03-27-44 Regular 2272 " COUNCIL CHAMBER MarCn 27, 1944 ! The Council met in regular session at'?:30 P.M. with Oity Attorney Nowlin, Mr. ~acobs, Mr. McFee, Mr. Thayer, Mr. Waters, and Mr. Wodischek present. Minutes of regular meeting held March 13th. were read by the Clerk. Correction was made in paragraph seven, page 2268, and minutes were approved as read and corrected. ) A communication from the nelray Beach Tennis Association outlining the fine work done by Pro. ~. B. Bouoher, was read, requesting that some finanoial regognition be given Mr. Bouoher. After discussion, the Council was of the opinion that the Tennis Association should ask for additional funds, if needed, when next years' budget is set up, but that they did not see where they could allow the Tennis Association additional funds at this time. A communication from C. C. Turner, Supt. of Publio Works was read, requesting raise be given his ooloredhelp. By motion regularly made, seconded and carried, the colored employees were raised to 55. per hour beginning April I, 1944. Letter from Mrs. Ella Harding was read and ordered filed. 'l The Olerk read a communioation from Mr. ~. C. Wellbrock requesting that all of Block 122 be placed in Zone "A" residential district. This was referred to the Zoning Commission for investigation and recommendation. A letter from County Attorney Lilleanthal regarding the method of fixing value of property aoquired in tax fOre- closure was turned over to Attorney Nowlin for investigation.. At this time application from Mr. George R. Guy for beach equipment conoession was read. Mr. Guy who was in the audience spoke to the Council outlining his method of doing business. Mr. GUY was advised by the Council that he could not transact business on the east side of the boulevard, and the Council could not give him exclusive right for this type of business. He .ould secure city occupational license however, to do business on the west side of boulevard. . ' 'J 22'i':a .. March 27, 1944 , . \. Mr. Robert Whiting addressed the Council asking for the privilege of t)ring his 30' boat up at the City Dnck, paying the City the minimum water and light bills. After a lengthy discussion, Mr. Wodischek made a motion that Mr. Whiting and other persons getting free dockage shall pay to the City the minimum of $2.00 monthly for water, and l~ per foot (of boat) per day for electricity, with the understanding that this is a temporary arrange- ment, which can be changed at the discretion of the City Council. Mr. McFee seconded the motion which carried unanimously on roll call. F. W. Wodischek, Chairman of Water Committee reported that recent test of city water sent to~acksonville for analysis showed satisfactory. He also said Mr. Chas. Senior and he had drawn up specifications for the repair of water tank on S. Swinton Avenue. They had gone over the entire outside of the tank and found it needed weld ing on entire bottom, up to about the third strip of metal on side. He said the specifications would be typed and sub- mitted to various tank companies for bid. Mr. Wod ischek stated the Dixie TAnk Company could not handle the job for thirty days or so, as they did not have a unit in this area now. He also reported that he and Mr. senior would go over the small water tank on R. R. Avenue and draw up specifications for repairs to same. The large tank might have need for additional repairs which cannot be determined until the tank is drained, M~r. Wodischek stated. ! , i , . :1 A representative from New England Bridge Company who was in the audience adv ised the Council he was now permanently located in Hollywood, Florida and would like a ohance to bid on t he work. The Mayor advised him he would be given opportunity to bid. City Attorney Nowlin informed the Council that Mr. H.P. Lamson had discussed the proposed sewer for block 112 with him, ann decided he did not care to pay tbe full cost of having the sewer go past his lot H 17. After a lengthy discussiOn of th!! proposed sewer, Resolution # 501 was read by Attorney Nowlin, re: running sewer through lots 1 through 4 and 13 through 16, block 112. )..1 2274 March 27, 1944 RESOLUTION II 50l ~rl A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORmA, ORDERING THE CITY ENGINEER TO PREPARE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR CERTAIN SE\VER CON- STRUCTION. , I, Mr. McFee moved that the Resolution be adopted. The motion was seconded by Mr. Waters and carried unanimously on roll oall. .. Mr. Howard Gromer advised the Council that cast iron pipe need not be used altogether in running the sewer, as terra cotta tile was all right except where the sewer is run under the road. '.' The Council instructed the Clerk to contact Mr. George Singer and advise him that if he would pos~ $l50.00 with the City they would go ahead and extend the City sewer to his property on South Federal Highway, reimbursing him any money which might be over after the work is done. It was brought out that Mr. Geotge Pinckney and Mr. C. K. Simon would pay cash to have sewer service for their property located on N. E. 5th Ave. Councilman Waters recom~ mended the Sanitation Committee investigate, getting approx- imate cost, and report back to Council at next meeting. ~. R. McFee, Chairman of Sanitation Co~itt~e reported that last year and this year there have been colored persons rummaging in the garbage cans behind the grocery stores, taking away what they wanted, and leaving refuse strewn on the groomd. After discussion, the Council deemed it proper for the store owners to keep separate garbage cans for refuse which they wished to give to these colored persons. W. A. ~acobs, Chairman of the Parks & Beautification Committee reported the lockers had been built at the Municipal Pool, and the shower was in process of being installed. Chief of Police R. C. Croft informed the Council he had had numerous complaints regarding noise mad~ by ocou- pants of old 'Pidgeon Farm' building on N. E. 2nd" Ave. He .', . " 2275 March 27, 1944 " stated the place was not equipped with toilet facilities and thought it should be condemned as being unsanitary and persons told to move out. He also said he had been called to this address several times due to fighting going on there. The Council instructed the Sanitary Inspector to investigate and if he finds the place unsuitable for living quarters, to close it. The Mayor stated he thought the City would have to look into the future regarding publicity department as there is a need ror same sort of service of this kind. He stated the Clerk's office had answered a great number of letters addressed to the Chamber of Commerce, but as there were so many of these letters, we sould plan to have special department to handle it later on. Mayor Thayer said he believed the City needed a City Planning Committee to act as an advisory board only, and stated he would like to see Mr. H.A. Hubbard, Samuel Ogren, Fred H. Link, E. M. Wilson, and R. C. Lawson appointed to this Oommittee. By motion regularly made, seconded and carried, the above named were appointed as a CitY'lanning Committee. , Councilman Wodischek brought up the matter of the Honor Roll Board on Atlantic Avenue stating there were names on it which should not be, and many names not on it whioh should' be. He recommended that Fire Chief Croft have charge of the Honor Roll Board, seeing that names are inserted when our local citizens go into the service. Ghief crort was instructed to contact Mr. Aaron T. Smock and get estimate of cost of placing names on the board. Mr. Smock has been doing this wo~k free of charge. The Fire Chler advlised the eouncil that the booster pump on Ford which was bought in 1928 had worn to the extent where it does hot give sufficient pressure for fire fighting. Parts cannot be bought to repair this old pump, so the Chief suggested the City buy a new Champion Pump which can deliver up to 800 gallons per minute, a nd which ca n be bought for around $322.00, which is the same type pump used at Boca Raton Field, he could take the present Dodge pump off the Dodge and put it on the Ford, B nd install new pump on Dodge. f; 2276 March 27, 1944 " The Council told the Chief they would give the matter their consideration and would advise him their decision later. By motion regularly made, seoonded and carried, bills No. 1484 through 1489 and l492 through 1502 were ordered paid after being approved by the Finance Committee. The Council instructed the Clerk to advise the pjIlumbing Inspector they wished him to issue all plumbing permits in the future, in accordanoe with City Ordinance. The Clerk was instructed to write Mr. O. Helland, accepting the Masonic Lodge's offer ot $17 for the $20 mortgage bond which the city holds. By motion regularly made, seconded and carried, Building Inspector C. C. Turner was instructed by the Council to issue a temporary permit to Flamingo Taxi Company, for erection of awning on Corner of S.E. 5th, Avenue and Atlantic Avenue which is to be used as a taxi stand, pro- viding they install concrete ramps to protect the sidewalk, also with the unders tand ing that if sidewalk is damaged, Flamingo Taxi Company will PAY cost of having same repaired. List "Of improved real ..state having two or more years unpaidelty taxes outstanding was turned over to the City Attorney for foreclosdre proceedings. Mr. Nowlin advised the Council that political speakers campaigning here and parking by the Red Cross Pharmacy Building, aging loud speaker truc~, had created so much noise that Dr. King was being hindered in his work, and he wished the Council would designate certain places for these speakers to use when in town. The Council instructed the Chief of pOlice to have the speakers used the City park, Corner near Post Office, Railroad corner opposite Bowling Alley or corner of S. E. 5th Ave. and Atlantic Avenue. There being no further business to come before the Council; by motion regularly made, seconded and carried, Council ad journed. ? ~, ~'. ~)n--, CyCler