09-01-44 Special
Sep"eaberlat. 1944
'l'be Couneil met in sptutbl aesaton at 4:30 "P.M. QJl
aall ot thtJJ(a}'Or, ~r the purpoaeottllkbg ellllJrsellot aoUo.
tor the PlU"oba'8&'01'o118'Dd its ~lc8tion on City a,"" ts .
,'!be tOllowtngmembel'.'W~! p1"es.nt:. C012naUaSD'W.A.I800bs J
1. R. )[1I]'8S. if. A. Ths",lI.'. .. X. _ters, and "I. W.WoU,,"a:.
eUy AttOrney if. W.1ftnI1UW.'ltlSO presQt..
:h1Qr'ft811fr"'8Ug&e'.telt .tturt ~8'end rlt81ate:ract ie"tara
to the tollQ1r4qeCl1trartorsto getthelrb~dj' t~l&.eOO'.allo_
ot at,reet oUt A. O.o.r'J$)!lts. 8el~er Oil e_QlT,'br'O~ Br'Othen
Y. '3. SnOWIUllellt8ryll1'l;1the"~'.tion' C01ll:PG1''''8~k1q thelll
tor b!ds to be Bttb1il:f:t"tf. stthlfSp'lftrtal1r011l1d3;:llIRttD&', fiesday
September 6th. .t~:OOP.JI:' '~ebtd1stQba1Ubthe mee of
the 013.. and 1ta appliesttonto the Oity streets,alBD 8_e~lns,
trlmml~ ot r'Oad edge, applying ail and sanding. an4 tratti.
1'olling. "
Ilr.. iT04isobek.ade a moUQIl tD ask~rbidlil tfl(: the
purahetse, ot6Pyl'o~telTlet€)OO gall~QtoU to 1). apPlt., as
Jlar speo:ltlnUoil$ ot tl1. afty Cb'lilllJ11. bidders te? benQiified
b7 l"eS:lstered mUland bytphone..as tD get a 1'81'17 b1, , "
'l'uelldq. J!r..,,:&'e. seGonded the motion. which 881"r1_d uu,an:tD1Ou11
on roll a all.
A .o~.ntontromtheLion;ts Olubaaking thell a
parking area In.tron~otvbe1.r1il1tlb hou81!'berolledand ~l'<<,
was read;Th.Ma~ra_'C!thatttle :Uo~'s Olubb. noUt!ed thd
we bave .o~leted our p~esent oiling pr6jeet. but as BOOn aa
we have more street oil. thdrreqUlflStwfll beoonsic1ered.
Ther. beiq no hrt!1er business to eOlll8 ,"tQre tbe
Oo,.ne1l; OOlUloll ad'()~ned.
'7. '.