07-10-44 Regular
July 10, 1944
The Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. with all
members of the City Council am tre Ci ty Attorney present.
Minutes of meet ing held June 26th were read by the Clene
and approved as read.
A communication from 'Ifalter, Woody 11 Heimerdinger was read.
The Clerk was instructed to advise them the City dOES not contemplate
purchasing any utility properties at this time.
A communicat ion from the F.E. C. Railway Company was read,
and ordered filed.
The Clerk was ins tructed to write all the Civi c Organizations"
in town requesting letters from them asking that a new station be built
on the F.E.C. property after the war.
A communication from H.A. Hubba.rd, Chairman of Planning Board
was read. After a discuss io n, Mr. Nowl in was asked to wri te the
Trustees .and ask that they convey their interest in the colored
cemetery to the City, inasmuch. as the City contemplated surveying
and ,platting same. The City Attorney was also asked to look into
the possibility of securing land in colored town for a new colored
cemetery if there isn't much space left in the present oue.
,\ ~
Next a letter from Mrs. Houston Harper was read. TIE Clerk
was instructed to advise Mrs. Harper the Las Olas people were com-
plying with city regulations also State Hotel commiss :loner's regllations
and would be granted a Ci:!ry permit to improve their property. She
was also instructed to notIfy the Las Olas owner garbage placed on
the streets must be in covered garbage cans.
. .
The following communication from Mr. Howard L. Cromer was
30 June 1944
Hon. Mayor &; city Council,
Delray Beach, Fla.
(}en tl emen:
I wish to orrer. my services in perfOI'llling
all engineering in connect Ion with construction of
N.W. 4th Ave. from N.W. 2nd st. to N.W. 4th St.
This VIOuld include origilll!ll surveys, plans,
. .....5.')
, .
profile, specifications, preparation or request for
.bids and all eq;J;ineering paper work in connection with
the assessment of costs against tIE abutting properties.
All work as outlined above for a fee of ten
percent (10%) of tIE amount of the construction contract.
Very truly,
/s/ Howard L. Cromer
Councilman McFee made a motion that Mr. CroIlEr be given
this work, if it goes through. If it does no t go through, after the
bids are received, Mr. Cromer will be pa id a fee of 5% of the price
submitted by the lowest bidder. Mr. Wodischek seconded the motion
whi ch carried unanimously on roll call.
The following telegrl!m was read am turned over to the
Finance Committee for study;
1944 Jun 27
Catherine E strong
City Clerk
Offer you 30 City Delrsy Beach Refunding 2 to 5
percent bonds due July first 1968 at 95.70 ani interest
Pleas e wire whe th er ac cep ted .
stranahan Harris a m 'Co Inc.
At this time a letter from Mr. E.B. Foote protesti~ to tIE
passage of Ordinance # 507 on its second a m final reading was read.
A lengthy discussion followed duriqs which Mr. Danny Meadows woo was
in the audience expressed himself also as rot favoring the passage
of the Ordinance.
Tax Assessor Ogren presented plan sl:Dwing proposed addition
to the J. Sink's house. This plan was ordered turIEd over to the
Zoning Commis$mon for their recommendation.
A communicat ion from Geor ge Brockway was re ad in wh ich he
bid between eight am nine hundred dollars for surveying blockS loto
39 and blocks 41 and 42 placing four corner monuments on each block.
The Clerk was instructed to advise Mr. Brockway he would hear from tIE
Council at a later date.
Councilman Wodischek suggested Mr. George W. Carr be
invi ted to bid on surveying the colored town 10tSl. Tax Assessor Ogren
agreed to contact Mr. Carr.
, \
, '
Next the Mayor called for objections to the grading and
paving of N.". 4th Avenue. TIEre bei~ ro objections, Councilman
Waters made a motion that Howard Cromer be instructed to go ahead
and prepare the specifications and ]l~f)flle, submitting same to the
Council by July 24th. Hr. McFee seconded tIE motion which carried
unanimously on roll call.
Supt. Tur~er advised the Council he had secured the services
of Mr. M.T. Davis to make repairs to Swimming Pool building. Said work
to be started in a day or so. He also advised the cold patching is
now und er way.
Councilman 'Wod ischek stated as soon as we had a IE avy rain,
the water tanks 'lOuld be draire d, and insp ect ion made of the inside of
the tanks.
A discussion was had regarding the adVi sabil1 ty or the City
purchasing a rew fire truck, as the old Brockway is O'J,t of commission.
Mayor Thayer asked the members to give this ITfltter serious study, as
the City was very much in need of a rew truck. Fire Chief Croft also
stressed the need for the new piece of equipment. TIE matter was
turned over to the Fina nce Committee for study.
The Clerk was ins tructed to notify the Lions (Hub that the
Council would allow them to leave the rodeo fences up as re quested.
Mayor Thayer told the Council he thought inasmuch as Seagate
was infoI'llled water service would be discontinued as of December 1st.
all outside City consumers should l'fl ve their servi ce di scontinued after.
proper no ti ce is given. Counllilman Wod ischek advis ed the Water
Committee muld make their recommendation to the Council at IE.xt
The Mayor advised the police office was bei~painted by
members of the force, and requested that an awning be purchased, to be
placed over the front entrance of tIE police office. Councilman Waters
moved that the Mayor be authorized to spend up to $50. to make repairs
to police office. Mr. Jacobs seconded the motion which carried
unanimously on roll call.
Councilman McFee said last year the Council agreed to
purchase a fan for the clerk's office, am if money is going to be
spent, the fan should be bOught as it was needed badly. TIE Clerk
was instructed to get a bid from Emory Barrow, and the matter waS
turned over to the Mayor'S Committee for action.
Councilman "'laters made a motion that tIE Clerk list all
properties, improved and unimproved, having t,1O or more years unpaid
City taxes against them, turning said list over to the City Attorney
for foreclosure. Mr. Wodischek second~d the motion which carried
unanimously on roll call.
The Clerk was instructed by the Council to abate the 1943
taxes assessed against the W'~ of ~lot 13, Vis ta Del Mar SiD which is
City owned property, am whi ch was taxed last ye ar.
Counc ilman Jaco bs sa id before this ordin8ll ce is pa ssed on its
second and final reading he wanted to advise the Council he was
definitely opposed to it. His reasons being the City has sufficient
ordinances to enforce people to maintain sanitary chicken coops, etc.
He thought it ridiculous to cause people to be humiliated by asking
their neighbors if they may have the right to raise food on t'te 1r own
property. If this ordinsnce is passed, Mr. Jacobs said, it will be
known as the 'Pass the Buck' ordinance.
Councilman McFee stated if some kind of ordinance isn't
passed the City will have to hire an inspector to make weekly in-
spections and enforce owners ,'t'oomaintain sanitary yards.
Mayor Thayer outlined the work dore by the Council during
the past six months which he said did. not include any major impllOvement
{ for the C~1;y. He asked that i;he Council try to accomplish s arnething
l new in impI'ovemen ts before the year is over.
, ,
There being no further busine ss to come before the 'council,
Council adj ourned.
, \hn~A". .:l'\
.<l ~t
City Clerk
Ma yor