02-28-44 Regular 2262 COUNCIL CImMBER February ai" 1944 The Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. with City Attorney Nowlin and all members of the Council being present. Minutes of previous meeting held February 15th. were read by the Clerk, and approved as read. A communication from the Delray Beach Zoning Commission requesting the Council to take action in~'regards to having Mr. C.A.B. Zook cOnform with local Zoning Ordinances in regard to his Field Office was read. After a lengthy discussion the letter was ordered filed for future consideration. The Clerk read a letter from Ella Harding pertaining to the changing of certain zone from residence to apartment house. This letter by motion regularly made, seconded, and carried was referred to the Zoning Commission. 'J A communication from Hamilton and Ruth Roberts per- taining to having alley moved in block 123 and 131 was read. City Attorney NOWlin agreed to look into this matter and report back to the Council at next regular meeting. The Clerk next read petition Which was signed by Mrs. Ella Smith and eighty-eight other persons requesting Closing of Tic Tok. After discussion, Mr. Waters moved that the Mayor be authorized to discuss the petition wEth the provost Marshal at Boca Raton Field, for the p\~pose of having him declare the Tik Tok out of bounds for service men. The motion was seconded by Mr. Wod is chek and carried unanimOUSly on roll call. At this point Mr. Howard Cromer addressed the Council regarding proposed sewer project in block 112. He stated it would not be advisable to run the sewer through the mole block due to the way the land rose. In his opinion it could be run to lots 4 and 5. After looking over profile submitted by Mr. Cromer, the matter was referred to the Sanitation Committee, they to contact Mr. Lamson to find out if he was willing to pay for the cost of all of lot 17. By motion regularly made, seconded and carried this was ordered turned over to the Sanitary Committee. Mr. Cromer stated the only way to extend sewer for use of Wayside Inn would be to put cast iron pipe beneath the road. The Sanitation Committee Chairman was instructed to talk with interested parties and report back at next meeting his findings. 22fi3 February 28, 1944 A letter from Miss Elizabeth Zernow complaining about the manner in which the Tik Tok is being operated was read. The Clerk was instructed to file this communication until such time as action is taken on Petition reauesting closing of this establishme nt, when reply to same will be made. A pet! tion s igneq by Mr. H. ;r. Sterling and e ighty- one other persons requesting revokation of license issued to Palmist in Cason BuIlding was next read. After this petition was discussed the City Attorney was instructed to look into the matter, and to report back at next meeting. By motion regularly made, seconded and carried, the Clerk was instructed in the future to issue no license for new business until bonds for same have been approved by the City Council. Mr. Waters made a motion that the various plumbing contractors in town be invited to submit bid for installation of shower at Pool, and to move la~atory to the east wall. This motion was seconded by Mr. Wodischek and carried unanimously on roll call. .. i, The Clerk notified the Council that she had written the County Attorney requesting he withdraw city owned property from foreclosure suit held February 24th. This matter was referred to the City Attorney. A letter from Dr. W. C. Williams to Mr. Waters was read, in Which he8asked for a reduotion in settlement figure on lots owned by him in Seotion 20. By motion regularly made, seoonded and carried, the letter was ordered tabled until suoh time as the Council can take up other properties in the same oategory, at which time they hope to work out a plan to bring all delinquent tax properties back on the active tax roll. The Clerk was instructed to write Dr. Williams advising him of the Council's aotion. The Mayor asked for anyone in the aud ience wishing to address the Counoil to do so at this time. Mr. H. J. Sterling requested the Council to do everything in their power to keep undesirable businesses out of the town. Mr. Kirby Milton presented his bill for clearing off of land just south of the cemetery, requesting that it be paid. This work was authorized by the oouncil last year. After 8Gme 2264 February 28, 1944 discussion, W. A. Jaoobs, Chairman of Parks & Beautification Oommittee, reoommended the bill be paid. Mr. McFee made motion that bill be paid. Motion was seoonded by Mr. ;racobs, and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. ;raoobs yes, Mr. McFee yes, Mr. T~ayer not voting, Mr. Waters not voting, Mr. Wodisohek yes. The mot ion carr ied. Mr. L. T. Griest next addressed the Counoil, stressing the undesirability of the Tik Tok, and asking the CoUncil to take immediate aotion to have it olosed, also to restrict the beaoh seotion so that liquor bars will not be allowed there. , By motion regularly made, seconded and carried, Mr. Frank Hollis's salary was ordered increased to $140.00 per month beginning March 1st. Councilman Jaoobs recommended the city put in more lockers at the Municipal Pool. By motion regularly made, seconded, and oarried, supt. Turner was instruoted to see that neoessary lockers be plaoed in the Woman's locker room at pool. The following Ordinance was read in full by the City Attorney:- '~ i ORD INANCE NO. 500 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 259, BOOK NO.5, ENTITLED - "AN EMERGENCY ORDlliANCE OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, PRO- VIDlliG FOR LICENSE FOR CERTAIN 1m CHINES OR DEVICES OPERATED BY COIN OR OTHERWISE, AMOUNT OF SUCH LICENSE AND PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR THE POSSESSION, USE OR OPER- ATION OF SUCH MACHINE OR DEVICE 1VITHOUT SUCH LICEN3E BEING OBTAINED", AND REPEAL- ING BUS SECTION A23 OF SECTION 3 OF ORDINANCE NO. 243, BOOK 4, OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA Mr. ;racobs stated he was going to vote no on the passing of the Ordinance on its seoond reading because Seotion 4 of the original ordinanoe restrioting the use of ooin vending maohines for amusement purposes only was cut out, thereby placing the responsibility for any irregularities on the owners 2265 February 28, 1944 and operators of said machines. The amendment beoomes effeotive 30 days after its passage and the ordinance authorizing coin vending maohines with the restrictions of Section 4 eliminated. This gives the licensee under the ordinance the right to use the manhine in any manner, inoluding gambling. He stated he was opposed to validating the ordinance licensing coin operated machines for gambling purposes. Mr. Wodischek moved that Ordinance No. 500 be passed on its seoond and final reading. Mr. McFee seconded the motion and on roll oall the vote ','1as as follows: Mr. ;Tacobs no, Mr. MoFee yes, Mr. Thayer yes, Mr. Waters not voting, Mr. Wodisohek yes. The motion oarried. Mayor Thayer stated het hotllght the Oi ty should appoint a planning Committee, composed oflooal business men, to assist the City in new 'developments which may arise in the city. He said he was trying to work out something along this line and would ~llg it up at next Council meeting. The City Clerk was instructed to pay Richie Knapp, City employee, one week's vacation pay, as he was being drafted in to the service of the country, by motion regularly made, seconded and carried. By motion regularly made, seoonded and carried, bills numbered 1402 to 1440 were ordered paid, after approved by the Finanoe Committee. There being no further business to oome before the Council, it was regularly moved, seconded and oarried that Counoil ad journ. ~.ft...~ i.~~ City Clerk ~