06-19-44 Special 2306 r---'~ I Ii COUNCIL CHAMBER , June 19, 1944 , r The Council met in Special Sess ion at 7: 39 P.M. on call of' the Mayor with the f'ollowing members 'presQnt. Mr. Jacobs, ~. ThaYlIlr, Mr. Waters, Mr. Wodischek, and City Attorney Nowlin. Councilman McFee was absent. ( The Cle rk stated the meeting had been M:j.led by t~e Mayor f'or the purpose of taking action on proposed street repairs and any other business which might nud the action lfl:ettM Council at this time. If I IL_J Mayor Thayer advised the members that the Street Committee had held two meetings for discussing the: matter of. oiling and cold patching. At the second meeting, it was the opinianof the Com- mittu to defer the question of oiling, but to 'hire Mr. Grover C. Baker to do the cold patching at a monthly salary, and if it goes beyond a month's time, at a reduced rate. Mr. Baker thought he could complete the work in thi~ty days unless bad weather inter- fered. The Mayor turned the Chair over to Vice-Mayor Jacobs, and made the ~ollowing motion: I make the motion that Grover C. Baker be employed by the City of Delray Beach f'or one month at the salary rate of' $350.00 per month. His duties shall be to supervise such repairing of city streets as may be designated by the Street Committee subject to the approval of' the City Council. It is understood that Mr. Baker shall temporarily employ special labor for this work; not to exceed eight men- each at an hourly wage rate not to exceed 60 cents per hour. It is further understood that the City shall f'urnish Mr. Baker with such Jlla:ceIl.al as is needeafor the work prescribed am shall also grant him the use of one of the City's trucks. It is further understood that, should the requirQd work be imcomplehd at the end of one month f'rom date of' wnployment of Mr. Bak8r, such continued employment of' Mr. Baker as may be prescribed by the City Council shall be at the rate of' $300. per month. It is understood that Mr. Baker's employment shall take effect the day f'ollcming his notification to the Chairman of' the Street Committee that he is ready to begin the work prescribed. '. ,,( . , ,. Mr. Waters seconded the motion, after which Vice-Mayor .racobs turned the Chair back to the Mayor in order to express himslflf' regarding the matte r. Mr. Jacobs stated he did not think any human being was warth '350. per month to the City f'ar street repairing. He stated he wasn't considering Mr. Baker personally I: Ii ~~-~ 2308 June 19, 1944 , , By motion regularly made, seconded and carried, the Resolution was adopted. City Attorney Nowlin presented also, Resolution No. 505. < RESOLUTION NO. 505. A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS OF THE CITY ENGINEER FOR CERTAIN STREET ThlPROVEMENT WORK TO BE CONSTRUCT#!) AND ALSO THE ESTIMATED COST OF THE PROPOSED ThlPROVElmNTS WHICH IS SET FORTH IN SAID PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. " It was regularly moved, seconded and carried that Resolution # 505 be adopted. The Following Resolution was presented by the City Attorney. , T-- I RESOLUTION NO. 506. 4 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF "'HE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, ORDERING THE CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN STREET D.!PROVEMENT ,\{) me. 1 , ,( By motion regularly made, secondlld am carried Resolution fJ 506 was adopted. 'L Councilm@n Waters recommended that the Contractor carry the certif'icatea which will be issued for the above street cons truction. ," COllncilman Jacobs said he would like Supt. Turner tO'l have permission to make any needed repairs ,to the pool. The" Mayor said he would f'irst like Mr. Turner to f'ind out what repairs are needed , giving the Council an est imate on same, bef'ore action is taken. , There being no f'urther business to came bef'ore the Council, Council adjourned. . ~",<~1 ~ " 01 ty Cle:rk " ,e"; ~":i~,