05-08-44 Regular
May 8th, 1944
The Council IIltIt in regular session at 7:30 P.M. with
all IIltImbers present. City Attorney Nowlin also was present.
Minutes of meetings held April 18th, 24th, and May 1st,
were read by the Clerk and approved as read.
A communication from Harry E. Battin, Jr. approving of
change in zoning Block 12 2 from B to A was read and ordered filed.
Letters Commend ing Mr. Hugh Varno Vlho has applied for
transfer of liCJ.uor license were read from the foiEhow:lng persans:
Frances Brewster, Everglades Pharmacy both of Palm Beach, Fla.;
Chairman of Democratic Committee, Lamb Lumber Co., District
Attorney Soden, all of' Lake Placid, N. Y. After discussing theSIl
communications, Mr. Waters moved that transfer of liquor license
be granted Mr. Varno. Mot ion was seconded by Mr. WOdischek and
on roll call the vote was unanimous. The C~rk was instructed
to advise Mr. Verno of the Council's decision.
A reCJ.uest for ordinance prohibiting the keeping of
chdckens in Mackle Subdivision was read. The Clerk was instructed
to write the first signer 0 f the reCJ.uest, advising him that there
is no ordinance on the city books prohibiting the keeping of
chickens, and the only recourse they would have, would be to
swear out a warrant for the arrest of the parties having the
chickens and have them tried in court as maintaining a public.
nuisa nce.
Next a letter from M. F. Tiernan was read.
instructed to write Mr. Tiernan and advise him that
Ci ty 'M!l>uld 00 nsider any docks be ing buIlt they wuld
notify him.
Thff following letter from Chairman of Zoning Commiss ion
was read:-
The Clerk was
hefo!:e t lB
neJLray Bea ch, Fla.
May 6, 1944
To the Honorable Mayor and Counc 11,
Delray Beach, Fla.
Gentl tlllIett:
The Zoning Commission has considered the
ri!CJ.uest of HI'S. Stevens and III'. and III's.
Seestedt in the matter of rezoning II;Ire Seestedt
Subdivision and adjoining lots on Northeast
Seventh Avenue.
May 8th, 1944
It is t~ unanimous 9pinion of this
Commission that its recommendation of .Tan. 27th,
1941 met the wishes of the petitioners both then
and now, and it sees no re as on for cha nging that
recommenda tion.
If intent ionally or through an inadvertence
the CouncUdid not follow the recommendation
and afterwards wished to correct its act ion, then
it d<JEls not appear to be a metteI' that should
again come before thlli Zoning Commission.
If the Couno 11 concurs wi th this opin ion, it
is resp!! ctfully suegested that applicants' depos it
of $15.00 be returned, sinoe it \'Ould be unnecessary
to hold a meeting.
Yours very truly,
City Attorney Nowlin su,ggl!!sted the Council check th<ll records
thoroughly and if they find an er reI' had been made, that a new
ordiinance be passed to correot the t'irst ordinance. The matter
was tabled until next meeting for action. Mrs. Weir who was
in the audience stated Mrs. stevens didn't want to change a~
of that land to "A" zone.
Mr. LeRoy Diggan's letter protesting agains:t speedsters
on the Federal l!ighway was next read. They Mayor advisea the
Council that he had a patrolma n on the highway now during the
early morning rush of traffio, and also that the State Highway
Pat;!'!"l had agreed to help ou t all they could.
Supt. Turner next introduced a representative of the
Llewellyn Machinery Company who spoke to the Counoil regarding
purchase of street sWllwper which coot $3,885.00. No action was
takl! n.
Mrs. Anna Pf'undstein asked the Counc il whether or not
the City had any laws prohibiting the keeping of horslls in the
City. She was advised thllre are no suoh laws at this time. The
Mayor advised her ~l'!e Counc il Could consider fram:ing some suoh
ord inaJmce.
Mr. Waters, Chairman of the Finance Committee recommended
the City Clllrk be authorized to call f'or tmders on $25,000 Delrq
Beach Refund ing Bonds, Series "A" and!or Series "B". Mr.
Wod ischek secon'fed tl!lle mot ion and on roll ca:U the vow was as
follows: Mr. Jacobs;ryes, 'Mr. McFee yes, Mr. Tha:y1!r ytlS, Mr. Waterl
yes, Mr. Wc>dischek :y1!S.
II '
May 8, 1944
J. R. McFee, Cha irman of Sa ni tary Collimi t tee rep or ted
good results from issuanae of form letters to local merchants.
F. W. Wodischek, Chairmmm Water Committee reported no
new bids for work on water tanks. He then briefly bu1;llned tlw
informal meeting held by members of the Water Conmittee, Mr.
Smith, owner of property just south of the City limits on the
beach, and his angineer. Mr. Smith was advised at this meeting
that the City would only furnish them with water if' the y cam.
into the City at the next legislature. A contract is now being
drawn by Mr. Smith which will be presented to the Counc 11 for
consideration at an early date.
W. A. .Tacobs, Chairman of the Parks and Beautification
Committu. stated this eonmi ttee did not t hl:nk it advisable at
this time to spend money on the"royal palm trees. He als,o said
when lumber is available there is a need il'lBr additional benahes
at the football f'ield, and tbroughout th! town.
Councilman McFee spoke in heha1f of the "Band Boosters
Club". It was brought out that the band was in need of finanoial
assistalillce. The Council said they could give no financial
assistance at this time, but w:luld be glad to consider this when
next year's budget is set up.
The city Attorney advised an abstract cOllpany is
searching through the records to secure necessary information
requested by the Counc il regarding Colored Cemetery.
At this t1me they Mayor read report f"rcm the Fire
By motion regularly made. seconded and carried, Fire
Chief Croft was instructed to hire Richie P. Knapp, former
lIJIlployee, until such time as he is called into the armed serv:!tceS.
It was regularly IlDvl!d. seconded and carried that
bills numbered 1559 through 1587, approved the ~y the Finance
Committee, be paid.'
In''. Nowlin at this time advised the Council ,th1at Mrs.
Emma Kre'rlz, owner of lot 10. Block 10'7 is sllll1ng said lot, and
the new owner wOlld like thll city to abandon that portion of
Lot 10' which was originally designated as an old railroad nyn,
but which bas been )lsed by Mrs. Krenz for yWars. andean which
shitdhas paid city taxis. The f"ollowing ordi'nance was read by
the City Attorney: