08-22-44 Special
August 28, 1944
The OonntU met in Spe8i81 session at 4:50 P...
on .all ar. the.J(ayor for thepUtJlose or a .herrring 'etore tile
COtInoll regllrdiJig the swrpenlrl.bn of off1eer JUrney. co~no11men
la.obs, Mep'ee, Thayer, Waters, Wedi.theIr and efin- Attorney
.d88S were present. . .
'J'hellayor8"t1lt~ the purpose .ot"the..ting, say1ng
tha t Chie f crotthad C OIII!!to h1m regard-1l1gthedlS1l1iss81 of
offher JuFney, that the Chief hIld asked the otticer to resign
but that said of'fioer would like to bave a hearing before the
Chief crort appearedbetol'e thectoundl aId oonfi1'llled
Ita_ '1'hayer'sstatem81rts aUt saytng that he was notreoo~dii18
the dismisaal ar ottteer 3'ttr'lleydU8'topersomlreasons, no:t
was he being FQtII.pted . to reClOlllDlend dlam1ss81 dlrew peT-sont
reasons, but that the cha:rges "hloh bep~eed bet ore the 00a1l8il
were an 8CJcum111ation of th1i'1gs 610h bad happened over a period
of time.
ChietOrott stated to the (:0\111011 the onarges upon
which he reliommended the dismissal of tbe Officer. 'fhey are
8S follows:
1. Us, of unneoessary foree in _k1q arrests
(IIUler ease, .lonea case,Boldier ease.)
.2. Negligeneeo'f'J)\ltT
(Leaving the City while _al1tly, not 1'llv1-.
pel"missionto do so, JXJt..ue d out or.. Oit,.
in 111l1e ot duty, did not oheek the stat ~n
for sppro%1l1Btel,.twobours.)
3. unnecessary abuse of Pol1O'eequ1pIJent.
4. l!'rhtioil between the POliee and l!'1re depa:rtments.
After reading the charges Chief croft asked that Witnesses (:P).
J'o1m L. HaNin, Cpl. R. H. '\fled, Sgt. J8k:e n. l!'or'ner, Bdllie
'\fUde:r, otthar .JamesGranth.. be e81le1! betore the foUl:loil to
test1'fy regarding the d1ttet'eilt charges. Each witness W88 called
and boul1l1 under oath to tell just what he knew about the various
, .
During the discussion tmt tollowed, Officer lI'urne,.
stated that be bed :re-queslled the. neal"1ngbythe COIUtOil
beoause helilmted to eon'tinue in tne employ lit ... .ity am
if tne COl1J1ell, arter hearing what was sa1d"'l'dinS the
matter Wished h1m to cont.ue, he wo Uld do 8'0. .
A'fter tnoroughdiscus810n of' the matter-, Chi.t croft,
Ofthers Grantham andlttrnet le tt in order that the OOlJllllll
might d is Cntss further 'and_keadeetsion re-garc111lg tblJllatter .
CoundimenWStU'ssta'tecltlm the wanted to go on
reeGrd as to the feettha1l he did IIOt agree with 811 the abatge8
plued agaiDet the employee. ;rt was the opinion o'ttblcouneU
that tbi&,..tamatter to be putln tblf hands ottbfJrl:t1Ol"'8S
he is at the he-adot the Pl,)lioe ,nepartme'nt. Upon t):re'no...
lIlendation. of the JlayOl"tlmthe \I.. given 8uthori't1"byth'qQuneil
to work the Situation out with theChtet' otpoltoe, Oouno-i11latl:
Waters madealltoti-cnrtha.t Ila'n'l'bay"r'begS;ven'the power-to 110
llS he t hius ahould be done':l:nthe diaposi ttOllot.tbe ease.
1(1'. Wodischek ae-eonded.themotionaM OD':ro'llcall the vote wa.
as follow.: ~.laeobs yes ,!fr.J1eYee yes, It1' . Thayer yes, Mr.
waters yes. !fr. WOdl1Jehekyea... 'rtJ8.motitm oar:l:i:ed'.
'!here being no further business to come before the
Couno1l, Coune11 adjourned.
.~....... 9.,~",",~
Oi ty Olerk