04-10-44 Regular
April 10, 1944
The Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. with
City Attorney Nowlin, and all members of the Council present.
The Minutes of last regular meeting held March 27th were read.
Correction was made on Page 2274, Paragraph 5, and the minutes
were approved as read and corrected.
A communication from Cornelia B. Stevens, O.A. and
Lucille Seestedt was read and referred to" the Zoning Committee.
The following communicat1on from George S. Brockway
was read:-
April 3, 1944
City of Delray Beach
Delray Beach,
Attention: Mr. Turner
Reference is made to your inquiry,
relative to a survey of a tract of land
in Delray Beach.
While we do not know exactly where
this land is located, we think we can
complete this work for you in a day'S
time. Our charge is Forty-two Dollars
per day.
As we have quite a lot "of work lined
up ahead, it will be abo ut two weeks after
receiving notice to go ahead, before we
can start the work.
Very truly yours,
By /s/ H.L. Fitzgerald
By motion regularly made, seconded and carried, this
matter was turned over to the Parks and Beautification Com-
mittee with power to act, if they can go ahead and have the
work done for $42.00.
April 10, 1944
Mr. ;ray R. Shattuck at this time addressed the Council,
informing them he contemplated opening a soda fountain and
samwich bar in location formerly known as "Seaside". The
Council instructed the Clerk to issue license to Mr. Shattuck
for this type business.
Mr. McFee, Chairman of Sanitation Committee reported
he had investigated the proposed sewer extension for George
Singer, and found the cost would be Ie ss then we had at first
informed Mr. Singer, inasmuch as the distance of running
extension was not as far as first thought. Mr. McFee agreed
to measure this and have the Clerk contact Mr. Singer, giving
him estimate for the work.
F. W. Wodischek, Chairman of Water Committee reported
1129 water meters on and 15 off, April 1st, 1944. He also
informed the Council that after fUrther investigation he found
it would be much more satisfactory to have the painting of the
water tanks done by a local man. After discussing the proposed
repair to the tanks, the Council expressed themselves as being
in favor of having bids from all interested parties on welding
~nd painting separately. Mr. Wodischek also reported that Fire
Chief Croft has started flushing out water mains where needed.
W.A. ;racobs, Chairman of Parks and Beautification
Committee reported prospects of shower being finished at Pool
this week.
Mayor Thayer advised the Council tha t \\tlrk authorized
by the previous Council, running drain from U.S.O. building to
sewer line on Atlantic Avenue had been done. He also brought
out the necessity of the City Streets being repaired this summer.
The Mayor stated quite a number of problems were coming before
the Zoning Commiss ion and he though tit adv isabl e for the Council
to meet and confer with said Commission at an early date. By
motion regularly made, seconded and carried, the Mayor was given
authority to call special meeting with Zoning Commission.
Councilman McFee made motion the t the City purchase
new pump for Ford Fire Truck, cost not to exceed $300.00. The
motion was seconded by Mr. Wodischek am carried unanimously
on roll call.
Reports from Police Department a rrl Fire Department
covering activities in these t\ro departments for month of March
were read by the Mayor.
Mayor Thayer informed the Council t hat due to over-
sight he had not brought to the attention of the Council the
fact that Chief W. V. Croft had "hired ne w man in City garage to
April 10, 1944
replace man who had left. The Mayor also advised the Council
that in the past there had been quite a bit of gasoli~
unaccounted for, but that now a more accurate check was being
kent on the gasoline, and during the past month ~ery few gallons
had been unaccounted for.
At the Mayor's suggestion, Attorney Nowlin informed
the Council it 'M:>uld cost approximately $500. to go through
all City Ordinances, taking out the obsolete ones, and getting
everything up to date, am wi1jJ;J: typists salary, should not
exceed $1,000. The Council a~reed to consiner this uork ~
perhaps take action later on.
Tax Assessor Samuel Ogren addressed the Council requesting
that some plan be worked out to bring del inquent tax property
back on the active tax roll. Q.ui te a d is cuss"ion ensued after
which the Council advised him they were going to wait until the
County finished their foreclosure proceedings before doing
anything locally. Assessor Ogren also told the Council he
thought it would be an excellent thing if the City \\tluld establish
corner posts on each block in colored tovn, as at the present
time, the property out there was not properly staked out. He
also stated he thought the City should warn the colored persons
regarding purchasing of property b~ quit-claim deed, as many of
them did not know what a quit-claim deed really wa~.
Ci ty Attorney Nowlin was ins tructed by the Co uncil to
amend the Plumbers Ordinance whe reby all plumbing permits will
be issued by the Clerk.
The Mayor recommended the Attorney prepare an Ordinance
which provides that in the future no new licenses be issued for
the sale of liquor east of the Canal, as generally speaking
prople in the town do not want liqumr sold on the beach. However,
he said, if one particular plac~ is allowed to continue with their
license, this w:Juld create a mono:po:llY.
At this po~nt, Mr. Peter Floras addressed the Council,
protesting against the City passing ordinance prohibiting sale
of liquor on beach. He said the Petition against his establish-
ment had caused a lot of unfavorable criticism, and that'after
investigating, he had found the greatest percentage of signers
of the petition were not qualified to sign it. He statltd he had
violated the black-out ordinance, but had been tried in oourt
and fined $52.50 for this. He said everything he possesses is
in the Tik TOk, and the only reason he did not open a restaurant
was due to being afraid he could not secure competent help to
mad.nllain it.
April 10, 1944
The following Resolution was read in full by City
....... "
Mr. Wat~rs moved that the resolution be adopted. Motion
was seconded by Mr. McFee an'! ca"rried unanimously on roll call.
Councilman Waters stated engineer who was pumping in
canal south of town had asked him if the City would let his men
dredge out the City Yacht basin and give him the fill. After
discussion the Council stated they did not wish to do so.
Councilman Wodischek stated the Service Board needed
t\'>I:J more wings on it to take care of addimional names to be
added. Mr. McFee recommended this matter be turned over to
Fire Chief Croft for investigation.
The Council authorized Mr. Wodischek to use the City
Band Shell Friday night April 21st. for Democratic Political
By motion regularly mage, seconded and carried, bills
No. 1485, 1490, 1491 and 1503 to 1538 were ordered paid, after
being approved by the Finance Committee.
There b~ing no further business to come before the
Council, Council adjourned.
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