07-24-44 Regular
.Tuly 24, 1944
The Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. with
all members of the Oity Council and the City Attorney present.
Minutes of regular meeting held .Tuly 10th were read
and approved as read after correction to !~r. Carr's initials
was made.
A conmunication from Edwin S. Butler was read. The
Clerk was instructed to inform Mr. Butler tha t the City assumes
one half the cost of replacing sidewalk on business property
A communication from Mr. Geo.W. Carr was read and
ordered filed, as was letter from the Lion's Club.
Next a letter fran C.W. Garner, Chairman of' Zoning
Commiss ion was read. After discussing same, the Clerk was
instructed, by motion regularly made, secomed and carried, to
not ify Dr. peterson that he would be granted permit to rove the
.T. Sinks house to lot 2, block 114, providing he stucco the
build ing, to meet the se co nd f ire zone reQuirements, and
providing he posta $500 bond with the Clerk which is to be
held until alterations are completed on the building to meet
t)oe necessary floor area; said alterations to be made as soon
as government restrictions permit.
A card objecting to keeping of a pony by a looal
resident was read. The Mavor informed t~ Council that
immediately opon receipt of the card, the SllIlitary Inspector
and he inspected the premises where the pony is kept and found
same in a ver;y sanitary condition. The Clerk was instructed
to. notify the complainant if she still feels the pony is a
nuisance, she should swear out a warrant against the owner of'
the pony and have he l' brought before the. Municipal .Tudge.
Resignation as Plumbing Inspector from l'r. George
.T. Pinckney, effective October 1, 1944 was read. Mr. Waters
moved that the resignation be accepted with regret and expressed
the Council's appreuiation for the good work done by Mr. Pinckney.
Mr. \'lodischek seconded the motion which carried unanimously on
roll call.
Councilman Waters made a motion tha t the City purchase
Treasury Savings Notes, Series "C" to the amount of $37,600.,
said bonds bearing 2~% interest, using the money out of the
following funds, and earmarking funds to s row bonds have been
purchased from it:-
July 24, 1944
$ 4,500 - Improve me nt lien account.#4.
3,000 - ','later meter (leposit fund.
3,000.- Operating Account.
15,000 - ~ater Plant Fund.
3,000 - \Vater Plant Sinking Fund
3,000 - Improvement lien account P'2.
4,700 - Golf Course Loan Refund Account.
1,400 - Firemen Pen~ion Fund.
also that a safety deposit box be rented and these 1:0 nds together
wi th other negotiabl e bonds held by the City, be pI aced in the
safety deposit box. That the Mayor and/or Vice Mayor, Chairman
of Finance Committee, and City Cle rt<: be present when box is
opened. Councilman r,~cFee seconded the motion which carried
unanimouslv on roll call.
~ .. ~
Councilman Jacobs reported pool locker room repairs
had been made and cost $14.82. He said repairs were needed
on the floor of the walk at tllO beach, also the railing. He
also asked that two new spring boards be bouf)lt for the pool.
By motion regularly made, seconded and carried, the Parks &
Beautification Committee was authorized lOo pprchase two new
spr mg bo ards .
Councilman Waters brought to the Council's attention
the fact tha t the beach pavilion needed repa irs and pa inting ~
soon, also streets in beach section were in need of cold pa tching.
~ ,
At this time, Councilman McFee brought up the matter
of draining of the pool, and suggested the pool be drained twice
a week. The Hayor said this is row being done, having been
started the past week. .
rrr. !!cFee reported the sewer extension to Wayside
Inn is completed at'l cost of $85.00. He.sRid inasmuch'as]'fr.
Pinckney is resigning, he had in mind four duties which the new
inspector should have to handle:- Inspect plumbing, make water
cut-ins, inspect stores and restaurants and poultry yards, am
read water meters. He said he knew a man who could handle the
job, if the city does not throug,'1. advertising find sOl1Eone
else. This man is a master plumber and will take the job for
about $175. a month. The Council decided 1AJ advertise before
hiring anyone.
Fire Chief Croft advised he had as vet not secured
the additional man needed in the fire departmont. The Clerk
was instructed to advertise in the Palm Beach Post Times,
Saturday' and Sunday, for a man to fill this position.
July 24, 1944
A letter from Cleary Bros. Construction Co. to
CO'lIlcilman ~aters was read and referred to the street Committee.
Councilman Waters made a motion that the City reject all bids
received for street oiling; thanking the bidders for their
hi: (ls, and inviting them to bid again when we are ready to call
for bids. Mr. Wodischek seconded the motion which carried
unanimously on roll call.
The Mayor presented a rorm letter which he had
compiled to send to the Seagate property owners. The letter
was approved by the Council after Attorney Nowl in made a slight
change in wording of same.
Next the M8yor read notice to contractors and
specifications prepared by Mr. Cr~r for the proposed N.W. 4th
Ave. road. The Clerk was instructed to add to the notice that
a $400. bond 1J/Juld be reQuired from the bidders, to be held
by t 11= City for a per formance bond; also to insert tha t Augus t
14th, 1944 is the date the City wants the bids in. This matter
was turned over to the Street Committee with power to act; to
have it published in the paper so that bids might be received
by the Council at ne xt regular mee ting, by motion ma de by Mr.
McFee, seconded b' Mr. W'odischek am unanimously carried on roll
The Mayor outlined the cold patching work which had
been done.
Councilman Waters informed the Council the government
is planning on cle!lning out the canal, and the county is working
wi th them to use the ma terial dredged or pumped Ollt, as f"ill
where needed. County Commissioner Byrd suggested that the city
contact COmmodore D.F. COnklin, Commissioner of Navigation who
will have charge of the work, to see if the city cannot work out
some plan with him whereby we migh t fill in the low land on
Gleason Street. The Clerk was instructed to contact Commodore
Conklin asking him when and where it will be oonvenient for the
Council to !liscuss this matter with him.
, ~
Mayor Thayer asked the Council if permit cannot be
granted U.S.O. for shed addition they wish to place on the
present building. The Council stated the build mg inspector
can issue a permit to them, providing the shed is five feet
back from the alley, also no trucks may park in the alley ~~
load or unload.
Councilman McFee made a motion that an engineer be
employed to prepare a profile aID spe cifi cations for pr oposed
road to cemetery, in order thMt the Council might secure bids
to f md out the cost of'same. Mr. Wodischek seconded the motiol1
Jyly 24, 19tM
and on roll call the vote was as follows:
MoFee yes, Mr. Thayer yes, Mr. Waters no,
The motion carrie d.
Mr. Jacobs no, Mr.
Mr. Wodisohek yes.
Counoilman Wodischek moved that Howard Cromer and
Auditor Winn be authorized to oompile all data ready to file
wit':! the state pertaining to money spent by the City to maintain
state owned roads, Mr. Crorrer and Mr. Winn to receive 25% of
the net amount received by the City from the state, or if no
funds are received from the stat e, the city is under no obli-
gation to Mr. Cromer and Mr. Winn. The mot ion was seconded by
Mr. McFee and carried unanimously on roll call.
There being no further business to come before the
Counoil, Council adjourned. ,
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~ City Cle Ii.<