03-06-44 Special 2266 COUNCn. CHAMBER March 6, 1944 The Council met in special sess ion at 7:30 P.M. on call of the Mayor, for the purpose of taking emergency action on the petition concerning the Tic Toe Club, also for the pUrpose of taking up any other matters of business which may be deemed desirable. Gity Attorney ~ohn Adams, and all members of the council were present. Mayor Thayer advised the Council he had taken up the matter with the ProS'ost Marshall at Boca Raton Field, am found that the Tic Toe could not be declared out of bounds for the army immediately, because of a certain amount of red tape in going through Atlanta. He also stated that tbe present manager of Tic Toe has a prospective buyer for the estaPlishment who naturally wanted to know whether he can have the liquor license. The Mayor stated the signers of the petition objected to the way in which the present manager operates the Tic Toe as they feel it is detrimental to the best interests of the community under this management. City Attorney John Adams advised the Council that Mr. Floros was entitled to a hearing in the matter with all Signers of the petition present. He advised the Council that they could either hold a hearing with interested parties present, or have the Police Force keep strict watch on the place, and in case anything irregular happens, bring charges against Floros, bring him into Municipal Court for trial. Should he violate one of our ordinances, and be tried in court, then the Council would have ample evidence for action. During the discussion it was brought out that most of the cause for comp1aiht happened after patrons of Tic Toe left the Club, and that most of these patrons were soldiers. Chief of Police Croft advised the Council that the Camp had supplied more M.P.~s for duty on the beach and they would keep the Tic Toe under strict Surveillance. I Mr. F10ros addressed the Council advising them that he would do everything pOSSible to cooperate with local off.icers. Councilman Waters made a motion 'Miat the City Attorney "I 2267 March 6, 1944 prepare a letter to Mrs. E11aF. Smith, first signer on petition,advising her of Council's action regarding petition. Mr. Wodischek seconded the motion which carried unanimously on roll calL Judge J. M. Cromer presented a list of names and articles of clothing lost at City Dry Cleaners. He stated the Cleaners carried no insurance on garments lost, and made no effort to settle with the persons losing garments in their store. Quite a discussion followed during which it was brought out that if people requested a receipt for garments left in the cleaners, and then could not get them, they would then have evidence enough to bring suit against the cleaner;. No action was taken regarding this matter. By motion regularly made, seconded and carried, Council ad jonrned. JonKa.OJ\l~ ~ ~ ~~ city Clerk