06-26-44 Regular 23f). OOUNCIL CHAMBER ~ ;rune 26, 1944 The Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. with all members of' tha Oity Counoil am the City Attorney present. Minutes of' regular meeting hold ;rune 12th and a Speoial meeting held;rune 19th. were read, am approved as raad. A oommunioation f'rom Mr. Frank Cist was read and turned over to the Mayor for reply. \ Next a letter f'rom the Garden Club requesting the Counoil write a letter to the F.E.C. Railway asking for property along the traoks to be beautified was read. It was the unanimous opinion of' the Counoil that suoh a projeot would be most desirable, and by motion regularly made, seoonded and oarried, the Cl<<rk was instructed to write a letter to the Railroad of'f'ioials advising if they would oooperate with the Garden Club, planting f'lowers and shrubbery, the fJity would furnish free water to them f'or the care of same. Counoilman 7j'odischek stated the Railroad anticipates building a new station at Delray Beach after the war. .-J A communication f'rom the Fla. League of' Municipalities, re,garding meeting of Legislative CommittelJ on ;ruly 20th. l'lt which one of' the Council's representatives is invited to attend was read, and held over for study and aotion at next muting. The Clerk informed the Counoil she had reoeived the $1,000 Series "A" refunding bond which the City purchased from Stranahan, Harris & Co., Inc. ~, A letter from C. A. Peterson, M.D. requesting permission to move the ;r. Sink's house from outside the City to lot 2, block 114, City, was read. Th:lis letter was turned over to the Building Inspector for recommendation back to the Council. The f'ollowing communication from County Commissioner Byrd was read:- Delr ay Beech, Flori da ;rune 13, 1944 Honorable r~ayor and City Counc 11 Delray Beach, Florida lJl'emt1emen: The Board of' County Commissioners is prepar ing to f'ix its 1944-45 annual budget, a m there 23.10 ;rune 26, 1944 will be a request to include in said budget approximately $10,000.00 f'or the purpose of financing the administrative expenses of the Palm Beach county Resources Development Board. ~ As 70ur County Commissioner I have made extensive inquiries in an effort to determine whether or not the tax payers and citizens living and residing in the Fourth County Com- missioner's Distriot are sufficiently interested in the aotivities of' the R.D.B. to warrant my supporting an addit ional $10,000.00 in the 1944- 45 budget to pay the expenses in the operation of the R.D.B. for another year. I would appreciate if your Council would gi ve this ma tter careful eons ide ration and advise me as soon as possible whe ther or no t yo ur Council, or the people in the City of Delray Beach, are in favor of continuing the activities of the R.D.B., am the financing o:fl the ad- ministrative expenses by levying taxes through the Board of county Commissioners. My investigation leads me to believe that the tax payers and citizens of the Fourth Com- missioner's District are indiff'erent and not interested in the acti vi ties of the R.D.B. and unless a greater interest is shown by the leaders in the Fourth commissiOner'S District little or no befiefit will be derived in the future from the activities of the R.D.B. It is entirely possible that I have not contacted the interested persons in the aotivities of the R.D.B. and for that reason I am writing you this letter. Very truly yours, Is/ C. y. Byrd, County Commissioner, Fourth District, Palm Beach County, Florida The Mayor invited Mr. F.R. Link, Member of the County Resources Development Board and the Local Planning Board, to address the Council regarding function of said boards. The Mayor advised that after investigating the cost to the city to remain a member of the R.D.B. he finds it will cost the city approximately 1110th of a mill on taxes. 2311 '" ;rune 26, 1944 Mr. Link stated he had attended several meetings in West Palm Beach in behalf of work being done now by the Local Plannirlg Board, to secure help from them, and there are benefits that the Council has already derived through the contracts the County Board he s ma de, such as informa tion on the se'''/er pro ,je ot. He said the assistance they have obtained from the group of County engineers, to make a survey, at no cost, would have cost the City 1/2 to 1% otherwise. He said his group has seoured information which would save the Counoil in the neighborhood of $16,500.00 on fees alone from an out~ide firm's quonstion, over the quotation they received from people who are doing the work free gratis. His Board will attempt to derive all the benefits they can for the City. They will work up projects desired by the City to a certain point, then, when it comes to hiring engineers, and spend- ing money, they will lay the matter before the City Counoil. H.A. Hubbard, Chairman.of the planning Board told the Council his group has held six or seven meetings and were getting together information. He said a letter had been sent to Washington to obtain information as to how the Committee shall proceed with projects, mn order that they might get started out as near right as possible. As soon as they get all their data together, they will present same to the Council. Mr. Hubbard was of the opinion that the County R.D.B. is valuable to the City. After disoussing the advisability of the City remaining as a member of the R.D.B., Councilman Waters made a motion that the City Clerk write Commissioner Byrd advis ing him the Council is in favor of continuing participating on theR.D.B. for the coming year. Mr. Wodischek seconded the motion, which carried unanimously on roll call. At this time Mr. Hubbard outlined the projeots the looal planning Board have under their consideration: namely:- improved sewer system; improved water system; new post office building; another bridge over the canal, or a fire station at the beach; and a library building. Mr. Link advised the Council that two hundred houses had been approved for a housing project in this area; fifty of them are now built at Boca Raton, and the others can be gotten for Delray Beach, if someone will go after them. He said it might be well for the Council to think about whether any port~on of the 150 houses which have not been built, but which have ~gen approved, might be welcome homes in the City of Delray Beaoh. 2312 , ' ;rune 26, 1944 Mr. Chas. Senior stated people would stand in the Fla. Power and Light Company office, waiting for folks to came in to have their electricity service discontinued, in the hopes they might be able to rent the house, and he felt Delray Beach might be benef'ited to have same of these houses built here. Mr. Newt Gibson presented Mr. t'.D. Clark to the Council, to briefly outline the plans a group have for forming a diamond ball team. After discussing the matter, the Council, by motion regularly made, seconded and unanimously carried, agreed to give the team a thirty days trial, by furniShing them with electric lights one and a half hours per night for two nights per week, with the understanding that Mr. Gibson would be responsible f'or the turning on and off of the lights at the specified time. The Council also agreed to make needed repairs to seats and back stop. J~. Hubbard advised the Council the Planning Committee is meeting within the next fif'teen or twenty days with a colored committee relative to seouring information regarding buffer ZCllle between white and colored town. An Ordinance pertaining to the keeping of livestock in the City was read, and after discussi~ same, Mr. McFee made a motion that the required distance be made 200 feet in the proposed ordinance. This motion was seconded ,by Mr. 'I'lodis chek and on roll oal1 carried unanimously. Quite a lengthy disoussion followed during which Mr. ;racobs stated he thought the Ordinance should prohibi t the keep in~ of roosters in the city as most of the compla ints he heard were due to noisy roosters. The following Ordinance was read infull by the Clerk:- . ORDINANCE II $Of, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, PROHIBITING TEE KEEPING OF FOWLS AND/OR DOMESTIC ANIMALS WITHIN THE CITY WrrHOUT A PERMIT FROM THE CITY CLERK, PROVID lNG A PENALTY FOR TEE VIOLATION THEREOF AND PROVIDING FOR mSUANCE AND REVOCATION OF PERMIT. By motion regularly made, seconded am unanimOUSly carried, the Ordinance was passed on its first reading. Next Ordinance' 50% was read in full by the Clet.k:- 23~3 [i i II ;rune 26, 1944 ORDINANCE # ~, .' AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, REPEALING ORDn~ANCE NO. 413 ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DEIJtItY BEACH, FLOR IDA, DESIGNATING ALL PROPERTY IN SEESTEDT-STEVENS SUBDIVIS ION AND BLOCK 139 WEST OF THE FLORIDA INTRACOASTAL CABAL AS BEING IN RESIDENCE A DISTRICT AND DESIGNATING THE FRONT YARD REQ,UIRE- rlENTS THEREOF", AND DESIGNATING CERTAIN LOTS IN SEESTEDT-STEVENS SUBDIVISION AND BLOCK 139 WEST OF THE FLORIDA INTRACOASTAL CANAL AS BEING IN RESIDENCE A DISTRICT AND DESIGNATING THE FRONT. vARD REq,UIREMENTS THEREOF AND S IDE STREET SET BACK. 1..[ , i '. :J The ordinance, by motion regularly made, seoonded and carried, was passed on its first reading. Councilman McFee informed the Council the Clerk to the amount of $85 from T.L. Barron, who wishes to have extended to Wayside Inn property Which he has purc hased. was instructed by the Council to have the sewer ex]bended. has the Mr. cheok sewer McFee Mr. McFee advised the Council he did not think it advisable at this time, to go ahead with sewer extension in block 112. The Council, by motion regularly made, seconded and carried, approved repairs to be made to the swimming pool build ing, suoh as replacement of rotten partitions, etc., cost not to exceed $50.00 The Mayor advised no report was to be made by the Street Committee. He said inasmuch as the plans submitted by his Committee , were not aoceptable to the Council, he thought saneone else should.. make recommendations as to the best way to get the streets repaire'd. He said he was open to suggestions, and wanted some aotion on it. , Lj' ~ Councilman McFee stated he had been out of town several weeks, and since his return he has heard quite a bit of critioism regarding the City hir ing someone to come in to supervise the road patching. The Mayor said the Council had been put in office as the general public wanted to be relieved of a lot of details, andcthat his Committee had worked out the plan they thought best and presented it to the Council. The streets are 'going to pat' he said~ ~ouncil- man McFee replied that we have thrEe good negro laborers employed by the City who could with a little supervision, do the cold patching. 2.3:15 June 26, 1944 By motion regularly made, seconded and carried, bills #1609 and 1643 through 1668 were ordered paid after being approved by the Finance Committee. The Mayor asked Mr. Hubbard to have the Planning Committee discuss with the colored CommitteE when they met together, the colored cemetery. Hr. Hubbard agreed to do this. City Assessor Ogren informed the Council he is coming right along on his work on the colored town blocks. He has secured estimate from Brock0ay Engineers of $20 per block for surveying and placing corner monuments. Total cost of the job would be between eight and nine hundred doll ars.' Mr. Ogren said when he has all the date " together, he will bring it before the Council f'or their peruseil. There being no fur'llher business to come before the . Council, Council adjourned. 1-~.n.~ ~o~' City clei Attest: . ~ ..~ .