04-24-44 Regular 2282 COUNCIL CHAMBER April 24, 1944 "'\>;. The Council met in re~lar session at 7:30 P.M. with City Attorney Nowlin and the fo llowing ~mbers present: Mr. Jacobs, Mr. McFee, Mr. Thayer am Mr. Wodischek. Councilman Waters arrived later. Minutes or regular meeting held April 10th were read by t he Clerk, and approved as re ad. ~ A communication from Thos. M. Cook &. Co. regarding purchasing of Bonds was read. City Auditor Winn advised the Council that if bonds are bought, interest on them will, stop and it might be a good idea to buy some. A discussion ensued after whiah it was decided that a special meeting of the Council be called by the Mayor for Monday eve ning May 1st. at which Mr. Winn would be present, am at which time financial matters of the City will be gone into thoroughly. A telegram from H.H. &. Ruth F. Roberts protesting against Change in zoning of Seestedt-Stevens SiD was read and ordered filed, as was letter from Mw-.E.C. Hall protesting against change in same SiD. The Clerk read telegram from Mr. D. Davenport also protestin~ against change in zoning regulations at Seestedt Stevens SID.. whi ch was ordered filed. The following communication from C.W. Garner, Chairman of Zoning Commission was read:- Delray Beach, Fla. Aprll 24, 1944 '. To the Honorable Mayor and Qouncil, Delray Beach, Florida Gentlemen: This letter will acknowledge receipt of your notice of request of Mr. J.C.Wellbrock for rezoning block #122, half of which is at present in B zone, so tha t all of the block VoOuld be designated as Residence "3" zone. a 2.8'3 April 24, 1944 Notice was given interested property owners and a meeting of the property owners and whoever else might be interested was held at the City Hall at 8 P.M. April 18th, all in accordance with the City ~rdinance governing these matters, to enable those concerned with the matter to express themselves regarding the proposed change. All members of the Zoning Commission were present at this meeting, and after the public meeting the Zoning Commission was called together. After an informal discussion all agreed that while the sentiment of the public meeting was overwhelmingly in favor of the change to "A" zoning requirenrnts, the possibility of certain complications regarding set- back and lot area in case of a change to higher zoning made the member~ of the Zoning Commission feel hesitant about making a definite recommendat ion until it couid determine the final effect on all property holders. Since no building can be done anyway under present Federal regulations. the delay would work no hardship on anyone, and the Commission VoOuld be able to secure more complete data on which to base its decision. The Commission therefore asks your permission to postpone its recommendation until this information is in hand. Yours very truly, Isl C. W. Garner After diSCUSSing the matter, the Council by motion regularly made. seconded and carried, granted Zoning Commission add- itional time, before submitting recommendation. Resignation as member of Palm Beach COlmty Resources Development Board from ~~. King S. Cone, Delray BeaCh representative, effective as of April 24th, 1944 was read. Mr. McFee moved tha t the res igna tioh be accepted. Motion was seconded by Mr. Wodischek and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Jacobs, not voting, Mr. McFee yes, Mr. Thayer yes, Mr. Waters yes, Mr. Wodischek yes. Motion carried. A letter of resignation as Desk Clerk in Police Depart~nt from Mr. A.J. Caraker was read, and by motion regularly made, seconded and carried, resignation was accepted. ",.'01 2284 April 24, 1944 It was regul!!rly mOved, secoIrled and carried that Mr. Chas. Page be emplmy:eq to fill the position formlll'rly held by Mr. A. J. Caraker at the salary of $25 per week. Councilman McFee stated in the future when vacancies occur in City jobs, he would like it to be known so that all interested parties would have an opportunity to apply for the job. The Council agreed this wotud be a good plan in the f'u ture . j i A communication from Robert G. Bostwick asking for renewal of City Fleet Policy with American Fire and Casual ty Company which exp ires April 27. 1944 was read. Mr. McFee moved the City reIlftw this policy. Motion was seconded by Mr. Waters and carried unanimously on roll call. Mayor Thayer informed the Council a gentlemen was in the audience who was co.templating purchasing of Tik Tok, and Wllolwould like assurance from the Council that license issued to present owner of Tik Tok for liquor, would be transferred to him. The Mayor st!!ted that this gentlelll8n, Mr. Verno, welcomed investigation by the Council, and if his character references prove o.k. wanted assurance he could have license to operate Tik Tok. Q.ui te a discussion ensued after which the Council advised the applicant that if after advertising and investigating 'they find everything in order, they thought there would be no qbjections', to granting him a,transfer of present license. It developed that Mr. Varno had option to lease the Tik Tok. ,City Auditor Winn submitted to the Council operating statement of total revenue and total expenditures from, October 1, 1943 to April 1, 1944. The Council decided it would be best to go into this report with Mr. Winn at '~8'[ll!lcial meeting. Upon recommendation of COlillcilman Wodischek, the Clerk was instructed, by motion regularly made, seconded and carrttEl, to order 25,000 water bill forma, with carbon stripped backs at cost or $5.45 per M. as Quoted by Delray Beach News. Mr. Wodis,chek reported no bids except the one from Dixie Tank and Bridge Company had as yet been received for contemplated repairs to water tanks, but he thought by next meeting riight he would have some figures on this work. ~ 2285 April 24, 1944 Councilman Waters requested that the City Attorney check into the contract between the City, am Seagate and Gulf stream regarding sale of water. . Councilman McFee reported he had placed a sign at the old salvage depot ins tru cting pe ople to take sa Ivage material to new location on school greunds. Mr. McFee presented sketch prepared b:r H.C. Cromer for proposed sewer extension on Laing street. Mr. Gracey wished to make this ex~ension, bearing full expense. tiping into the city line. After discussing the matter, Mr. Waters !l1oved that Mr. Gracey be allowed to make sewer extension with umerstanding that anyone tieing into it should reimburse Mr. Gracey, for their portion of cost. Mr. Wodischek seconded the motion which carried una nimously on roll call. Mr. Cromer, stated 1~. Gracey could be given a refunding contract by the City, as had been done in several incidents in the past. Councilman McFee reported Mr. George Singer was intere sted in hav ing sewer line extended to h is property, but had not done anything definite in regard to it as yet, inasmuch as -there is a sale pending on the proper-ty. Mr. McFee stated he had had the Clerk quote 1~. Singer $85. to run the line to his property. i,d, Councilman Jacobs reported Engineer Firm st!'\ted they wOuld make survey at new cemetery addition. installing four concrete corner posts for the sum of $46. and he had had the Clerk instruct Mr. Brockway to go ahead with this work. Mr. Jacobs reported Miss Betty Ball, Pool manager wants to take her vacation about May 4th. Her parents womld assume responsibility for running the pool while she is aWlil:l!" She wished to have eleven extra days vacation time in addition to her two weeks. By motion regularly ma.ae, seconded am unanimously carried, Miss Ball was grant'llll'd this request. At this point a discussion arose regarding con- dition of Royal Palms on Atlantic Avenue. The Mayor instructed Fire Chief Croft to investigate the possibility of ,the City spraying these trees with city equipment. 2286 April 24, 1944 The Mayor advised the Council that Mr. J.C. Keen had informed him the local draft board is go ing to call all. those under 38 years of age, am suggested requests for deferment should be made right away. The Mayor suggested the Counoil go on record as not asking for dererment from Selective Service at this time. By motion regularly made, seconded and carried, the Counoil went on reoord as not favoring asking for any deferments from sllective service a t this time. Counoilman McFee brought up the matter of the City putting benches and tables in the City Park for persons wiShing to have p1oilioa t~ere. He also brought up the matter of stray dogs running locs e allover town. Q.uite a discussion followed on both ~hese matters, but no action was taken. J Councilman Waters said he umerstood City Mechanics are building water pumps on city property, using oity facilities. He said he was not in favor of this sort of thing being allowed. Fire Chief Croft stated the man working on pump was working after his day's work for the city had been completed, and materials were furnished by farmer for whom he is building the pump. He said he would not have allowed him to do the work in the garage had he known the Council would object. The Council instructed the Chief in the future not to allow outside work to be done in the 0 ity garage. The Mayor brOught up the proposed boulevard to cemetery map, which the counoil looked over and discussed. Mayor Thayer also asked the Counoil if they wished Mr. Turner sent to Daytona Beach to attend instruction course on matters pertaining to his work. The Oouncil took no action on this. r The Clerk was license to C.B. Durst, and carried. instructed to issue dry cleaning ny motion regularly made, seconded The Clerk advised the Gouncil U.S.O. rolders which the former Council had authorized am which cost in the neighborhood of $300 had all been used and the secretary of U.S.O. had requested more folders. This matter was tabled for the t!me being. , The Counc il ins tructed the Cl erk not to chatlge 22B? April 24, 1944 , t~ Tennis Association for water, but to charge them for trimming of hedges or any other maintenance .rork done on or about the course. A reo \Jl!st fl'om M.S. Stack ror permission to sell ice cream from truck at Beach was re jected. The City Attorney said he had amended the original Plumbers Ordinance whereby the Clerk could issue plumbing permits. A discussion arose after which the Clerk wqs , instructed to write for F.R.A'. Government specifications 'for plumbing which the Council wished to investigate and incor- porate in the City Ordinance, portions which might be beneficial to the City. The Clerk was instructed to notify the Zoning Commission that $15 fee had been paid for Seestedt Stevens sin zont request; and the Council wished the Zoning Commission to begin action regarding this matter; by motion regularly made, seconded and carried. / Communication from State Road Department w~s turned over to streets &. Road Committee for investigation. By motion regularly made, seconded and carried, bills numbered 1539 through 1558 were ordered paid after being approved by the Finance Committee. Fire Chief Croft reported new tire pump had been ordered and he expected delivery of same shortly. There being no further business to come before the Council, Council adjourned. \ ..Q~\kh"':"'" ~ ~ City Clerk (A