08-14-44 Regular 2329 COtINClL 01'WIBER Augus. 14, 1944 I ' The \JOUDOll met in'regular session/at 7:3trp.Jr. w1<th all members of the flVCOUD:(JllamdAtto~ ';rohnAd8lllspreaeJ;l;t. JltnuteiIJ ofregttlarmeeUngh-eld ;rulya4th were read aDd approv6'elas reall aftercorreetlon to par8grap~ 23 was maele. Minutes of special meeUJ;I;gs helc! ;ruJ.y2'th and Augut 4th..re nad and approved a, red. 'lIlel!B:rorbrougbtuptheDB,1It:er oft~fl!l" or l:1quor lioense at Bob". Bar . from' ;r.F..a1en to ;roJmMorey and Harria Leveson. B7 IIIl)t10n regularly made, seoonled au ea1'1'1.eel, thls tratl8fer was grant'ltd'. Cquncl11lla nWocUs Q!Iek moved that all outlrid-e the o1ty water OOnsumenr benoUfil!tds'Elrttoe will be elj;seont1nuel!las of Deeember 1. 1944. 111'. JleFee aeeon!leel the motion l'I1!.<I1 oarr1eel unanimously on roll'ml. ,. " Bi1+ tromlrlor!.ela LeagueofJlunhi:p&f.it ies tor dU8S. "ounting to '70 was referred tu the Finance committee for study, and report at nenmee1;1'11g. 'rhe 'hour 'ofetght 0'01 oak: ha'fi:tlgarrived, 'b1da t'Qr .onstruotlon of 1'a.1ng of N.W. Fourth A'Venue betwe$!. N.W.aDd ud N. W. 4th Streets' 'Wer-eopened. Troup Bros. 1111\. UC01!lPametbF,400 bid bond. was t9.'44.OQ ..' VI.iT. 8now bid. a'.eom:paniedby t40O'.pl!lr'lfOl1t4 meek, wall$4,4Q$.60 Elton Harnl b1<1. altl:CIIlPan1ed byt400. oertified oheck....s $3.&55.'8', ustttgTOO'k 'asperapectfieaUtl.,ol' using 10ea1 r oelt 12, 9U~ 50 Grover e. ~er'b1d. accompanied by .400. eertif1ed eh8ll1l:. was .4,....'0 CounoUman Waters JIlOT8d that .ont'ra8tbegraIIted to lOW b1d4eJ.1'. .tpn HarTel., a. his e8t1mate cst . 13..55. 78aveordillB . "" epee.. lfhaUoJ'lll and profile, 19nortilg hbb1d ~or 16ctal 1'O.Il:. JIl'. . ..,ee S880m" themoti:onwhh!rcarne't!. ummbrlottlirl:y on roll eall. ~ Olerk was ins trueted to r.t1U'll me eke to 8mw and Balter, and bldbO'm to'l"roUPBrOs. lfei:t bids were opened for repairs to Cfty 1J8~llr tank on S. .Sw1ntOl1 4venue.K.'L. 8harpe>of O1'lando. 1'1a. bid t2,$75.00tor sand blaaUn$', Prtm1tJgan'dpa1:ntfngtb:e taJ1k. fle1'l'1ee Iron. In.. bid IJ:'.42t5.OG tor weJd1Dg of tanlt~ Atte1' Bbnsiderable dia8Ussion. 'Mr. lleFeelllOYed that we aoeepll tbll.e .. ....' , 2330 bids. ani tIla" .l!r. Charles Seni\3r be appointed as tank 1J18peoto. .t a fe.e or .150.00. Mr. Waters seoonded the motion wh lob oarried unanimously on'l'Oll call.. ~no1lmat1 Wod!.s8beltagreed to draw up a oontract to be signed by the f1,1iY' and the oontraetors for repairs to water tank. Next allitllUrr:ro1ll a:Ubert A. Youngberg perta1nlJ;1;g . to sp~U tromnnal aNdgingwu' rello; OOUncf.1man Wllt1!r8 suggestedXl''; Ognndraw up m8p and oompose letter ata'Ung vtlat the C'ity would like to do, and send these papers to Mr. Youngberg. " A oommunioationrt'om Alexande1:' Grenler'was rea4 and the Qlerk was 1nat1"11Irted'to 8'eXldooPyaf thi'lf letter to )Irs, Ke 8' J"re is, owner of lot ne xt to Grenier home, ask 1ng ber it ahe will be wUllng'to"h8ve""lIhel:Olle:1;-eaned. Letter from Gaynon 11'()n Works regarding new garbage ;trU8~' was read and"'ord'ered' file-d. E8111_lIe tromBuHtlrd '61'0_1" forntttng monumeJ1 ts ill four eorners or 'blOaks 215.26,,33 and 34 at tlO per blollk: wa. read, and held over . tor t'u'1'theTft11'Y. Appl"Uation t'roDl 'Geor15eD. OUahtngtor- Pl12Dlbing J;t18putorptiS'ttion1l8BT8lld. 'Afterd1sousri-ng's1llll;i8, .JI1"''''''~i8e ~;::t:~:ta:;~e=:ii~,b~~~:ed';: Wa=:ri~:J;:5 tcr~.' an(l on roll.all the"votewasUDanimoual '. -, 'l'heMayorinfo'1'1IBdtbeCOUnoil he' haahad a le-thr from i1amesRooinson. oolored. fQ1'1Ile'1"Ol!7-employee. '1JbG ault the Oityto alfsiat him in paying his holipital bill. 'rblIf ~e" was instrueted" tocontaetJlr. . ct- A.Baker. t'ormer"City811pt. of publ i o~lta to tindou t it' 'he . knows anYthing per ta inilSg '. to ltobiason's elaim that he was injured while wo1icing on the Oit" DO.ks. )layor'l'hayer- aslee'(! if al!r.Bryant W.COohranwas 1n the al1dlenee. No such-person was present. 'rbB' )la101"lItated he had reoeived a eraDll: letter from tIlia person. and after JIlBlc1J;l;g tnquiries overto'lll1'. 08n11Otloe8'te said person. Ooune1l111an Wat-er-slf81:d he' had been tnto1'lD:edO:Lty bonda were nD'WseUingat 9O.80llIIlthfng. BetltOU'e,bt tile fit,. ought to p.ebas. some bOndlf. !fe also iDformedthe C:oulleU a safety deposi t box bad been seoured and all DetpUable bonds held by the City wet"e'p'1aeelt tbeTe"ln. Oou~eUman Wodisehelt .eported n09 water .ters on the first o~ August. 20.700,000 gallons of water bad beeD pump.d elurllDjJthe month of ;ruly. '!'he Coune U d1uusBed ttm= for lIr. Rol.118 to take his annual .acation and expreaaed the opinion September 15th '1<<)1114 be the moet satiS1'80tory time. 'The Clerk was iJ1struolled to airmaU a letter to the P~ayground Equipment 00. stress1~ the .need far the new spriJ;l;g- boards. . . , COUneil1ll8n: OFa.obaata$.ed most at tbe dea1rable lots in the eemetery' bavebee'uao14 am headvuel! apla tbe dra.." tor the neyriditlonBot_t we 1ltightblfgill'to'beautifyth18 portion and get it rellayf'01"'1"Utu'reuse. Mr. Waters said Assessor ogren is already work1J;1;g on the plea. and would like the OouneU memberlf't'O '''OIIle' into hisofti'tJe and look it over. I3y relJ01IlDletrdati-on' at AttoJomY4dams the ClerkY88 1nstrustedto adverthe in:the local P!lperfor 1l~'d8 forpalntlng of beuh pavilion and equipment'; also 'for reroof1J;l;gaout'h portion of e 1tygarageroot'. Ne'lfa'~'roa1" Tepa1rawerebro~t' to the a 1;1;1.1 ntiol101''H1;he COU1UIUby rh' e Ql11e1'Cro1't. '!Jymotion remarly I118de. setonded and oarried, 1(1'. ogren was instrueted to prepare s1'edfieatiCJ1l8'1'cIr'theabore'llDrk. MSyOr'l'h8Y'erl11formed the Council ~pt. 1UJ'ner is lining up the streets fol' park1nt. and 18 eontinuing .old pahhlJ;1;g work. ' . J!'i1'8 Cbiet01'O'1"tad'll'isedhe had badf'ot11' spp1l8at1ODa for DIlw,lIl8111ngarage. H8raCi'.eJldeclthe COuncil appoint JUl. E. W.CoQperwlWmnow worltiDg' telllporerUy on the job. 1Ir. M'~. lIIOndthat J.1r. Cooper be appointed. 1Ir. WodiB obkseoonded the motion wbioh earr1:ett en: roll e~. PoUe. Chief B.C~Crof't'lfsidhewou1:d like to 'advertUe again fordeskm8l11bPol1:cre' ~B1i"On. . T'I:eOlerk was instraeted to a9vert1se in nex1;liJ1.Ulday's '1;>al$1 !eaeh Poet 'limes. al8e) in 11'148Y's Delray BeacbHews. by motion regularly made. seconded and earrled. P~'1'bayerin1'ormed' theCCll1uoH.r. Mett Graeey's '\lerm expir8UAttgulft' lstssa m=Jlfber . at. the ~n!ng Board, and asICed the Cdlil1oUto consider someone to fUl this va.aney. lfo 88t1on waa taken atthilf 'time'. '1'heJl!t1Ol'advind two loCal ladies 1Ili)uld like to paint the trim in theCotritei:l:t'O'OIll. . 81'1i1beaut1fy1twlth potted plants . '!'bey alilteclthe CoQuoUto aUowthemdt!LO fpr the oost or the pain,\! ~d brushes. By motion regularly _de. seoondedand .arried. this requn-t'W8sgrantd. 'the Ma3'O:l' next stated profUe tor eemeterr road had 2331 .. 2332 , \ been del1'9'8recl by I(r.H. ~111!1' top~erw1th bill to the _ount of t75. ':fhe OIe:rk ".S 1Dstructed to notify Mr. 0l'01ll!r the City e%pe.tedsp1l'ef:ftca1li~n.toge1trerwi1;hthe profile. lfe'rt II petition signed bT 1Jalte:r'l'bO'llIPson am ten otbe1'8 requestii:1g paving ot8..W. 2nd street from S.W. 5th Ave. nnning weattos .w. Gth AveJ1\le 1lI!l8 re ad . The Oli!rkw1Ja. asked to ebeek into the tax status of thia property and repo1't back to the OouneUatntt1:tmeeti'Dg. By motlonretgularlYlll8de ,se.ondedand oarried, bUla #1729 through #1171 approved by the rinanee OOJllllilltee, were ordered patd. lIayor '1'hayerieu,,"~d the ue :_ 'Cteathbil1ty. at the motorola oar ndicrwhi'etthe'1"4!'oommeDted'the'COunol1 811udy 'fOr possible. purohaae forpo)1:1_earalll!smaUt1:retruak.Jainboos agreed to .tmtyth-e fOrmWhhhthfiMb,yl:lt 'bad aeeured. 'Ibt:Jlayo:r advised the F.B.t. stated one pollee oar equipped with thh radtonls better thalt"ttJre'e' 'po111J81f8T1r'wlthCnn'11;. 'l'be'Jlayor . aaked A1;toi'neyA-d-ams' :regarcH:~re"eodt1'ytq .0 it l' Ordina'neell. . He.8'1tgg8e1;ecl waget a set o~ model ordinanees. alterlIIfiJ thelllWhere _Maeary. t(J. 11t tbfJ oity's obarte1". votlng all the pre-sent. ordinanft'S"o1'fothe -'b oolarthrough" regular' p1'Ooed ~e . 'l'his would perhspa be less costly said theJ(ayo:r. than go~ thro ugh slltlre 'oldortilral:TlJelJ' anctreotl1'ytngthe'1ll'. .There being no further buslljes8 to come betore the Counoil, Council adjOUrned, Attest: ~~a~~() ~ . City Ole rk , ,