09-18-44 Special 284t COUNCIL CHAMBER September 18, 1944 , The Council met in Special Session at 4:30P.M. on call of the Mayor, for the purpose of taking emergency actioD on the purchase of street oil, and its application; and for any other matters of business needing the Council's action at this time. The following mellibers were present: Mr. Jacobs, I.fr. McFee, Mr. Thayer, and Mr. \'lodlschek. Mr. Waters arrived later. City Attorney Nowlin was absent. The Mayor informed the Counc-il :IIl1at the purchase of one more car of oil would take oare of all the streets which needed oiling at this time. Mr. Wodischek moved that the City purchase a carload of oil, approximately 10,000 gallons, at 24_ per gallon, applied, aocording to specifications. Mr. McFee seconded the motion and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Jaoobs yes, Mr. McFee yes, Mr. Thayer-yes. Mr. Waters not voting, Mr. Wodischek yes. Mr. Waters asked the Clerk to stike out his "not voting" and change it to "yes". The vote being unanimous, motion married. B1motion regUlarly made, seconded and oarried, the Clerk wasinstruoted to pay Elton ttarvel the sum of $190.80 for 97 yar4$ of rook. - Members next discussed wi th Mr. Grover Baker repairs, to street in front of the Ice House. Mr. Baker gave a tenta~ive figure of $1,158.20 for improving the road from the railroad to s~ot where they left off oiling, just beyond the first light pole. The street Committee agreed to oontaot Mr., Andrews to find out it he would be willing to assume one half the cost of this work, the City :110 assume the other half. Counoilman Jacobs informed the Council Miss Betty Ball wished to have the inside of the pool painted. Aft,er discussing the matter, the Clerk was instructed to ask'for separate bids 'tor labor and for material, by motion regularly made, seconded and carried. Next resignationtrom Mr. Frank Hollis as of October 1st, 1944 was read. Mr. Waters moved that Mr.' HolliS'S resignatIon be accepted with thanks for his services.' Mr. McFee seoonded the motion which carried unanimOUsly on rOll call. Councilman MoFee told the Council the party who had the trailers on South Federal Highway had asked to be allowed to install permanent plumbing fixtures in one trailer which he contelllJlatl iearipg on his premises. Mr. McFee stated he was definitely not in favor of allOWing trailers to be conveeted into permanent dwellings as he thought it wes establishing a bad precedEmt. By motion regularl; made, seconded and carried the Sanitary Committee was asked to investigate this matter, with power to aot as they see fit. Supt. 'l'urner brought up the matter of the condition ot Rail Road ~~~e running between Atlantic Avenue and N.E. second 8t~et~ 2346 Sepjember 18, 1944 This was discussed and Mayor Thayer agreed to write the railroad company regarding the road. Mr. Baker outlined three streets needing repairs, giving approximate estimates for the ViOrkt B. E. 1st Avenue. one blo.ck, from our~to curb, $6,745.00: N., E, Second Avenue, one block, ourb to curb .4,542,.00: B. W. 3rd Ave,nue between Swinton Avenue and Frog Alley $7,790.00. " The Counc il thanked Mr. Baker for his informat ion. and the Street Committee agreed to contaot property OWnerS on N.J. Seoond Avenue between Atlantio Avenue and N.R. 1st street, to determine as to whether or not they were favorable 1iowal'ds having this st~eet paved from ourb to ourb. There being no further business to oome before the Council, Council adjourned. f I l. ~~~.'t.A,,~90 ~ .y Cl er . "'~.' ';,~-~;~lftlf: