08-04-1944 Special ,2328 OOUNCIL CHAMBER ,AugQ,8t 4. 1944 'rhe Oouncllmet 1tl .pecial. Seui,QJi a1; 4$30P.M~ on call ot the Matar. fat' thepllrpQllll! ot'h~, act!c>>n regard1~ water tank, repairs and tor any other _tters ot' budness that might neet'! tM COUncil's action at th1s time. Councllmen - 1acobs. MelPee, '1'ltayeJ", anlVIod1aOhek were pruent. Counl:l1!man 1'(aters and C1 V Attorney llaU1n were absent. , CounctlJllan.Wodiachek s.ld the servloeIron _kit, otitest Palm. Beach would dothe~t'!l:ng tor tbli prioe ot' fl,425. cd Jack3harpe w:>uld do san.d bIaat1:ng, ani p/J1nti:ng tor the aum of' $28V5. .He reaa le tfler ouUln1ng work whioh Sharpe intended doing, an/! the Council diacusaecl Mr. Sharpes prop- 0.1 tion. Mr. Wo41achekllllldeaJ!101010n tbB t the Oiv advdtie. in one Usue ot the DelratBea,Oh News tor blde tor reps1l-e to water tank ala per specltl.0010" whioh ..re on f'Ue 1h the' Clerk '. otthe.' Sealedbld... are . to be .ubmlt,ecl bt-8P.M~ August 14, 1944. '!he City re.erves the right to re 3eot lItlY' and all blds, at It. dhoretion.Mr. Ml)].Pee aecoDded the motion which on roll. call oarried unanImoUII1Y" Letter. ot reterencetor Mr. ;Tohn Morey applioant tortranster ot liquor lieanae at BOb's Bar were read. No a01o10n was taken at th is time. There being no turther buslness to come betore the Counoil, council adjourned. .~~~ 01tY' Clerk .