05-22-44 Regular .r- ., , . - 2295 May 22, 1944 - can be done to make them inaccessible. n Councilman Waters reported that call for.bonds is being advertised in "The Bond Buyer". He also I'lIpClt"ted having contaoted Mr. Ogren regarding appraisal figure on lots owned by the City in Block 69, also property outside the City limits, being Lots 9 and 25 Blook 2 and"Lot 10 BiIlock I, which lies South or an extens:lon of the South line of Lot 24, Block 2 am North o:1r the South line of Lot .25 Block 2, in Section 21, ~. 46, Rge. 43 East. Tax Assessor Ogren J?laclld a value at $40.00 per foot on the mock 69 property, and $600 per acre on the property in Section 21. A discussion ensued during wrnich Mr. Jacobs expressed himself as not being in favor of disposing of City owned property to speculators, as he would only agru to sell to someone Who intended to build. Mr. Waters moved that this matter be referred to the Citizen~s Advisory Committee fa:' study ared! recommendation. The motion was :seconded by Mr. Wad ische~ and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. jacobs no, Mr. McFee yes, Mr. Thayer yes, Mr. Waters Y'l s, Mr. Wodischek yes The motion carried. , Fire Chief Crart described an inoident which oDoured recently. A soldier just transferred from the oorth was burning trash in yard ot peEPerty he had rented just outside the City ;Limit,.. The fire got away from him causing a laree area to catch afire, and costing the City in labor for firemen $64.00. Cost of truoks $15.00. 'l'heyman aske d :k11temy from the Council. After discmtsing the matter, the Council instructed the Mayor and the Fire Chief to contact the soldier to try to reach same satisfactory settlement with him. The City Attorney advised the Council a t~lV acre taact of land just south of" our oemetery addition can be purohased for state and county taxes. He was asroad to get th& cost of same and report baok to the Counoil. The Mayor recommended that the Ord manoe Committee d1l!aw' up some s art of Ordinanoe regulating the keep ing at Ii vest ook in the Oity, to present to the Counoil at next regular meeting. Counoilman JaoClbs reported his Committee was still mt.rested in seouring more benohes as soon as proper IDa terial is available for building them. Councilman Woaisohek reported he has a man from West Palm Beaoh oal1 on him, who is going to submit an estimate on tank repairs. He also reported all water mains had been flushed. The following Ordinance was l'fIad in full by the City Attorney: ORDINANCE 503 , AN OR1)INANCE OF THE CITY COUNCn. OF TIm CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, VACATnr; AND ABANDONING 2296 May 22, 1944 THAT PORTION OF LOWRY STREET (NOW KNOWN AS NORTHEAST FIRST STREE'l') LYING NORTH OF THE SOU'l'tl.l5HN BOUNDARY OF 10'1' 20. BLOCK 107 ElI.'J:l!a'WED WEST TO BOYNTON STREET, (NOW KNOWN AS NORTHEAST FIFTH AVENUE) AND LYlNG EAST OF '!HE WEST LINE OF BLOCK 107 EXTENDED SOUTH ., TO rIB INTERSECTION WI'lH SAID SOUTH LINE 01" LOT 20, BLOCK 107, AS EXTENDED. Mr. Wodischek moved that the ordl nanoe be passed on its seoond and final reading aad on roll call t~ vote was unsnimous. Tax Assessor Ogren briefly outlined the property between the white and oolored seotion in town, sad reccmnended that tho Gouncil oonsider securing this property to have as a lJurfer zone. Councilman J"aoobs suggested a Whi~ OOIlllli t tee meet with a Colored Committe. as was dona previously when the line was established, before anything is dona regarding this. Mr. Ogren agreed to take the matter up with the Planning Committu of whioh he is a member. Mayor Thayer reported the Street COIllllittee had held two meetings. Tentative bids had been seoured for approximate oost of building new road to oemetery. ~lso on oold patohing and other repairs needed on roads. At * meeting held Saturday afternoon, G:llover Baker vfto was present gavlIl them a tentati va bid on road to oemetery (30' road) 'I't1ioh in normal times vou1d cost $4,000. today would cost nlllar1y $7~OO., Mr. Howard Cromuo who was in the audienoe advised the Counoil that the City should do its own oold patohing as it would save them approximately 50". He also suggested the City have a survey made in advanoe to determine whioh streets need oOld patching and which need Oiling. Mr. Cromer stated, that oontrary to 'I't1at has been said, tJw, cold patoh whioh the City now has on hand is suitable for use. The Mayor asked Supt. Turner if he oould not do the oold patohing, using men who had done this sort of work before, and hiring extra help for garQage and tfash oollection. Mr. Turner said it was hard to seoure help at this time, but he thought he oou1d do it. " The Counoil in disoussing the proposed road repairs, deoided to get prioes on street oil, and get separate bids from the con traoto rs; bo th fUl"nis hing the oil, and not furnish ing it. In the disoussion whioh followed Mr. cromer brought to the Council' attent ion the faot that WClt"k had been dOIll! on Ooean mvil. at no oost to the abutting property owners, and that the Clt"ig1nal Ooean Blvd. was paid for by the County. The Mayor stated hW'1was searohing the mi~utes to try to find out how muoh money the City has spent sinoe 1915 on State owned roads. 229' . May 22nq, 1944 At this time City Attorney Nowlin advised the Council that he had seoured the names of the Trustees of the Colored Cemeter They are: Albert Cohen, Cornell Bright and George H. Green. Mr. Cromer offered his servioes for inspection of road repairs at a fee of ~ of the gross oost o:r the job, or he stated he oould furnish the City wi th a oompetent man for the job. A oomplaint from Mr. Charles Zuokerman regarding oraoks' in new sidewalk in front of his store was brought to the attent:lon of the Counc 11, and the Clerk was ins truoted to advise Mr. Zuokerman that repairs will be made, whl n the proper time arrives, at no oost to him. " Bills' 1588 through 1601 haVing been approved by the Finanoe Committee were by motion regularly made, seconded and oarried, ordered paid. ~Minutes pertaining to ohange made in Seestedt-Stevens SjD from "B" to "A" z:one were ohecked by Counoilman Waters who said he felt the Councilor the City Attorney had made an error when they ino1uded the whole subdivision in the 2lOne oha :qse. Mr. Jacobs< said he did not think a mistalre had been made. They City AttOlt"ney advised the Counoil he was absent at the meeting when Ordinanoe was d~awn, hut evidently a mistake had been made, asono ohange oan be made unless requested by property owner, and no request had been made to ino1ude all of the sin., and inasmuoh as the Zoning Commission reoommended the c~nge be made exaotly as"asked for by the owners, he thought an error had been made. The Counoi 1 instnuoted the City Attorney to prep2ll'e an'oI'llitinance ~otifying the error, for presentation at next meeting. \ There being no further business :Do oome before the Counoi1, Counoi1 adjourned. C ~ ,