06-12-44 Regular 230:1 COUNCIL eH/IMBER 'r JUIlll 12, 1944 , . The Council met in regular session at 7:39 P.M. with all members of the Council and tho City Attorney present. Minutes of regular meeting of May 22nd, and special meeting of June 1st. were read. The minutes were approved as read after paragraph three on page 2295 was corrected to read ten acres rather than five. , A communication from J.B. Evans Offering the City $~50. to settle all taxes due on 15 acres .of land in Section 17 was read. The Council discussed the matter and ins truoted the Clerk to advise Mr. Evans the City would settle all taxes prior to 1943 for $324.03, which is the regular settlement figure, by motion regularly made, seconded and carried. The hour of eight o'clock having arrived, bids for bonds were opened and read as follows: '. June 12, 1944 ~ Catherine E. strong Ci ty Treasurer , We offer you firm $7,000. nelray Beach Florida refunding series A Bond at 87-1/2 through eleven A.M. June thirteenth. The Crumme r Co. Wich ita, Kansas , Next bid was as follows: June 12, 1944 \ Catherine E. strong City Treasurer We offer you firm 30,000 City Delray Beach refunding two to five percent bonds due July rirst nineteen sixty-eight at 95.70 and interest please wire whether accepted. stranahan Harris L C "" 0., Ine. . Tole 40 ,Ohio ,<,",'>' 2:}02 't), June 12, 1944 <t By motion regularly made, seconded and carried, the elerk was instructed to reject Crummer Co. bid. The Council instructed the Clerk to w1re Stranahan aSking if their offer would hold firm until next meeting night June 27th. At this time Mr. Fil1ebrown, member of Library Committee, ad,dressed the Council pertaining 1tI:1 three lJots owned by the City just west of the Post Offiee. He read the following: Motion adoptted by the Board of Directors of the Delray Beach Public Library Association, at a maeting June 2, 1944: Moved that a Site Committee of five, inclus ilIe of the Prilsident as ex-officio, be appointed to ask the' City Council to reserve lots 2,3,4, Atlantic Avenue owned b:7the Oi ty of Del ray Bea ch, as a site for the projected library building, and thus to be held until such time as the Board of Directors of the Delray, Beach J'ublic Library Association decided whi ch si.te of tho.e deemed worthy of consideration at the time be designated as the permanent site of the library building. Mr. R. E. Turpin further explained the Library Committee'S :tljhams for the future, stress:lng the fact that it would be I1Dst desirable to have the library building located near the schools. He asked the Council to sat these lots aside with no commitments designated, as a possible site for library, and the property need never leave the hands of the City. If the building is built, it will belong to the City. He stated the library committe. will consider this site along with others when thlly are ready to build. He requested the Council pass a motion setting the lots asid. for the Library site. Members of the Council advised Mr. Turpin they 'vII:)uld like to stUdy the matter further before taking any action. A communication from Zook Palm Nurseries was read requesting taxes on their muck lot property whi ch thry intend filling in b. raised not over 10% per year while same remain unimproved and unsold. The Clerk was instructed to write Zook Nurseries advising them they w ill be given the saIIJI consideration as others have had with similar reque sts. . :;. ;-".... A letter from the state Board of Health was read and ordered filed. 23C3 June 12, 19M , Letters from Shields &. Co. regarding refunding operations and from Thos. M. Coo~ and Co. regarding City bonds were read, and turned over to the Finance COmmittee for study a m report back at next meeting. Next a petition containing signatures of oyer 3/4 of the property owners affected, regarding paving of N.W. 4th Avenue beginning at N.W. 2nd st. and running North to N.W. 4th st. was read. This ma tter was referred to the Stree t Committee for investigation. Councilman Jacobs reported the new shower room at ths pool has been painted. He also praised Supt. Turner's work at the City Park. .' Councilman Waters said he had investigated the lockers at thO! pool, and found they could only be corrected by installing all new locks, which would be very expensive. Councilman ',Vodischek reported th€ re:'being 1109 water meters on at June 1st. and 48 meters off. He stated he and Mr. Chas. Senior plan to drain the water tank and see just what the inside condi tion of the tank is, after Which he is having a man from West Palm Beach bid on the welding. Bids from road contractors for rspairs to city S'tr.ets accoraing to specifications drawn up by the City were read as follows: , . A.D. Greynolds Co. Inc. w. J. Snow-- 281!' ptir gal-furnishing oil. 20~ per gal. if the City furnishes tta 011. 281!' per gal. furniShing the oil. $.325 furnishing t he oil. 261!' if the City furnishes the oil Troup Bras. --- No bids were accepted the Streets Committee the next meeting. Letter from Te~as Co. quoting $.0902 per gal. oil delivered was read. by the Council, the matter being referred to for study a nd report back to the Council at A letter from the Citizens Advisory Committee giving their opinion regarding City disposing of City owned property as being .."unwise for the City to dispose of or to pledge for any purpose any of its vacant property at this time." 23Q4 June 12, 1944 The Mayor brought up the matter of jani tress salary. Mr. Waters made motion that the jani tress be rais ed from $18. per month to $20. per month. Motion was seconded by Mr. Wodischek, and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Jacobs no t vo;l;ing, Mr. McFee yes, Mr. Thayer yes, Hr. Waters ~ s, Mr. Wodischek yes. Councilman Jacobs stated he was not voting as he fel t thl! jani tress was entitled to be raised to $25. per month. Mayor Thayer bro \If')lt up the question of vacations for city employees. Mr. McFee moved that anyone being in the employ of the city for six months should be allowed one dav vacation for each month' of service. Mr. Waters seconded the motion which carried unanimol~ly on roll call. " Mayor Thayer said he had a complaint from Mr.W.J.Johnston regarding patio on 1,~.F.RilIJlY apartment s it<!, whiCh extends so far into the strel!t as to prevent fire trucks from getting in to the Johnston home, and as a result fire inslll'ance rates were to be higher for Mr. Johnston. The street Committee agreed to inves- tigate this matter. By motion regularly made, seconded and carried, the Council authorized the Clerk to issulI! occupational licenses to the following business concerns: R. Diggans; M. Maunison; Alf Brown; Frederick Denham. City Attorney Nowlin presented the following Ordinance which was read in full. , ' ORDINANCE NO. 503_~> AN ORDINANCE OF THE CTr'T COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, lTh'PEALnm ORDINANCE NO. 413 ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAv BEACH, FLORIDA, DESIGNATING ALL PROPERTY IN SEESTEDT-STEVEN3 SUBDIVIS ION AND BLOCK 139 lVEST OF THE FLORIDA INTRACOASTAL CANAL AS BE!NG IN RESIDENCE "A" DlBTRICT AND DESIGNATING 'T'HE FRONT YARD REQUIRElt!ENrS THEREOF", AND DESIGNATING CEliTAIN LOTS IN SEESTEDT-STEVENS SUBDIVISION AND BLOCK 139 \VEST OF THE FLORIDA IN~RACOASTAL CANAL AS BEING IN RESIDEnCE "A" DISTRICT AND DESIGNATING 'PHE FRONT Y~RD REQ,TJIREMENI'S THEREOF. The Council statl\!d the y wanted to study the ordinance further before passing o~ it so no action was taken at this t:!me. City Auditor Winn gave financial report as of June 1st, informing t'1l! Council that all funds are in balance aID reconciled. 2305 June 12, 1944 Mr. Wodischek moved that the City purchase twenty 3/4" and five 1" meters. l!otion was seconded by Mr. NqtE~rs and on roll call the vote was unanimous. The Council discussed flood lights for th€ diamond ball field. Mr. 'Vodischck said he would 11]re the city to fix u:(? tha back step and rlipair tha scats am allow the ball players $25. a month for lights. They Council said they would like to study this matter further, and if a club is formed, a letter from the' club to the council v~uld be in order, stating who would be re spons ible . '. Bills # 1603-1608 and 1610-1642 having been approved by the Finance Committee were by motion regularly made, seconded and carried, ordered paid. Mr. Ogran asked the City Attorney if he would be allowed to sketch blue prin;lls, showing exact locations of lots in colored town blocks, taking this information from deeds, and recording same with the County. Mr. Nowlin stated he would look into this matter, but he thought it would be very beneficisl for the City's own use to have such sktltches. There being no further business to corne before the Council, eouncil adjourned. , ' ,90n~.~~Cl i ~~ city Cluk Attest: ~ . , " Ma yor