication from him:- Delra.y BeaCh, Florida December 29, 1943 r Mr. J. W. Nowlin, City Attorney, . Delray Beach, Florida " Re: City of Delray Beach claim vs. Clayton E. Rutledge Estate Dear Mr. Nowlin: " As requested by you, I have made ~ careful e:xam1.nation of my files and find that I have an Assignment of Receiver's Certificate No. 7725 of '!be City National Bank in Miami in the amount of $6,597.52, Which certificate was secured by 100 ae attorney for the City on or about November 6, 1936. This Certificate was issued to the City "pursuant to an order of court, entered in the Circuit Court of the Eleventh Judicial Circuit, in that cause styled 'In the Matter of the Estate of Clayton E. Rutledge, Deceased', under Clerk's Chancery File No. 44410-C, I hereby assign, transfer, set over and deliver unto the follovring persons, in'the following proportions, all of ll\Y 2239 January lO, 1944 " '. right, title and interest as Administratrix in and to that certain certificate evidencing a deposit in City National Bank in Miami, which certificate was issued by the Receiver of said Bank under date of September 11th, 1931, now standing on the books of the Receiver, C. H. Bancroft, in the name of ESTATE OF CLAYTON RUTLEDGE, CLARISSA B. JOHNSON, ADMS., in the original face amount of Ten Thousand Eleven and 41/100 ($lO,Ol1.4l) Dollars; which certificate and the iDterest therein of the undersigned is hereby assigned- to the following assignees, in the following proportions, to-wit: '( CitY' of Delray Beach -----------65.9% William G. Weller ------------ 3.5% Armour Fertilizer Works ----------14.7% J. C. Leih------------------------l5.7% M. Katz & Sons ------------------ .2% , \ My files disclose that the City referred this claim against the Clayton E. Rutledge ~state to my office for collection on or about Yay 30, 1935. I illmediatel,v contatlted K. D. Harris, an attorney in Miami, Florida, and associated Mr. Harris with me in bringing about litigation which ultimately resulted in the City receiving from what appeared to be a worthless claim against the Clayton E. Rutledge Estate $500.00 in cash on or about the 21st day of August, 1936, and the money which is now being paid under and by virtue of the assignment of Receiver's certificate mentioned in' your letter. It was necessary for Mr. Harris and myself to file proceedings in the Probate Court of Dade County and also in the Circuit Court in order to being about a settlement and compromise of t\'e various claims which were filed in the Rutledge Estate: it necessitated several trips to Miami and at the time the claim was referred to my office, I agreed to handle it on a 30% contingent fee basis. On the first money collected from the Estate theough compromise and suit, Mr. Harris was paid his fee and I received a small portion of said amount, however, since tha t time Mr. Hartis has diB d and has left his interest in this matter to my office and autlnrized me to make settlement of any fees which might be due in the future. ,. J It is agreeable with me for you to turn over to the City the enclosed Receiver's Certificate No. 7725, provided the City will authorize you to pay me 20% of the amount now offered to the City as final settlement of this claim. Yours very truly, ~ C. Y. Byrd Mr. Nowlin was authorized to proceeds of this collection, seconded and carried. pay Mr. Byrd a comnission of 20% out of the by the Council, upon motion regularly made, . 2240 January 10, 1941, By motion regularly made, seconded and carried, bills nurrbered l275-1278-l285 & 1314 thru 1352, having been approved by the Finance Committee, were returned to t\'e Council and orderedJpaid. ;_ .',', r; At this pbint, Chief of Pollce Croft addressed t\'e Council in behalf of his two de,sk clerks. He requested that they be given an increase in pay. The matter was tuArned over to the finance committee with the request that they report back at next Council meeting. It was regularly moved, seconded and carried that Council adjourn. ~~....~ ~-.A1 City CleIi<; -~ I -/