05-01-44 Special
May I, 1944
The Council met in Special session on call of the
Mayor at 7 P.M. with all members of the Council and the Oity
Attorney present.
Mayor Thayer advised the members that inasmuch as
the meeting had been called to discuss various financial
matters of the City, he was turning the meeting over to W.
M. Waters, Chairman of the Fin~nce Committee.'
Auditor Winn explained the various items of
Operating statement prepared by him, covering the first six
momths of this fiscal year.
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F.W. Wodischek, Chairman of Water Committee informed
the Council that his Committee would like to have necessary
repairs made to large water tank as soon as possible. The
cost he thought would run approximately $6,000. Approximate
cost for painting of both tanks would be between $1,800.
and $2,000. Mr. Wodischek said the small tank could possibly
be let go for another year, but the large tank did need
repairs badly.
Chairman Waters next asked the Sanitary Committee
Chairman, J. R. ]~cFee what his Department had anticipated
having to spend. Mr. McFee stated a second hand motor had
been purchased for the sanitary truck, bu t t1l! city is badly
in need of another truck. He advised a new hoist and chassis
could be bou€'J1 t f'or about $1,700. The Council was of the
belief that this new hoist and chassis OJ1~t: to be secured
while, it is available. During the discussion which followed
regarding Sanitary Department equipment, it was brought out
that approximately $3,000 was needed by this department.
The Ohairman of the Parks and Beautification
Committee, W.A. Jacobs, stated his Committee, he thought,
could make out for the balance of' this fiscal year on
amo'lllt left in bU~get for operations.
Mayor Thayer informed the Council that the city
streets needed repaIrs and he had estimate from Grover C.
Baker cover ing repairs to streets which needed immediate
attent ion, which had been presented to the Council at a
May 1, 1944
previous meeting. All members were of the opinion that
repairs must be made on streets as soon as possible. The
Mayor said he thought approximately $8,000. V\t)uld take care
of the necessary repairs on streets in need of im~diate
atten tion.
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Auditor Winn and the Olerk were instructed to work
out report required by state covering city repairs to State
owne d roadB.
Oouncilman McFee at th is time told the Council he
was very much in fa~or of a new street being built to the
cemetery. After disoussing the matter, Mayor Thayer advised
the Oouncil his Committee Vlould seoure estimate for suoh
improvement and present it to the Counoil for consideration.
Auditor Winn advised the Oo-mcil that acoording to
the Bond Agreement, the Oity should spend all moneys in this
fund, over and above their next interest requirement. The
next interest payment V\t)lud be around $9,000. We have around
$38,000. in this fund. He advised the Council to spend
about $25,000. for bonds.
Chairman Waters turned the meeting back over to the _
Mayor, and there being no further business to come before the
Oouncil, Council adjourned.
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