08-28-44 Regular 2335 00lJN01IL CIWIBIm Aug_t 2816, 19.4 '!he OO'lUliiIU IIl8t in ~ 1'8guiar Bession at 'r30 P .11. With all memberat o1'the01t7' OOtlno11 lUId the Oft.,. Afto1"ftey' prea.p. lChutea 01' l'eSUlar meeting ot AU8l1st 14tb od ap..181 meeting 01' 4\l8Ua't 2Sndlfe'1'eread by "he" Oleri: and' app.royeel.arllaJ!. A lelltllr 1'rom the Ddra,., Obi. Leasue waa reBel, and tbe 'V8l'io\JS %'lfquelSts "1'8 turne4, OYer to the OODit"e.a ~ Whhh th.,. apP1.1e4, ,1'01'.'111,. aDd 1'8po,..t baek at ne::z:tOQUDo1'1 mee"tng." "..' Olerk waa iDnrllO'ted to uotU',. the Le8suef.Jrre.tl;gaUon wa. Uelel'", way, also to adviae them the proper proeedure Wben applting 1'01' new roads. " 'A J.eUersisnecllb,. twenty-one eolor.d perso.~qu,8ti_ atreet ligbtlltet.JN. 4th Ave. and 2nd Street was read and thi. matter was referred to the Street & Light1ng Oommittee tor !nveaUgat'ion. ' ~ aOOlllDlUnteation trom o. ,A. Baker'W88 1'8''' 12t1fh1eh he ad'f1sedthe' O1~khe d'i'dJtOt mall J'ames RQ1):t1l8imbd_~ t1:l~ whUe w01'k1'Dgonth,OltT Do.b. '!'he Ol.kwa8'.trtteted .'1)... wrih RobiUSOD 1Ie1111)8 him the 01tydl'd not teel obl1gate'd to a8818t bbr1'dpllYing'h1Bbospltal bill. Lllttllrtrom c. W. Garner, Chairman ot ZO~11t1J C~slOJl was read, rllo~.,Ild1l)S Mr.Jldeolm O'lfeel and senz.al Of~'_. as being oapab1eo1'se:rv1ngontbe ZOninsO_~'lo.." Mt..'U Gra.e,.'. termhaTt:rrg nPU-.d in AUgUst. 19..tbe ,~,aoi11iuttr:lt.t.. ed tbe qlerk' 'tb',' 'w:rtte lIr.Gn..,.tbank:linSb:1tator'b4.81t'b~Oi' work wMle a 1IIemlJer ot tbe COlIlm:!Jta1on. BY moU.oft1'8gu:1a,..ly _de, ."oMed alid .arried. Mr. !laa.eolll O'Neal waa appointeel a ...er ot tbe Zcmi.ngCop18'B't.on. Ae~loaUoliltrOll Oa)"ltOD JironWOrlal re8a:Ming ~w sanitary t1'11crk was ,'read and ol'de!'edtf1d. M .~h1a tae the ItllYOr invited .._en or the 81id1en.e to disCUBa the poUn _ttet' it the',. 80 dedrelI. '!hd'e 'lle1i1g ~o reapo:asetroJll'thea.dienee.tballB1'orad.1ae4 that heil~uJ ~..' aeveral o QllTel'aa'U01lB with ottlcer Jurne,. ~ Whloh hea4.1....'..1; IaJl10er t'O J"bifmtromtberw-ee,. b1tt t,he' olMeel!' r."e4,1~o4.() s.o. 1bellllJO].' 8't8ted'. waaree"WolUtdins-'tba't01':t!t"'iT** '., J'Ilrn$" be d'i8lai:88e1't as at A1.tBUri28th, gtT1I2gbUr'~_.tIt e~ra pay. Ifeatatea t~e-res'lO,..n"1l1ouaoD...c)tt:lo.eJutJ..,t.1!' but 1DaSllluoh&B "'he Qb'1tt re....ndec1 hie Uqiaaall.. 'liB....." waa abiding by tbeOb:1et..s "OUlIIDeDdaUon. JIl'.""__...... that the lta,.o:r'areoolDlllelidaUODha.eepted by theOol$eU,fIltiJ)g the ottioe:r two weeka e:rvll pay. Itl'. J'aoob8 aeooM.. the at 10. .1eh .(lrrled UDSnaoualy oa roll oaU. '" 2336 ," A'" seth, 1944 ClO\m, ,I!IH",m Watit1'liJ ap1:n,U, rged' theCoundl ~ adV, llr't1se, tor tbe P\U'.~a. 'O't 0117 'O't ]i)e1~ BcJaett BoJtds, to the 8_ amount as WillS adYertlse4 ~Q1J )eto1'8. Ire I'Pt thu. in the ~o~ .t a Jll()UOII, wh:toh was secr0tt4edb,. '..lIel"ee 11~' earr1eduantmDuslyon 1"1)'11 881'3 oounoU__7ee l"9portlld that Mr. Ttlrnel'W8S c1lIe hls ,.earl,. .;aeat1on aDttt".lIh as hit, 'O'01IldIiot tl11i1an'104e1;Q 'eke hls plaoeWllUllhlt'W8ir away, ~ 11ke'~ ooDttlluew..!dllgal1dbe paid bls neat10n pat. trea:J.80 rep01"ted two tra1181'8 o. 8_~h l!'ede1'al RilbwaYowued by a sripPled man were oooupied a,,'11.1I1S qltBrte1"8 al!l4 the,. dlcl not have proper sanitar7 equipment'. Mr. "l"ee acl'v1sed that he had talked to the owner, aDd "quested that when hiS tenants 'riats e::z:p1re the,. be asked ~ move. 'l'he owlle". alJl'!.eed to tbli1. n...l"ee asked tor the approYal ot tb. OOundl o.his 88t,lo;o. aouo~;o. \JQdkchelt: moved that JIr'. lIe,ee '. ree- 0..l1da1l1OD be ae",.pted. ~. Waters secQnclIed the lIO't1on whieh .arr1ed unantlaC)us~7on'~ ed:1.. , '1'be'.Olerkwaa lnstru.ted tolnvl.d Uoepe4oontraotors to bid onpatl1ttna' otbeaehpavi1tcmam .qutplDll1Jt 'and rootlna' r4 01'1 Ha11~raga, sealed bids to be aocepted up until 8:00 P.M. SeptemberlHh,' 19.. 'lit whiO"h ti1l1e tbqwouldnpub];i,..ly opened. OOUl1011D18ft WOU.8ebek reported work will be started ,,,0. repairs to" water t'a."Sep'tlilJllber5tb. , , '- " , .S70r Tba,.e1" advised the street ps1.tins w01"k..as be1ns oonUnued,and later0l18trenrlgJ:Jawould bet're'8bene4-up. . A. this t1!ite the Mayor, advu.ed that the oit,. s01l14 bU7 a oarload of Street oUtromOl~1'1' Bl'PlIhers, ha'9'in8sQe Bpf11e. 0'- eU7Streets tQr'l:lJ4_ per gallOl1. DUring t_, d~.,~Bio. wtlt. '"" 1'0110..4 A1ltOl'De,. hW:ld~ saldte,lIhnlcal,. the<Clt,. .hOJlld aclverU.." tor bU. On this work, ,but 1naBtliUoh as .he adYe'l't$.a1q was done to ".\tre tbe lQwest prio., am the cit,. has .nured the 10Wt'IJtpr1.e arreted, it aD e..rsen.,. extats, it alght be goo<< bua1n.sIJ ro~ tbe 00uno11 to SO ahead and purohas.the oil. ' Mr.. O1"over' 9akel.', representing the OlearyBJ."c.t,"ra , otfered to tarnish asphalt, sweep tbe a""et8, appl,. the a8pbaU, tratt1e 1'011 U, and out the edges, bdk to~ the p:ri.e ot 2._ per g.lloa. S_tobeapp1ted'Where the OQuneU 'Wf:s!les it. _.."'<<0" 'JaOVed tbat,_. cttYpuebaae approx!-.te17 s 1x tbousand 1J8~10b of oil tromolIUIJ>T1h-CJt!lh'8'ft'9'brg 1i appJ:i.a, as D. Babr proposed. .Jrr.1fOd1!tohekse'Coulle\f tbe mcrt1Q andolt' , 1'011 .all the vote was as tOllo_1 In''. ;ra.ob8yes, _'.'1'.' no,. JI'r. '!'baY81'y&&, Mr. W&t.r8 188, .... Wod1s0hellz 78&..,.. "be ate..a he voted "bO," as hewasDOtll1 taTOl.' ot haVing the ....,:rea4. lie \fas in tavol' of PUl'oha8 1ng the oil' however. '!he IItQUot) o.r:r11i1Il.. '" , 2:33? Augn.t 28th, 1944 i Jrt.Wod$...h8k.ft'dthat 1:he S1reete~tte. be ~te. ad, 1\01'111,Y', to..'!",~~lI. 1dIi1'm the, ',OUllbaUbe, "."J1'8, alh 1:1-. 1..~bs'..eondlld't_~cm'a1Jlcm roll oa1'lt~ TOW wa. .. tollC)WB1". ~ben.,I(1'. .ePee DO, ".'m1a,er re.. 1(1'. Wat.". 3'ea, Jrr.WOtl isohek ",s. 1IEr. . ..Pee sUd J1e TO'te4 ~DO" d118, to' the ta.t ~ wClQ1d like to .ea it 80 a8 pal' .P"_ It'1oat1onlS. 001m~K.JJ'..1lIO'fed 'that Hcmmt OrOJlU". 1J1U at "3.0() 'tOr' p':t:'CtUeO't'li!'O])Ose'd'''Ul''J'rO'u'1Jepatd. N1'. Y(o'd is.helt....nndelfthe.1IlOttcm a1lt01l roll aalltlle yote' waB 8S 1'0110_ : 1I1'.l'aoo... ' no. 1Ir. II.Tee re.. )(r. 'fbayer ,..., 1Ir. Waters llO, ."..'tb!!n~k '788. "1'he'JIl!)tlO1'l e8l"rl'$l:; ....~dCrOlllerWboWa8 ':tnthe aU<<lt1Jlft wa.. ,eked tor aD ellttlllaw9l' 1IM]:)l.'~de"'teJ'Tl'Olld. He8aittt woUld Clost app:ro"tlf1rlt, ~.a...u,U:nstoht8 .p..l'f:1~'tton to, l' ,two 1S1ztee1t".,', tVCJt',t lI#es01leach, d,d."O'r,...'P'I:r~..1. l'Qr8 dDt1e 24'road itwGUllt Il()Bt 81lPro::z:tliIatelYP.fHO.eO.... .s:reestUedb8'W01;d'daak'__. ]f. a. Blebols toappea1" berora 'the CouneUa1: ne:nlttee1lit!8 Bit that he might make tbe CQUsU his proposttloll. . "l)r''1'ba~8a1d ',be' woQ1d Uke to' have tbe Ooundl ae.ide What t'hey:'W'f;ab:ed to 40 when AN_'*"De" .noJ,.... He et.tad malJY to...'l1ad <le.ld.d to' O'loaeal1bl1dnelhea tor:'t. atterllOOD,U the~n'lIeu!Jt1. '~ stfttJ !nt'heJlJor~.aJ1d U it ltOlllU' durlqt1Jeeverd.nsJ ' to' 'Glose all bu81neas all lila, the ne:n da,..J(eIll-'r8 ot the Co.en e;qlresseel tbelllBdyea a. be 1ng iD '!nor O'tt'lda. 'f}rltCOUn'O't).ssreed to Jaee't in Spedel 8eseton next !t1..daJr evea1JJC. Sept,elDber 4,"-, t~ "he purpose Dt seh 1ng the bUdpt t01"tJreDltxtr"J'8Q'. 'lIbe OOUltoU 1nst1"u.ted the Clao:rk to iS8ue o.'QP.UOJl8~ U.etJ8e to '1'omRobt!llr"CQ1tor a lugsage ISto1'8. App1~odioD of' Cha%'lea Heblng 'Iflit' trauter ot 11q\1O'r litenee atPattODet:i"aY'W881JZ'ellented to the COUDOU. '!heOl,rk was 1nstrueteel to' advert ise in the 1;tSual manner, b,. IIIIot 1GD reg.. u1arlJr made ,..aODded'and'carrbd... JIr. ..ttGraoeyreqnested ''the' oouno1l. to 188'" a refU!!.. 1ng .,ontra.t, t"ortJ1e ~t e~tens 10, nHpa14 t. on La1ng St:!.'eet. Attorney 1{OWlill'apeetlto'dr1rirUPthe'~ra.t." , lfe::z:t bids tot street 118);>k!2tg paint weteopned. ,"",7 were as 10110''': I !lageD" ;1..93 pe1'" gellcm D811'8Y :L~t OOlllpany 2.85 II .. Aaron'T. ~ook 8.25 II .. 2338' Ausust 28th, 1944 But:l,erlleroltmU*co. . 2.'10 per gallcm 'l';u:!t. .1118 (_ dba.tDr -n..9tS" " Ooeaa city LUmber 00. 2.05 Ragen's, bel,'. ,." tbalo.... 1l)081 lieensed dealer was a1tal'ded tbo oontra.t to urn181 t1)e 01"'" with 5Q 881.10_ ot paint, b,. motion resuJ,al'11I1iatte, aeOOltclltd alll'J .arrhd. BUlB' _.ered 1"'3 "!Jrough 1?915bevl!l8been llpP!'j)ved b,. the FinaneeO_1Uee. BJIlolUt.ing to t3,060.t4 wel'e Ordel'od Paid. . lPi1'8 C~1e:t"otott l'epol"ted he waa t"~:f.=~llbeP_ ot the oll! tlr'llru.~t 81\4 boptld. to beaU. toll. wtllb1D the nextt'e1f daJllwblnlt 1iOu1i1 eoall"ohave lf8lllB J"&Pa1i'ecl. Ife aatd 111 WOUld aOlrt tiT. bQitd_d dol1ar.tor a '~Wi= fh1d to ehange l)vei':t'rOJlthe'old",18,ttr..and hbea ,f" .Oth lfe urged tbeCoun.Uto OOM1:_ se1l1ugtbe old tl'iltltto SOlio small OOJllllllUl1t,. trlllll w~ we night get .1,000. tors8Jlie, alid bu,. a liew tire tl'UOk torttleOity. nore beins "9 turtber bUlfinesB to oome betoro tbe CouneU. Coune 11 ad jOur!ied. ~~,,-<j,~..~