02-07-44 Special ~249 CO'UNCILl CHAMBER February 7, 1944 , , 'l.'he Council met in Special Session at 7:30' P.M. for the purpose of considering water O'rdinance No. 499, with the Oity Attorney and all members of the Council being present. By motion regularly made, seconded and carried the minutes of the last regular meeting held January 24th were approved as read. ( Councilman waters, Chairman of the Finance Committee made a motion that the salary of Joe Johnson be increased to $25 per week, and Cora Johnson's salary be increased to '12 per week, beginning February 1st, 1944. Both are employed at the Golf Course. Mr. Jacobs seconded the motion which carried unanimously on roll call. Councilman Waters nextprought up the matter of salaries for desk men in Police office. After discussing the matter Mr. McFee moved that the day man on desk duty be paid $22 per week, and the night man be paid $25 per week, as of ~anuary 15, 1944. Mr.Waters seconded the motion and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. McFee yes, Mr. Thayer yes, Mr. Waters yes, Mr. Wodischek yes. The motion carried. , !- , The Clerk was instructed to pay the former night man, Mr. Knox the difference in salary due him from January 15th to the 25th, also to pay Mr. Merritt difference in salary due him from January 15th to the 25th. Mr. Waters informed the Council that the city had approximately $930'0'. idle cashin the Bond retirement fund., He recommended that the City purchase some War Bonds which pay 7/8 of l~ interest per year on the $1,0'0'0 bonds and which mature in one year. After discussion Mr. \'iodischek moved that the City purchase $9,O'O'O'.~worth of war bonds out of the bond retirement fund. Mr. McFee seconded the motion which carried unanimously on roll call. ( . By motion regularly made, seconded and carried, bills' #1353 to # 140'1 were ordered paid after the Finance Committee has approved them. \ ~ Councilman Wodischek reported 1110' water Jm!ters were on during the month of January. i;j' It was moved, seconded and carried that the fQllowing O'rdinance be placed on its secondreading:- \. 2251 February 7, 1944 plumbing work in and about the city hall. The motion was seconded by Mr. Wodischek and carried unanimously on roll call. Mr. McFee moved that Mr. Geo. Pinckney'S salary be increased to $75 per month. Mr. Wodischek seconded the mo~ion and on roll oall the vote was as follows: Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. McFee yes, Mr. Thayer yes, Mr.Waters yes, Mr. Wodischek yes. 'l;'he motion carried. Councilman McFee stated the city is waiting for the County to bring down their crane before goose-neck can be in- stalled for pipe in canal. COl1Jlllcilman Jacobs reported about 17 of the dead hibisous on Atlantic Avenue had been replaced with new plants. He also reported that regarding swimming pool gates--a;t'.ter checking into cost of iron gates the cost would be much too high, and he made a motion that Mr. Turner secure bids for the construction of three wooden gates for the walls at the swimming pool. Mr. McFee seconded the motion which carried unanimously on roll call. Mayor Thayer advised the Council that sand had been placed on Atlsntic Avenue. He had hoped sections could be blocked off and a roller run over it, but due. to heavy traffic, this had not been d one as yet". He also reported two lights at Yacht Basin which had fallen had been put back up. Mr. Waters made a motion that the alley by tne post office, going west be made a one-way street. Mr. McFee seconded the motion and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. McFee yes, Mr. 'i'ij.ayer yes, Mr. \faters yes, Mr. I''lodischek yes. The motion carried . The Streets & Lighting Conmittee was instructed to look into the matter of placing street light at Andrews Avenue, also at S. E. 4th Avenue bet'f!en 2nd am 3rd streets. At this time the Council discussed the advisability of having a member or the Council attend all meetings held by the County Resource Development Board. They decided it inadvisable for a member of the Council to do so, as they thought it best for the Board to have their own representatives present any problems they would like to discuss with the Council, directly to the Counc 11. The Mayor read reports from both the Police Dept. am the Fire Depts. regarding activities of these two departments during the month of January. At the request of the Tax Assessor, it was regularly moved, seconded and carried that notice be published in.three 2252 February 7, 1944 issues of the Delray Beach News regarding persons filing their City P'll'/llenal Property Tax re turns by March 1st. Mayor Thayer reported t he new ladders had bee n ins taIled at the swimming pool and needed repairs to sidewalks around pool had been completed. Also 6 signs prOhibiting dogs on the beaoh had been placed on the beach. He also reported all oocupational licenses had now been collected with the. exception of one painting Contractor's license which would be paid this week. A discussion ensued at this point regarding lot cleaning. The Council as a whole felt it inadvisable :eor the Oity to have lots cleaned as it involved quite a bit of expense, and sometimes took years before the City got its money back for having this work done. . The follO'Wing cOllJllunicatlon from the Delray Beach News was read;ill Delray Beach,'Florida Feb. 5, 1944 Mayor and City Council, City of Dell'ay Beach, Fla. Ge ntlemen: In reference to your request for the cost of publishing the minute!> of council meetings, I have made an inv'estigatlon of the amount of copy and find that the cost will be as stated below, subject to the variations as indica-ted. Last year the minutes comprised 166 pages and approximately 125,0'00' words. The rate fixed by state law for legal pUblications is $1.0'0' per inch far the first insertion. 'rljetype must be six point. If this can be done legally, we would be willing to accept the minutes at a 25 per oent reduction from this, since it is a service to the community. O'n this basis the cost last year would have averaged about $75 a month. The amount of COpy would . vary from year to year and the cost would accordingly be more or less depending' on the amount. If the Council is interested further, it willbbe necessary to specify a few contingencies regarding deadline on copy etc. before agreeing to a final proposition. I shall be glad to discuss this with the Councilor a committee at anytime. 2258 February 7, 1944 Respectfully s ubmi tted, DELRAY BEACH NEWS By /s/ Lauren C. Hand It was moved, seconded and carried that in the future the Council minutes of preceeding meeting will be read publicly in the Council Chamber, each meeting. A communication from the Kiwanis Club of Delray Beach, Fla. regarding their resQlution for cooperation of that organ- ization in trying to secure new post office building for the city was read. By motion regularly made, seconded and carried, the Council went on record as being in favor of suppo.ting any activity for a new post office building for this city. A letter from the Seaboard Air Line Railway was read in Which they agreed to look into the matter af installing telephone for public at Seaboard station. A communication from the Florida State Board of Health was read and ordered filed. . The following petition 'was presented to the Cbuncil:- PETITION February 7, 1944 we the undersigned petition the City Council to extend sewer through Lots 1',2,3;4,5,13,14,15,16, and 17 in Block 112; assessing the undersigned property owners half the cost of said installation. /s/ H. P. Lamson Hanna R. Roth Estate Walter A. Roth, Ex. \im. C. Baker Mike L. Blank .., This matter was referred to the Sanitary Committee for inves- tigation and' report back at next ltouncil meeting. The following letter of Resignation was read:- Delray Beach, nor ida January 26, 1944 Honorable Mayor and Members of the Council of the City of Delray Beach C\'. 2254 February 7, 1944 GentlellEn: I hereby render my resignation as Desk Clerk under the Police Department effeotive on the abofe date. r am resigning for the following reasons: (1) When I was employed I was given to understand that I would alternate ,shifts with the other clerk. However, I worked almost two years at night sad have not been allowed to change even for one day. (2) I was promised an increase in salary which I did not rece ive. Respe otfully, /s/ M. T. Knox Mr. Waters made a motion that Mr. KnoK's resignation be accepted. Mr. McFee seconded the motion which carried unanimously on roll call. At this point Supt. Turner. addressed the COllncil requesting that Mr. Kirby Mil ton be given special1permisS'ion to use small charges of dynamite to help uproot some of the large trees on cellEtery property which he is clearing for the Oity. This matter was turned over tbethe Parks & Beautification Committee with power to act. Councilman Jacobs, Ohairman of this Committee, moved that the request be granted. Mr. McFee seconded the motion which carried unanimously on roll call. The Mayor next invited members of thesaudience to bring up any matters they might wish to. Mr.M. T. Knox addressed ths Oouncil outlining his work as night man in the Police Dept. He urged the OoU.ncilto allow the night man to familiarize himself with office routine in the department as he had no t hadnthe opportunity to do so while he was so employed. tire Chief Croft presented a smsll sketch for the erection of a 7 x 12' temporary storage shed to be erected in ,back of Smock's place. He requested the Oouncil give Mr. Smock permission to erect the shed. Mr. Waters made a motion that a temporary permit be issued to Mr. ,Smock with the understanding that the shed must be removed at the discretion of t~. City Council, and also that Mr. Smook must renew this temporary permit each year. Mr. Wodischek seconded the motion which oarried on roll call. The Clerk presented two bills which through an over- sight had not. been approved by the former cotllncil, but which had been paid, to the Irving Trust 00. for interest on A& B 2255 February 7, 1944 ' bonds. By motion regularly made, seconded and carried, the bills were referred to the Finance Committee for approval. A bill from Delray Beabh Nurseries was presented and also referred to Finance Committee for approval, by motion regularly made, seoonded and oarried. The following O'rdinance prepared by the ~ity Attorney was read in full, and ordered plaoed on its first reading. O'RDINANCE NO'. 50'0' AN O'RDINANCE OF THE: crn 01? DELRAY BEACH. FLORIDA, REPEALING O'RDINANCE NO. 259, BOOK NO'. 5, ENTI'lLED - "AN EMERGENCY O'RDINANCE O'F THE CITY O'F IiELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, PROVIDING FO'R LICENSE FO'R CERTAIN Y'.ACHINES O'R DEVICES OPERATED BY CO'IN O'R OTHERWISE, AMO'UNT OF SUCH LICENSE AND PROVIDING FO'R A PENAL'l'Y FOR THE pO'SSESSrON, USE OR OPERATION O'F SUCH MACHINE OR DEVICE WITHO'UT SUCH LICENSE BEING O'BTAINED" , AND REPEALING SUB SEOTIO'N A23 O'F SECTION 3 OF ORDINANCE NO. 243, BOO'K 4, OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLO'RIDA After discussing same, Mr. Wodischek made a motion that the O'rdinanoe be passed on its first reading. Mr. McFee seconded the mot ion a nd on roll call the vote was as f Qllows : Mr. Jaoobs not voting, Mr. McFee yes, Mr. Thayer yes, Mr. Waters not voting, Mr. Wodischek yes. The mot"ion carried. ~ It was regularly moved, seoonded and carried that Council adjourn. 1DM~..1 &A~ ~ ~~t- Ci ty Cler