09-11-44 Regular 2342 COUNCIL Cl'VWA'Ii:R September 11th. 1944 t The Councn met in regplar session at 7:30 P.M. with all members of the City Counoil. and the City Attorney present. Minutes of regular meeting of August 28th. and speoial meetings of September 1st ana September 5th. were read by the City Clerk and approved as read. Mr. E. B. NiChols addrllssed tm, CouneU expressing his desire to oontribute one third the cost Of building the new proposed .road to cemetery. and also said he would iieed the City the neoesslU7 rlShll. at-way for the road. Mayor Thayer thanked Mr. NiohOls. and adviaea him the Counoil would give the matter further stUdy. The hour at eight o'clock having arrived. bids for painting of beach pavilion and equipment were opened. First a letter from Hagen's .stating that due to work already promised, they were unable to bid at this time was read. They stated if the work oould be done at a later date they wenld be glat'! to bid. A bid from E. E. Hagerman of $509.80 was presented. The . CounoU disoussed this and on motion ot Mr. Wodisohek. Mt-. Hagel'lilall's bid was aooepted prOViding that fira~ grade oil paint is used on the entire job. Mr. MoP'ee seconded the motion Whioh oarried unan1!iiously on roll oall. Next bids for rOOfing of south portion of Oity fire SMd were . presented. South Florida Roofing Company bid $212.45 for pitOh and gra.el, or $l54.00alternate. Tropic~ Roofing Co. bid $325.00 for ~ Pitoh and gravel. or $180.00 alternate. Above ~rk to be done. . aooording to Oity speoifioations. Counoilman Waters mOved that South Florida Roofing ~any bid at $212.45 for pitoh and gravel be aooepted. Mr. MOP'ee'seconded the motion. which oarried unanimously on roll oall. A letter trom the Ministerial Association requesting the Couno . to see to the clos ing ot aU stores selling alooholio"beverages tor twentY-four hours, after the announoement of oessation of h08~ilitles Is reoeived. By motion regularly made. seoonded and oarried. the Mayor was instruoted to notify all persons handling alooholio beverage to abide by this request. Mr. ]!"rank Crego addressed the Council requesting that a larger water meter line be run to his property inasmuch as he was not gUting proper pressure. 11'. W. Wod isobek. Chairman of thE Water Committee:, agreed to investigate the matter. . Mr. E. B. P'oote representing the Delray Beaoh Library Assooiation. spoke to the Couno 11 introduoing his OOlllllt1ttee. Mr. , , 2843 ., September 11th. 1944 Hnbbard also a member of the Library Assooiation gave the Counoil a finanolal report of the Library for the past year. The Mayor thanked the Committee f~ ooming to the meeting. and assured them the City appreoiated the splendid work the library was doing for the oommuni ty . Mr. Raymond White asked the Council to grant him special permit to erect ~ baAll bUilding for sanitary purposes to be used with his trailer on his propertylooated at the corner of N.E. 2nd Avenue and 4th Street. He stated he was unable to rent a house, or build one. but as soon as materials were available he intended building. COunoilman Waters moved that temporary permit be granted Mr. White with the understanding that as soon as building materials were available. he would build. Mr. McFee seconded the motion. which mrr1ed unanimously on roll oall. The Mayor i~ormed the Counoil the street oiling work is. progressing nicely. By motion regularly made; seoonded and oarried. the Clerk w,s instruoted to pay bill to Florida League of Munloipalities amount- ing to $70.00 for dues. I At the request of Judge iT. M. Cromer. he was granted a two weeks leave of absenoe from his dutiea as Munloipal JUdge. the Mayor being authorized by the Counoil to appoint someone to fill the vaoanoy far that ttme. By motion regularlt made. seoonded aM oarried. btll:1a # 1794, through 1837 amounting to '4.466.69 were ordered paid after being apprOVed by the Fimu.oeCommitte.. ,. \ , Mr. Hnbbard next gave the Oounoil an outline of the plans ot the Delray Beaoh Band and requesting the Couneil to set aside $600. f'or the bands use during the Coming ye ar. Mr.. MoP'ee moved that the . Counoil set up $600.00 in the 1944-45 budget for the band. Mr. Wodisehek seconded the motion whioh oarried unanimously on roll oall. ( , Counoilman Jaoobs moved that the janitress be paid $25.00 per month beginning October 1. 1944. Mr. Wodisohek seoonded the motion. Whioh oarried unanimOUSly on roll call. \'I'ork began on the 1944-45 budget and continued until 11o'eloo: When aD estimate of antioipated expenditures had been cOlllp1etea,also the estimate of anticipated revenue, it showed the amount neoessary to be raised by taxation for operating purposes to be $54.200.00. Whereupon it was regularly moved. seconded am oarried that the following resolution be adopted: 2844. SBptember 11th, 1944 ;i RESOLU'l'ION 509 A RESOLUTION OF THE OITY COUROn. OF THE CI'l'Y OF DEL~Y BEACH. l!AI.M BEACH COUNTY, l!'LORIDA1 ADOPTING ITS ANNUAL BUDGET 011' ESTD!ATED EXPENSES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1944-45 AND LEVYING A TAX ON ALL PROPERTIES WITIH,N THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH ROR PAYING OF PRINCIPAL AND llI'rtHES'l' ON BONDED INDEBTEDNESS AGAINST TH1 B!OPER'l'Y LOCATED IN THE FORMER CITY OF DELRAY. AND ALLOCATING AND APPRIJPllIATnTG SAID COI.I.ECTIONS THEREUNDER. Millage set up being 14i mills for operating and 81 mills tor bond debt servloe. , . There being no further business to oome before the Counoil, Counoil adjourned. i : , ~ ~~-~ OIT CIJm f ATTEST: , , \,