07-12-44 Adjourned
23tO- f
July 12th, 1944
The Council met in adjourned session as a Board
of Equalization at 10: 30 A.M. with the following memers
present: Mr. Thayer, Mr. Jacobs, Mr. McFee, and Mr. Wodischek.
Mr. Waters was absent.
No complainants appeared at this meeting.
There being no further busiro ss to come befcre the
Board, it was regularly moved,seconded, and carried that
the Board starn adjourned, to l11get again in final session
at 13:00 P.IJ. July 19, 1944 for final hearing, review, and
the llRking of adJustments, where warranted, on the 1944 Tax
Council adjourned.
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City Clerk.