09-05-44 Special 2340 cO'lJIIOIL CHAMBER september 5th, 19M 'fhe C:ouudl 1De~ in 8Jl601.,.' Sess10Jl ou ull ot'tbeKa7Qr at '1130 P.Il.. .t'or......tbfl .~.. 01' p1'()..ecUng wnh th.e. W01'k. or seU1U1 up the 1941..oilfS bultget,"lJ!iItor BJl1 oUe" utters ot' bl1a1l18s. . neediJilg theCO'i1JlClU '. aeUon atth1a t:tme. '!he t()llow~ lIlem1:)e:rs were present: Zuoba, .')'.411, '!'haye:!.', and Wodis.hek. Counc UiDa1l Water. arrive<< later. AttorueylloWliu was abaeut. ~. . Themembe:rs worked .h.U7 on the bUdgetuntU the hOur ()t 8:00 0 '.look at which time the l(ayOl- ea1184 _r bld. to be pl'eul1ted:tor. the preha.eotm18,ooe "alOl!l8 01' street oU. '!'he 1'o11~8 bi<<. were preseutedl A. O. GrefJtolda Co., Inc. .281i per_lon , 'ft'oup :ar O1l'bflrs .. 325' per pl10n BehJulr 011 Regret thet 'they were lU'UIble tob~d Cleary Brotbers Cc)128t~.t ion .25_ pc-gallon co'/.tn.~n-\fod'1s~ek. moved "het C~ary Brothers Udor .25jt per SalloR be useptea. OU to be applied UD4er the 4ir_-U. 01' the Road 00lllll11ttee. At this t1me appreaeatathe tr01ll Cleary B1'()thena aUressedllhe Co'i1D.oU sud proposed it the CounCll1 wo1ll4 p.eha.e 40 ,000 ea110128 01' 011, hia eOJllPatV'. wo1lldt'Uhtah and aPPl1 sa.e tor the prhe .01' 2._ pe:re8U6t1. ~J:I!,\l.:rs 01' the Cc;iUne:J,l 41s...sed this thOrou~n', atter 1ft1if.h Mr. WOit18l1hek wttJ:tlb'ewh:t. above motion andil1;1bDliUed the. toUow1.ng llIQt~on,"'.rhat. the Cl~ pureha.. .0,000 gall(_ 01' street I'll from Clea:toYBl"Os. a1l 24":per . gallon applied on streets." JIr.Wat,rs aeconded the _111011 whieh carried UIl81111l1oualy on roll call. '!'he lI.or stated aap'll. Barker had informed him he waa unable to secure someone 110 take his plaoe "hi1e he lIook his vaoation, and WIIS 4ea11'o\18. ot'llbrk1ns on, gett1118hia vaoation pay. . No action was taken o"ther than. the oounoil would inforlll Mr. Barker 1ft1en he might take his 'Iaeat1on"d The Kayar 1M'ormedthe COuncil he had been appt'oaob8d by c.n. priest. ;fr., who asked that a higher license ree be required tor wooa..dealCt"B. .R'oaO'tfonwaa. taken on this. L , MembRs dUcu8sed the una 18ht17 appea:rat10e 01' beaCh oabaus and agreed 110 check iJlto this utter to 11:1:'7 to correot the oondition whioh now e~.ts. 2341 8epteJllber 51lh, 1944 Kembel's _1'ked on 1lbe btldgft UDtl1 10 P.M. Thftre being ~ turther business to ocme betore the COUDoll, QClun.oll aajotn'ned. .. A'N'.!B T: t1L ,